Domestic abuse of women has been in the public eye for many years. Many studies have examined its nature and extent, shelters for abused women have been set up, and legislation and police charging policies have evolved in response to the growing appreciation of the extent of the problem. The extent of the comparable issue of domestic abuse of men is not as well known and understood by the general public. However, recent findings have become available that contribute to a better understanding of domestic or intimate partner abuse of men.
Statistics Canada first collected data on intimate partner abuse of both men and women through its 1999 General Social Survey (GSS). Respondents were asked 10 questions concerning abuse by their current and/or previous spouses and common-law partners during the 12-month and 5-year periods preceding the telephone interview.1 According to their responses, almost equal proportions of men and women (7% and 8% respectively) had been the victims of intimate partner physical and psychological abuse (18% and 19% respectively). These findings were consistent with several earlier studies which reported equal rates of abuse by women and men in intimate relationships.2-16
Some scholars suggest that the motives for intimate partner abuse against men by women may differ from those for abuse against women by men,17 and that women suffer more severe injuries than men.18 Nonetheless, the occurrence of abuse by women against men, and its consequences, warrant attention. It is important for the victims of abuse, whether they be men or women, to know that they are not alone that is, that such experience is not unique to their personal situation. It is also important for the perpetrators of intimate partner abuse men or women to recognize that violence in any form is both morally and legally wrong.
This document has been prepared to contribute to the understanding of intimate partner abuse by summarizing the results of studies that have examined the abuse of men by their female partners.
Describing the Abuse
The title of this document is Intimate Partner Abuse Against Men. (More specifically, though not specified in the title, the document is about intimate partner abuse against men in heterosexual relationships both marital and common-law; it does not deal with intimate partner abuse in same-sex relationships.)
Within this document the word abuse has been selected so as to consistently capture both physical violence (what is legally categorized as assault) and other, non-physical forms of abuse. Rather than repeatedly use the longer phrase intimate partner abuse against men, we use an abbreviated designation male abuse as the dominant label throughout. For the purposes of this document, male abuse refers to any act carried out by a woman with the intention, or perceived intention, of causing physical injury, intimidation or emotional pain to her intimate male partner.
Many researchers distinguish between two types of physical abuse: minor and severe. The first type refers to acts such as shoving, pushing, grabbing or slapping acts that have a relatively low probability of causing serious physical pain or injury. Severe physical abuse includes assault that has a relatively high probability of causing serious physical injury or pain: choking, kicking or hitting with an object, beating up the partner, or using a knife or gun against the partner. In Canada,
behaviour falling into either of these two levels of physical abuse constitutes criminal assault.
Emotional or psychological abuse consists of behaviour intended to shame, demean, intimidate or humiliate. Examples include yelling at or insulting the other person, or limiting his contact with friends and family. Such behaviour often occurs within relationships that are also physically abusive.19
Limitations of Male Abuse Studies
Differences among studies often make it difficult to compare findings. For example, some studies ask respondents whether they have inflicted abuse on their partner, while others ask whether they have sustained abuse. A few studies measure both inflicted and sustained abuse. Definitions of abuse and measurements of abusive acts also differ among studies. Small sample sizes some drawn from known victims and not from the general population may make it difficult to generalize the study findings.
In many studies, the context of the abuse such as information on the dynamics of the relationship, the events immediately preceding the abusive act, the meaning attributed to the abuse, the identity of the initiator of the abuse or the motivation for the abusive behaviour is not documented.20 In addition, the severity of the injury, pain or emotional damage is not always known.
Some research suggests that victims and perpetrators of abuse do not always report their experiences or their actions accurately in response to survey questions.
For example, some research has found evidence that men underreport the abuse that they have sustained and inflicted,21 while women underreport perpetrating abuse as their age and education increase.22,23 This makes it difficult to capture actual abuse rates accurately.
