These documents and links are provided for your interest and background reading.
Inclusion on this site does not imply endorsement of them by Health Canada.
Note: Some of the following documents are not currently available electronically. Ordering information is given if available.
Social Disparities and Involvement in Physical Activity: Shaping the Policy
Agenda in Healthy Living to Successfully Influence Population Health
by Lise
Gauvin, Ph.D.,GRIS (Groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire en santé -
Interdisciplinary Research Group on Health), Université de Montréal
Promoting Health in Canada An Overview of
Recent Developments & Initiatives
This document outlines key developments and initiatives in Canada since the
Fifth Global Conference on Health Promotion, in Mexico (June, 2000). It
developments in a some key areas such as knowledge development, exchange
and capacity building; policies and actions; evaluation and accountability;
considers challenges and opportunities for the future. PDF
Spanish version :
Promoción de la salud en Canadá Perspectiva general de los avances e iniciativas recientes
Este documento esboza los avances e iniciativas fundamentales realizados
en Canadá desde la Quinta Conferencia Internacional de Promoción
de la Salud, celebrada en México (junio de 2000). El documento trata los
avances en algunas áreas clave como el desarrollo, intercambio y
fomento de la capacidad en materia de conocimientos; las políticas
y acciones; la evaluación y rendición de cuentas; y considera
los desafíos
y oportunidades para el futuro. PDF
Policy Reseach Bulletin -"Health Promotion Effectiveness", Volume 1, Issue
3 (2002)
Explores the practical and theoretical challenges in assessing the effectiveness
of health promotion and presents some "real life" examples of how they are
being addressed.
An Assessment
of the Methods and Concepts Used to Synthesize the Evidence of Effectiveness
in Health Promotion: A Review of 17 Initiatives (2002)
Examines how seventeen Canadian and international initiatives synthesized
evidence of effectiveness. The processes are critiqued from a health promotion
perspective and an ideal framework for conducting syntheses is proposed.
The Evidence of Health Promotion Effectiveness: Shaping Public Health
in a New Europe
Published by the International Union for Health
Promotion and Education.
This book assess 20 years of the health, social, economic and political impacts
of health promotion and disease prevention.
in Health Promotion: Principles and Perspectives (2001)
Provides a wealth of guidance on how to undertake evaluations and calls for
greater investment in the evaluation of health promotion.
Promotion in Canada: A Case Study (1997)
Served as a background paper for the Fourth International Conference on Health
Promotion held in Jakarta, Indonesia in July 1997.
The Jakarta
Declaration on Health Promotion (1997)
Provides a reflection on what has been learned about effective health promotion,
and identifies directions and strategies.
Population Health
Promotion: An Integrated Model of Population Health and Health Promotion (1996)
Examines how population health and health promotion are related.
of the Roundtable on Population Health and Health Promotion (1996)
Summarizes the key elements, noting areas of agreement and disagreement, and
highlighting recommendations for follow-up developed by the participants.
Health For All: A Framework For Health Promotion (1986)
Proposed an approach called "health promotion", an integration of ideas from
several arenas of public health, health education and public policy.
Charter for Health Promotion (1986)
Presents fundamental strategies and approaches for health promotion that still
have much currency in Canada and internationally.
A New Perspective
on the Health of Canadians (1974)
The 1974 report on health promotion that led to an evolution in thinking about
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