Public Health Agency of Canada
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Resources/Related Sites

These documents and links are provided for your interest and background reading. Inclusion on this site does not imply endorsement of them by Health Canada.

Note: Some of the following documents are not currently available electronically. Ordering information is given if available.


Intergovernmental Collaboration on HIV/AIDS
By The Advisory Committee on Population Health (ACPH), outlines ways in which strengthening intergovernmental and intersectoral collaboration can improve Canada's effectiveness in dealing with the challenges of HIV/AIDS, discusses factors for success, and provides examples of mechanisms that have been established to facilitate such collaboration. Copies can be obtained through the Canadian HIV/AIDS Clearinghouse at 1-877-999-7740.  Note: This document is a companion to Intersectoral Action ...Towards Population Health PDF

The Canadian Experience of Intersectoral Collaboration for Health Gains
By the Canadian Public Health Association for the World Health Organization's 1997 conference, Renewal of Health for All: Intersectoral Collaboration for Health Gains. E-mail the CPHA Health Resources Centre at: hrc/

The Verona Benchmark: Guide to the Assessment of Good Practice within Partnership Working PDF
The benchmark is designed to be used by multi-sectoral partnerships working at the local and regional level to help them focus on delivering sustainable and integrated health, social and economic development.

The Verona Benchmark Self Assessment Tool PDF
Provides six enabler and five results elements and their associated characteristics of good practice. Provides both guidance and interpretation of the levels that partnership working may reach.

Intersectoral Action (ISA) for Health Toolkit: Case Studies (2000) PDF
This guide on "how to do intersectoral action" includes two case studies which document intersectoral action in Alberta/NWT. 

Public Involvement Framework & Guidelines new window (2000)
Public involvement is critical to creating effective government health policy.  This guide will be a useful contribution to the policy and program development process.

Intersectoral Action ... Towards Population Health (1999) PDF
Illustrates and reinforces the importance of intersectoral action for health by partners inside and outside the health sector.