Some research shows that studies based on self-administered questionnaires may report higher rates of abuse than studies based on face-to-face or telephone interviews.24 Telephone surveys are often limited to English or French-speaking individuals and, obviously, they are usually limited to people living in households with a telephone. Consequently, some populations are excluded.
How is Male Abuse Measured?
To measure male abuse, several studies done in North America and elsewhere have used modified versions of the Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS).25 The CTS measures rates of abuse based on specific acts of both physical and psychological abuse. The 1999 GSS measured rates of similar physically abusive acts, added sexual abuse to the measurement of physical violence, and identified different forms of psychological or emotional abuse.26 Data based on these measures allow researchers to calculate, for a given period preceding the survey, rates of (a) minor and severe abuse, (b) each of the specified abusive acts, and (c) overall abuse. To determine the frequency of abuse, respondents are asked how often they committed or sustained any of these acts during a given period.
What are the Findings of Male Abuse Studies?
Rates of Physical Abuse
In the 1999 GSS, Statistics Canada surveyed 11,607 men aged 15 years and older. It reported that of those men who had a current or former partner during the previous five-year period, 7% experienced some type of spousal abuse on at least one occasion, compared with 8% of their female counterparts.27 Like all previous studies of intimate partner abuse, the GSS findings indicate that abuse was not an isolated event: 54% of these male victims had experienced spousal violence more than once in the preceding period. In fact, 13% of them had experienced it more than 10 times.28
It is unknown whether the rate of spousal abuse against men is changing because comparable data for male victimization had not been gathered by Statistics Canada before 1999. Available data indicate that spousal homicide victimization rates for men generally declined between 1974 and 2000.29 Interestingly, on the other hand, the number of spousal assaults against men reported to the police was higher in 2000 than in 1995. This increase might reflect a variety of potential factors: greater willingness on the part of victims to report to the police; changes in the reporting practices of the police; and/or changes in legislation, policing or enforcement practices.30
A Canadian survey conducted in 1987 asked 528 women, aged 18 years or older and married or living in common-law relationships, whether they had physically abused their intimate partners during the previous 12 months. Of the total sample of women, 23.3% reported that they had physically abused their intimate partners at least once in the previous year.31,32
Also carried out in 1987 was an Alberta telephone survey of 356 men and 351 women who were married or cohabiting. Of the men, 12.3% reported they had sustained abuse from their female partners in the 12 months preceding the survey; similarly, 12.5% of the women reported that they had inflicted abuse on their male partners.33
In the 1999 GSS findings, abused men were more likely than abused women to report having had something thrown at them or having been slapped, kicked, bitten or hit.34 In the 1987 Canadian survey, similar proportions of women and men reported inflicting both minor and severe physical abuse on their partners.35 According to the 1999 GSS, however, abused women were more likely than abused men to report experiencing severe forms of violence, such as being beaten, sexually assaulted, choked, or threatened by a gun or knife or having had such a weapon used against them during the previous five years.36
Rates of Psychological or Emotional Abuse
Psychological or emotional abuse includes various forms of demeaning and controlling behaviour. The 1999 GSS measured emotional abuse through seven different items ranging from limiting contact with outsiders to limiting access to financial information. About one out of five men (18%) and women (19%) reported having experienced some form of emotionally abusive behaviour in their current or previous intimate relationships during the past five years. Men and women (11% and 9% respectively) were equally likely to report experiencing two controlling forms of behaviour (he/she is jealous and doesnt want you to talk to other men/women, and he/she demands to know who you are with and where you are at all times).37
In addition to appreciating the emotional turmoil and pain created by psychological abuse, it is important to realize that it can escalate to or coincide with physical abuse. According to the 1999 GSS, five-year rates of violence in current relationships were 10 times higher among men who reported emotional abuse than those who did not.38 Earlier research also shows that psychological abuse and physical abuse are highly correlated, although longitudinal data are needed to establish whether there is any causal direction.39,40
Who is at Risk?
