Organized Breast Cancer Screening Programs in Canada - Report on Program Performance in 2001 and 2002
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Table of Contents
- Breast Cancer Screening in Canada
- Organized Breast Cancer Screening Programs
- The Screening Process
- Canadian Breast Cancer Screening Database (CBCSD)
- Monitoring and Evaluation Using the Canadian Breast Cancer
Screening Database
2001 and 2002 Results
- Participation and Retention in Screening Programs
- Results of Screening
- Diagnostic Interventions
- Cancer Detection
- Post-screen Cancers
Special Topic: Waiting for a
Diagnosis Following an Abnormal Breast Screening Examination
– Progress to Date
Summary and Future
We would like to acknowledge the following contributors:
- Provincial organized breast cancer screening programs which
contribute to the Canadian Breast Cancer Screening Database at the
Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control, Public Health
Agency of Canada.
- The Editorial Committee of this report, which includes Dr. Judy
Caines, Nova Scotia Breast Screening Program, Dr. Andrew Coldman,
BC Cancer Agency, Mr. André Langlois, Institut national de
santé publique du Quebec, Ms. Suzanne Leonfellner and Ms.
Aihua Wang, New Brunswick Health and Wellness, Ms. Margarete
Schulz, Manitoba Health, Dr. Rene Shumak, Cancer Care Ontario, Ms.
Norah Smith, PEI Breast Screening Program, and Ms. Asako Bienek,
Ms. Christina Bancej, Ms. Jennifer MacInnes, Mr. Jay Onysko, Ms.
Xiaohong Jiang, and Ms. Barbara Kasprowicz, Public Health Agency of
- The Special Topic Working Group, which includes Dr. Judy
Caines, Nova Scotia Breast Screening Program, Dr. Ivo Olivotto, BC
Cancer Agency, Mr. Eric Pelletier, Institut national de
santé publique du Québec, Ms. Aihua Wang, New
Brunswick Health and Wellness, Ms. Christina Bancej, Ms. Asako
Bienek, and Mr. Jay Onysko, Public Health Agency of Canada.
- Mr. Robert Semenciw and Mr. Chris Waters, Public Health Agency
of Canada for the generation of Canadian incidence and mortality
- The Database Management Committee (DMC) for its edits and
review of this report.
- The Database Technical Subcommittee for reviewing and ensuring
data quality.
- Dr. Diane Major, Institut national de santé publique du
Québec, for editing the French language version. Ms. Vivian
Ellis, Ms. France Foucault, Dr. Howard Morrison and Dr. Paula
Stewart, Public Health Agency of Canada for reviewing the English
language version.
- Ms. Debby Baker, Acting Head, Scientific Publications and
Multimedia services and Ms. Francine Boucher Graphic
Designer/Printing Coordinator for preparation of this document for
- Production of this document was made possible through the
Canadian Breast Cancer Screening Initiative.
For additional copies of this report, please contact
Publications, Public Health Agency of Canada
Postal Locator 0913A
Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9
© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2006
Cat. No. HP32-1/2002
ISBN 0-662-69307-8
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