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Report from the National Diabetes Surveillance System: Diabetes in Canada, 2009

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2006-07 Findings

People with Diagnosed Diabetes (Prevalence)

  • In 2006-07, after adjusting for changes in the age distribution, the age-standardized prevalence of diagnosed diabetes increased by 4% from the previous year, and by 21% from 2002-03 to 2006-07 (Table 1 and Figure 2).
  • Approximately 2 million Canadians aged 1 and older, or about 1 in 16, had diagnosed diabetes (2,086,212 overall—993,805 among girls/women and 1,092,407 among boys/ men). (Table 1)
  • The prevalence of diagnosed diabetes among Canadians was 6.2% overall (5.9% of girls/ women and 6.6% of boys/men) (Table 1 and Table 2).
  • As anticipated, the prevalence of diagnosed diabetes was significantly lower among children and adolescents (0.3%) than adults (6.4%). The prevalence increased with age among adults from about 2% among individuals in their 30's to about 23%, or 1 in 5, adults aged 75 to 79 years (Table 1, Figure 1, and Figure 3).
  • After adjusting for differences in age distributions between provinces and territories, the age-standardized prevalence of diagnosed diabetes was found to be higher in: Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Manitoba, and New Brunswick. Prevalence was lower in the west: Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan. The prevalence for Ontario was higher than the national average, and for Quebec, prevalence was lower than the national average. The prevalence of obesity, among the provinces and territories, followed a similar pattern; lower in the western provinces than the Canadian average (Figure 3).1

Figure 1. Prevalence Percentages of Diagnosed Diabetes among People Aged 1 Year and Older 
by Age Group and Sex, Canada, 2006-07
Figure 1 - Text Equivalent

Figure 2.  Age-Standardized Prevalence Percentages of Diagnosed Diabetes among People Aged 1 Year and Older, by Sex, Canada, 2000-01 to 2006-07
Figure 2 - Text Equivalent

Figure 3.  Age-Standardized Prevalence Percentages of Diagnosed Diabetes among People Aged 1 Year and Older, 
 by Sex, Province and Territory, Canada, 2006-07
Figure 3 - Text Equivalent

Table 1. Prevalence Percentages, Number of Cases, and Incidence Rates per 1,000 of Diagnosed Diabetes by Age Group, Year, and Sex, Canada,* 2002-03 to 2000-07 ( HTML version)

Table 1 - Text Equivalent

Table 2. Prevalence Percentages, Incidence Rates, and Number of Cases of Diagnosed Diabetes, by Sex and Age Group, Canada,* 2006-07
Source: Public Health Agency of Canada, using NDSS data files contributed by provinces and territories, as of April 2009
*Data for Nunavut were unavailable.
Age Group Prevalence % Incidence per 1,000
Females Males Canada* Females Males Canada*
1-19 Crude Rates 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4
Cases 11,564 12,653 24,217 1,582 1,682 3,264
Population 3,758,650 3,952,951 7,711,601 3,748,668 3,941,980 7,690,648
20-24 Crude Rates 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.7
Cases 7,756 7,233 14,989 924 727 1,651
Population 1,118,706 1,154,031 2,272,737 1,111,874 1,147,525 2,259,399
25-29 Crude Rates 1.1 0.8 1 1.4 1.1 1.3
Cases 12,287 9,487 21,774 1,632 1,195 2,827
Population 1,136,351 1,131,680 2,268,031 1,125,696 1,123,388 2,249,084
30-34 Crude Rates 1.7 1.4 1.6 2.4 2.2 2.3
Cases 20,111 16,242 36,353 2,715 2,511 5,226
Population 1,149,220 1,144,965 2,294,185 1,131,824 1,131,234 2,263,058
35-39 Crude Rates 2.5 2.4 2.4 3.2 3.8 3.5
Cases 30,712 29,764 60,476 3,867 4,665 8,532
Population 1,231,521 1,237,898 2,469,419 1,204,676 1,212,799 2,417,475
40-44 Crude Rates 3.4 3.8 3.6 4.4 5.8 5.1
Cases 48,055 53,511 101,566 6,028 7,940 13,968
Population 1,404,160 1,419,310 2,823,470 1,362,133 1,373,739 2,735,872
45-49 Crude Rates 4.7 5.8 5.3 6.2 8.5 7.3
Cases 66,366 81,059 147,425 8,279 11,288 19,567
Population 1,400,517 1,404,849 2,805,366 1,342,430 1,335,078 2,677,508
50-54 Crude Rates 7 9 8 9 12.3 10.6
Cases 86,774 111,594 198,368 10,530 13,950 24,480
Population 1,244,669 1,234,522 2,479,191 1,168,425 1,136,878 2,305,303
55-59 Crude Rates 10.2 13.5 11.8 12.6 17.2 14.8
Cases 110,886 145,642 256,528 12,454 16,242 28,696
Population 1,089,324 1,075,714 2,165,038 990,892 946,314 1,937,206
60-64 Crude Rates 13.4 18.1 15.7 15.3 21.4 18.2
Cases 111,975 148,467 260,442 11,288 14,663 25,951
Population 838,580 819,559 1,658,139 737,893 685,755 1,423,648
65-69 Crude Rates 16.8 22.4 19.5 18.8 25.7 22
Cases 110,805 138,108 248,913 10,464 12,631 23,095
Population 657,957 617,542 1,275,499 557,616 492,065 1,049,681
70-74 Crude Rates 19.7 25 22.2 20.1 26.2 22.9
Cases 112,022 127,253 239,275 9,367 10,259 19,626
Population 569,572 508,323 1,077,895 466,917 391,329 858,246
75-79 Crude Rates 21.3 26.1 23.4 20.1 24.9 22.1
Cases 107,259 105,468 212,727 8,138 7,614 15,752
Population 504,721 403,535 908,256 405,600 305,681 711,281
80-84 Crude Rates 21.1 25.4 22.8 18.6 23.6 20.5
Cases 85,792 66,850 152,642 6,076 4,741 10,817
Population 406,117 263,105 669,222 326,401 200,996 527,397
85+ Crude Rates 17.8 20.9 18.8 14.8 18.4 15.9
Cases 71,441 39,076 110,517 4,951 2,765 7,716
Population 400,744 186,729 587,473 334,254 150,418 484,672
Canada Crude Rates 5.9 6.6 6.2 6.1 7.2 6.7
Cases 993,805 1,092,407 2,086,212 98,295 112,873 211,168
Population 16,910,809 16,554,713 33,465,522 16,015,299 15,575,179 31,590,478

Table 2 - Text Equivalent


1 Public Health Agency of Canada. Obesity in Canada: Snapshot, 2009. URL:

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