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Nationally notifiable since 1924
1.0 National Notification
Only confirmed cases of disease should be notified.
2.0 Type of Surveillance
Active, weekly case-by-case notification (including
zero-notification) by provincial and territorial
ministries of health to the Canadian Measles/
Rubella Surveillance System (CMRSS)
3.0 Case Classification
3.1 Confirmed case
Laboratory confirmation of infection in the
absence of recent immunization (see section 5.0) with rubella containing vaccine:
- isolation of rubella virus from an
appropriate clinical specimen
- detection of rubella virus RNA
- seroconversion or a significant (e.g. fourfold
or greater) rise in rubella IgG titre by any
standard serologic assay between acute and
convalescent sera
- positive serologic test for rubella IgM
antibody using a recommended assay (see section 4.0) in a person with an
epidemiologic link to a laboratory-confirmed
case or who has recently travelled to an area
of known rubella activity
Clinical illness (see section 5.0)in a person
with an epidemiologic link to a laboratory-confirmed case
3.2 Probable case
Clinical illness
- in the absence of appropriate laboratory tests
- in the absence of an epidemiologic link to a
laboratory-confirmed case
- in a person who has recently travelled to an
area of known rubella activity
- IgM serology has the potential for false-positive
findings. If the clinical presentation is inconsistent
with a diagnosis of rubella or in the absence of
recent travel/exposure history, IgM results must
be confirmed by the other listed confirmatory
methods. Rubella avidity serology is recommended
for IgM positive results in pregnant women.
- Most acute rubella cases develop IgM after 5 days
post rash onset. Therefore, a suspected rubella case
in which serum collected < 5 days after rash onset
initially tests IgM negative should have a second
serum collected > 5 days after onset for retesting
for IgM.
- Further strain characterization is indicated for
epidemiologic, public health and control purposes.
Clinical illness is characterized by fever and rash,
and at least one of the following:
- arthralgia/arthritis
- lymphadenopathy
- conjunctivitis
The most frequent reaction to measles-mumps-rubella
(MMR) immunization is malaise and
fever (with or without rash) occurring 7-12 days
after immunization. However, this should be
determined for each case, as these reactions and
time frames can vary (Canadian Immunization
Guide, 7th edition).
6.0 ICD Code(s)
6.1 ICD-10 Code(s)
- B06
- Rubella
6.2 ICD-9/ICD-9CM Code(s)
- 056
- Rubella
7.0 Type of International Reporting
Weekly reporting to the Pan American Health
Organization, in accordance with the goal of
eliminating rubella and congenital rubella
syndrome in the Western Hemisphere.
Probable case definitions are provided as guidelines
to assist with case finding and public health
management, and are not for national notification
Active weekly surveillance began in 2006. All cases
are reviewed by the Immunization and Respiratory
Infections Division (Public Health Agency of
Canada) for classification before being added to the
national database.
9.0 References
- Pan American Health Organization. Measles
Elimination Field Guide. 2nd edition. Scientific and
Technical Publication No. 605. Retrieved May
2008, from
- Pan American Health Organization. Elimination
of Rubella and Congenital Rubella Syndrome Field
Guide. Scientific and Technical Publication No.
10.0 Previous Case Definitions
Canadian Communicable Disease Surveillance System:
disease-specific case definitions and surveillance
methods. Can Dis Wkly Rep 1991;17(S3).
Case definitions for diseases under national
surveillance. CCDR 2000;26(S3).
Date of Last Revision/Review:
May 2008
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