The Surveillance and Risk Assessment Division of the Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, Public Health Agency of Canada, is pleased to provide you with the August 2006 publication of HIV/AIDS Epi Updates.
The Centre conducts national surveillance and research on the epidemiology and laboratory science related to HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. As part of this mandate, HIV/AIDS Epi Updates are compiled on an annual basis to summarize recent trends and developments related to the HIV epidemic in Canada.
All Epi Updates are available at the address noted above and also at our website: http:// The HIV/AIDS Epi Updates are complementary to other Centre materials which are also available at the website.
Chris Archibald MDCM, MHSc, FRCPC
1 |
National HIV Prevalence and Incidence Estimates for 2005 |
2 |
Prevalent HIV Infections in Canada: More Than a Quarter May Not Be Diagnosed |
3 |
HIV Testing and Infection Reporting in Canada |
4 |
HIV and AIDS Among Youth in Canada |
5 |
HIV and AIDS Among Women in Canada |
6 |
HIV/AIDS Among Older Canadians |
7 |
Perinatal Transmission of HIV |
8 |
HIV/AIDS Among Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: A Continuing Concern |
9 |
HIV Infections Among MSM in Canada |
10 |
HIV/AIDS Among Injecting Drug Users in Canada |
11 |
Risk Behaviours Among Injecting Drug Users in Canada |
12 |
HIV in Canada Among Persons from Countries where HIV is Endemic |
13 |
HIV-1 Strain Surveillance in Canada |
14 |
Primary HIV Antiretroviral Drug Resistance in Canada |
Glossary |
Version (881 KB)
National level HIV and AIDS surveillance is possible as a result of all provinces and territories participating in, and setting directions for, HIV and AIDS surveillance. Accordingly, the Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control acknowledges the provincial/territorial HIV/AIDS coordinators, public health units, laboratories, health care providers and reporting physicians for providing the non-nominal confidential data that enable this report to be published. Without their close collaboration and participation in HIV and AIDS surveillance, the publication of this report would not have been possible. We are thankful to the researchers across Canada who share their research findings with us in a timely manner for inclusion in the Epi Updates.
We also thank Web Site and Intranet Operations, Public Health Agency of Canada, for its contribution in producing the report on the Internet.
We also thank the contribution made by Marion Pogson, Pamela A. Fitch, and Robert Friedman in editing, translating and developing layouts of the report.
N.B. This document must be cited as the source of any information extracted and used from it. Suggested citation: Public Health Agency of Canada. HIV/AIDS Epi Updates, August 2006, Surveillance and Risk Assessment Division, Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, Public Health Agency of Canada, 2006 |
Surveillance and Risk Assessment Division | Tel.: (613) 954-5169 |
Fax: (613) 957-2842 |
Director | Chris Archibald, MDCM, MHSc, FRCPC |
Executive Assistant | Moheenee Soondrum |
HIV/AIDS Surveillance Section | |
Acting Manager | Jennifer Pennock, MSc, BSc |
Senior Surveillance Analyst | Julie Stokes,BSc |
Research Analyst | Chris Sheardown, BA |
Surveillance Officer | Bruce Tudin, MA, BES |
Surveillance Analyst | Stéphane Racette |
HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Section | |
HIV/AIDS Epidemiologist | Dr. Yogesh Choudhri, MD, MPH |
Senior Epidemiologist | David Boulos, MSc, BSc, BA |
HIV/AIDS Epidemiologist | Dana Paquette, MSc |
Surveillance Officer | Stephen Cule, BSc |
Surveillance Analyst | Mark Vanderkloot, BA |
Research Assistant | Farrah Ali, BA |
HIV Drug Resistance and Field Surveillance Section | |
Manager | Dr. Gayatri Jayaraman, PhD, MPH |
Senior Field Surveillance Officer | Dr. Tig Shafto, PhD |
Research Analyst | Neil Goedhuis, BSc |
Field Surveillance Officer | Dr. Sabrina Plitt, PhD |
Field Surveillance Officer | Michelyn Wood, MS, BS |
Field Surveillance Officer | Elsie Wong, MBA, BSN |
Field Surveillance Officer | Lena Shah, BA, BSc |
Field Surveillance Officer | Erin Laing, BSc |
Field Surveillance Officer | Tracey MacDonald, BN, MN, CMHN |
Field Surveillance Officer | Souradet Y. Shaw, BA. |
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