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Nationally notifiable since 1924
1.0 National Notification
Only confirmed cases of disease should be notified.
2.0 Type of Surveillance
Routine case-by-case notification to the federal
3.0 Case Classification
3.1 Confirmed case
Laboratory confirmation of infection with or
without clinical illness:
- isolation of Shigella sp. from an appropriate clinical specimen (e.g. sterile site, deep tissue wounds, stool, vomit or urine)
3.2 Probable case
Clinical illness in a person who is
epidemiologically linked to a confirmed case
4.0 Laboratory Comments
Further strain characterization (e.g., drug resistance testing, serotyping, PFGE typing) is indicated for epidemiologic, public health and control purposes.
5.0 Clinical Evidence
Clinical illness is characterized by diarrhea,
fever, nausea, vomiting cramps and tenesmus.
Asymptomatic infections may occur.
6.0 ICD Code(s)
6.1 ICD-10 Code(s)
- A03
- Shigellosis
- A03.0
- Shigellosis due to Shigella dysenteriae (Group A shigellosis)
- A03.1
- Shigellosis due to Shigella flexneri
(Group B shigellosis)
- A03.2
- Shigellosis due to Shigella boydii
(Group C shigellosis)
- A03.3
- Shigellosis due to Shigella sonnei
(Group D shigellosis)
- A03.8
- Other shigellosis
- A03.9
- Shigellosis, unspecified (Bacillary
dysentery not otherwise specified (NOS)
6.2 ICD-9/ICD-9CM Code(s)
- 004
- Shigellosis (includes bacillary dysentery)
- 004.0
- Shigella dysenteriae
Infection by group A Shigella (Schmitz)
- 004.1
- Shigella flexneri
Infection by group B Shigella
- 004.2
- Shigella boydii
Infection by group C Shigella
- 004.3
- Shigella sonnei
Infection by group D Shigella
- 004.8
- Other specified Shigella infections
- 004.9
- Shigellosis, unspecified
7.0 Type of International Reporting
Probable case definitions are provided as guidelines to assist with case finding and public health management, and are not for national notification purposes.
9.0 References
Date of Last Revision/Review:
May 2008
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