Because of the complex interaction of factors and a lack of before-and-after studies, it is very difficult to identify causes of abuse. However, some studies have identified risk factors associated with abuse:
On the other hand, it is noteworthy that differences in educational backgrounds and income levels seem unrelated to the risk of spousal abuse.48
Consequences of Male Abuse Direct and Indirect
Abuse produces direct physical and/or psychological consequences for the victim. According to the 1999 GSS, 13% of male victims of partner abuse reported physical injury and 3% required medical attention.49 A recent meta-analysis (quantitative review) of more than 80 studies of physical abuse between heterosexual partners found that 35% of victims injured by an intimate partner and 39% of those requiring medical treatment were men.50
According to the 1999 GSS, 29% of abused men reported being upset, confused or frustrated as a result of the abuse they had experienced, 26% reported anger, and 21% reported feelings of hurt or disappointment.51 Other studies have found that both perpetrators and victims of physical and psychological abuse report lower levels of self-esteem than do non-victims,52 and mens psychological well-being has been found to suffer as a consequence of abuse.53
Recent narrative analyses also shed light on abused mens emotional hurt. Whereas women must struggle against abusive men and against social customs, attitudes and structures that disempower them,54,55 men who are abused by their intimate female partners struggle with the maintenance of a masculine ideal (an ideal that expects them to be self-reliant and independent, as well as tougher, bigger and stronger than women).56
An in-depth narrative study examined the experiences and effects of physical abuse for 12 married men, aged 25 to 47. The men sustained injuries such as multiple bruises and abrasions, dislocated ribs, injured genitalia, minor head trauma, numerous lacerations, and internal injuries. Weapons used by the wives included clothes hangers, steak knives, scissors, screwdrivers, cellular phones, fingernails, metal pots and pans, rolling pins, keys and other thrown objects. This study provided some insight into the respondents feelings about their situations and the effect those situations had on their self-identity:
While these findings are not generalizable, they do point to the need for research if we are to understand the contextual factors that shape the motives, meaning and consequences of physical and psychological abuse for men.58
Such intimate partner abuse can also have indirect consequences, negatively affecting other family members. According to the 1999 GSS, 25% of male victims of spousal abuse reported that children had heard or seen the abuse committed against them.59 There is a growing body of research on the long-term effects on children of growing up in an abusive home, including the following:
The indirect consequences can reach out even further and be seen in terms of economic costs to society as a whole. Three studies have shown that woman abuse alone costs billions of dollars in Canada each year.62-64 No comparable estimates have been made for male abuse. However, there are clear indications that its cost to our societys productivity is significant 11% of male spousal violence victims have reported that they had to take time off work as a result of physical abuse between intimates.65
Prevention and Intervention
Effective preventive measures are based on a recognition that abuse requires intervention at three levels: the personal, the situational, and the societal.
Intimate partner abuse, by males or females, is unacceptable. The abuse of men is a complex social problem that warrants close attention. Action is needed to prevent and reduce both physical and psychological abuse in their early stages.
Unlike perpetrators and victims of abuse involving strangers outside the home, those who perpetrate and experience intimate partner abuse are often tied by the bonds of love, affection and attachment. Nonetheless, acts such as assault and threats of violence, regardless of the context, are offences under the Criminal Code of Canada.
What Can Be Done?
The following are some means by which victims and perpetrators of intimate partner abuse, as well as their friends and families, can act to prevent or stop the behaviour.
Services for Abused Men
There are few services designed specifically for abused men. However, support may be available from the following organizations, many of which are listed among the emergency services on or near the first page of your local telephone directory:
The National Clearinghouse on Family Violence has produced A National Directory of Services and Programs for Men Who Are or Have Been Victims of Violence, which is available upon request. Contact information is included at the end of this document.
Suggested Reading/ Viewing/Web Sites
Cook, Philip W. Abused Men. The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, 1997.
Family of Men Support Society: <>
Gelles, Richard J. The Missing Persons in Domestic Violence: Male Victims. [Online]. [accessed February 5, 2002]. Available on Internet: <http/ DomesticViolence/gelles.htm>.
Kelly, Linda, Disabusing the Definition of Domestic Abuse: How Women Batter Men and the Role of the Feminist State, Florida State University Law Review, 30 (2003):791-855.
Mills, G. Linda. Insult to Injury. Rethinking 0ur Responses to Intimate Abuse. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 2003.
Movement for Establishment of Real Gender Equality. Also At Risk: The Problem of Husband Abuse (Video). Edmonton, AB, 2002.
Pearson, Patricia. Balancing the Domestic Equation: When Women Assault Their Spouses and Lovers In When She Was Bad: Violent Women & the Myth of Innocence.
Toronto: Random House of Canada, 1997: 114-145.
S.A.F.E (Stop Abuse for Everyone): <>
Young, Cathy. The Myth of Gender Violence, Legislating the Gender War: The Politics of Domestic Abuse and Epilogue: Where Do We Go From Here? In CEASEFIRE! Why Women and Men Must Join Forces to Achieve True Equality. New York: The Free Press, 1999: 85-108, 109-137 and 265-271.
1. |
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile 2000 (Ottawa: Statistics Canada; Catalogue no. 85-224-XIE, 2000): 9. |
2. |
S.M. Fiebert," References Examining Assaults by Women on Their Spouses or Male Partners. An Annotated Bibliography," [online]. (California State University, Long Beach: 1997; 2001). [Accessed 17 Aug. 2004]. Available from: |
< | sault.htm >. |
3. |
M.A. Straus, R.J. Gelles, and S.K. Steinmetz, Behind Closed Doors: Violence in the American Family (New York: Anchor Books, 1980). |
4. |
R.J. Gelles and M.A. Straus, Intimate Violence (New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 1988): 250-251. |
5. |
M.A. Straus and R. Gelles, Physical Violence in American Families (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1990). |
6. |
M.B. Brinkerhoff and E. Lupri, Interspousal violence, Canadian Journal of Sociology, 13, 4 (Fall 1988): 407-434. |
7. |
E. Lupri, Harmonie und Aggression: |
Über die Dialektik ehelicher Gewalt (Harmonie and Aggression: On the Dialectic of Spousal Violence), Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 42, 3 (1990): 474-501. English version available upon request. |
8. |
Anke Habermehl, Gewalt in der Familie: Ausmaß und Ursachen körperlicher Gewalt (Hamburg: Gewis, 1991): 196-197. |
9. |
M.J. Kwong, K. Bartholomew, D.G. Dutton, Gender Differences in Patterns of Relationship Violence in Alberta, Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 31, 3 (1999): 150-160. |
10. |
M.B. Brinkerhoff, E. Grandin and E. Lupri, Religious Involvement and Spousal Violence: The Canadian Case, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 31, 1 (March 1992): 23. |
11. |
E. Grandin, E. Lupri and M.B. Brinkerhoff, Couple Violence and Psychological Distress, Canadian Journal of Public Health, 89, 1 (January/February 1998): 46. |
12. |
E. Lupri, Eheliche Gewalt (Couple Violence) Zeitschrift für Sozialisa-tionsforschung und Erziehungsso-ziologie, 13 (1996): 232-257. |
13. |
E. Grandin and E, Lupri, Intimate Violence in Canada and The United States: A Cross-National Comparison, Journal of Family Violence, 12 (December 1997): 440-441. |
14. |
L. Magdol, T.E. Mofitt, A. Caspi, D.L. Newman, J. Fagan and P.A. Silva, Gender Differences in Partner Violence: Bridging the Gap Between Clinical and Epidemiological Approaches, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65, (1997): 68-78. |
15. |
Archer, John. Sex Differences in Aggression Between Heterosexual Partners: A Meta-Analytic Review, 126 (5): Psychological Bulletin, 126 (No. 5, 2000): 651-680. |
16. |
M.A. Straus, The Controversy over Domestic Violence by Women: A Methodological, Theoretical, and Sociology of Sciences Analysis In Violence in Intimate Relationships, edited by X.B. Arriaga and S. Oskamp (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1999): 17-44. |
17. |
D. Kurz, Physical Assaults by Husbands: A Major Social Problem In Current Controversies on Family Violence, edited by R.J. Gelles and D.R. Loseke (Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1993). |
18. |
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, 2000: 14. |
19. |
S.M. Retzinger, Violent Emotions: Shame and Rage in Marital Quarrels (Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1991): 38. |
20. |
Although the context of partner abuse against men is under-researched, some findings on the bi-directionality and initiation of relationship abuse have been documented:
Some researchers have suggested that studies using the CTS fail to consider that womens high rates of physical abuse perpetration may be related to their attempts to defend themselves against attack. (W.S. DeKeseredy and M.D. Schwartz, Woman Abuse on Campus: Results from the Canadian National Survey. [Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1998]: 22; and D. Saunders, When Battered Women Use Violence: Husband-Abuse or Self-Defence? Violence and Victims, 1, [1986:47-60]: 54-55.) The above studies, however, suggest that many women (and men) report being the only one to inflict physical abuse and that a large proportion of women (and men) indicate that they initiated the abuse. More research into the context of the abuse is needed to understand this issue better. |
21. |
M.E. Szinovacz, Using Couple Data as a Methodological Tool: The Case of Marital Violence, Journal of Marriage and the Family, 45 (May 1983): 633-644. |
22. |
K.L. Anderson, Gender, Status, and Domestic Violence: An Integration of Feminist and Family Violence Approaches, Journal of Marriage and the Family, 59 (August 1997): 655-669. |
23. |
K.D. OLeary, Are Women Really More Aggressive Than Men in Intimate Relationships? Psychological Bulletin, 126, 5 (2000): 685-689. |
24. |
M.D. Smith, Woman Abuse: The Case for Surveys by Telephone, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 4, 3 (1989): 308-324. |
25. |
M.A. Straus, Measuring Intrafamily Conflict and Violence: The Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS) In Physical Violence in American Familes, edited by M.A. Straus and R.J. Gelles (New Brunswick, NJ: Publishers, 1992): 19-47.
Transaction |
26. |
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, 2000: 17. |
27. |
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, 2000: 9. |
28. |
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, 2000: 14 |
29. |
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile 2002 (Ottawa: Statistics Canada; Catalogue no. 85-224-XIE, 2002): 9. |
30. |
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, 2002: 8. |
31. |
Lupri, Harmonie und Aggression: 480 (Table 1). |
32. |
E. Lupri, Why Does Family Violence Occur? In Everyday Life: A Reader, edited by L. Tepperman and J. Curtis (Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd., 1992): 289-300. |
33. |
M.J. Kwong, K. Bartholomew, D.G. Dutton, Gender Differences in Patterns of Relationship Violence in Alberta, Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 31, 3 (1999): 150-160. |
34. |
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, 2000: 12. |
35. |
Lupri, Harmonie und Aggression: 480. |
36. |
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, 2000: 12. |
37. |
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, 2000: 17-18 (Table 2.8). |
38. |
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, 2000: 18. |
39. |
M.A. Straus and S. Sweet, Verbal/ Symbolic Aggression in Couples: Incidence Rates and Relationship to Personal Characteristics, Journal of Marriage and the Family, 54, 2 (May 1992): 356. |
40. |
K.D. OLeary, Psychological Abuse: A Variable Deserving Attention in Domestic Violence, Violence and Victims, 14, 1 (1999): 3-23. |
41. |
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, 2000: 15. |
42. |
Lupri and Grandin: 24. |
43. |
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, 2000: 15. |
44. |
M.B. Brinkerhoff and E. Lupri, Interspousal violence, Canadian Journal of Sociology, 13, 4 (Fall 1988): 423-24. |
45. |
Lupri and Grandin: 25. |
46. |
Lupri, Harmonie und Aggression: 487-488. |
47. |
M. Straus, Social Stress and Marital Violence in a National Sample of American Families In Physical Violence in American Families, edited by M.A. Straus and R.J. Gelles (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1992): 81-201. |
48. |
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, 2000: 16. |
49. |
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, 2000: 14. |
50. |
Archer: 658-659. |
51. |
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, 2002: 15. |
52. |
M.B. Brinkerhoff, E. Grandin and E. Lupri, Religious Involvement and Spousal Violence: The Canadian Case, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 31, 1 (March 1992): 23. |
53. |
E. Grandin, E. Lupri and M.B. Brinkerhoff, Couple Violence and Psychological Distress, Canadian Journal of Public Health, 89, 1 (January/February 1998): 46. |
54. |
R.E. Dobash and R.P. Dobash, Violence Against Wives: A Case Against the Patriarchy (New York: Free Press, 1979). |
55. |
Kurz: 91-92. |
56. |
T.A. Migliaccio, Abused Husbands: A Narrative Analysis, Journal of Family Issues, 23, 1 (2002): 26-52. |
57. |
T.A. Migliaccio, Marginalizing the Battered Male, The Journal of Mens Studies, 9, 2 (2001): 1-18. |
58. |
E. Grandin, Intimate Violence: Asymmetry and Symmetry (Doctoral Thesis, University of Calgary, 1995):236-37. |
59. |
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, 2000: 17, Table 2.7. |
60. |
J. Wolak and D. Finkelhor, Children Exposed to Partner Violence In Partner Violence: A Comprehensive Review of 20 years of Research, edited by J.L. Jasinski and L.M. Williams (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1998): 73-112. |
61. |
S.M. Stith, K. Rosen, K.A. Middleton, A.L. Busch, K. Lundeberg, and R.P. Carlton, The Intergenerational Transmission of Spouse Abuse: A Meta-Analysis, Journal of Marriage and the Family, 62 (August 2000): 640-654. |
62. |
T. Day, The Health-Related Costs of Violence Against Women in Canada: The Tip of the Iceberg (London, ON: Centre for Research on Violence Against Women and Children, 1995): 29-34. |
63. |
L. Greaves, O. Hankivsky and J. Kingston-Riechers, Selected Estimates of the Costs of Violence Against Women (London, ON: Centre for Research on Violence Against Women and Children, 1995). |
64. |
R. Kerr and J. McLean, Paying for Violence: Some of the Costs of Violence Against Women in B.C. (Victoria, BC: Ministry of Womens Equality, 1996). |
65. |
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, 2000: 25. |
66. |
P.W. Cook, Abused Men: The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence (Westport, Connecticut: Praeger 1997). |
67. |
Cook: 98-107. |
Intimate Partner Abuse against Men was prepared by Dr. Eugen Lupri and Dr. Elaine Grandin for the National Clearinghouse on Family Violence.
The authors express their appreciation to Earl Silverman for helpful comments on earlier drafts of this document.
Également disponible en français sous le titre : La violence à légard des hommes dans les relations intimes.
The opinions expressed in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Clearinghouse on Family Violence, Public Health Agency of Canada.
Contents may not be reproduced for commercial purposes, but any other reproduction, with acknowledgements, is encouraged.
This publication can be made available in alternative formats upon request.
For more information, please contact:
National Clearinghouse on Family Violence
Family Violence Prevention Unit Public Health Agency of Canada (Address Locator: 1909D1)
9th Floor, Jeanne Mance Bldg., Tunneys Pasture Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1B4
Telephone: 1-800-267-1291 or (613) 957-2938
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© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Health (2004) Cat. No. H72-21-190-2004E
ISBN 0-662-37975-6
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