Volume 7, Number 3 -
December 1999/January 2000
Volume 7, Number 2 -
August 1999
Volume 7, Number 1 -
April 1999
Volume 6, Number 4 -
November 1998
Volume 6, Number 3 -
July 1998
Volume 6, Number 2 -
April 1998
Volume 6, Number 1 -
January 1998
Volume 5, Number 3 -
October 1997
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Health Canada
Submissions of pertinent reports/epi notes are wel come and the success of this endeavor depends upon the readers' interest and cooperation. Priority for inclusion in the news letter is determined by the article's relevancy. This is not a formal publication, and the views and interpretation may not necessarily reflect Health Canada's position. Distribution is free of charge. Any one wishing to receive a copy on a regular basis should contact the Division of Immunization, Bureau of Infectious Diseases, LCDC, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0L2; telephone (613) 957-1340; FAX (613) 952-7948. This publication can also be accessed electronically via Internet using a Web browser at http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hpb/lcdc
Adwoa Bentsi-Enchill
Paul Varughese
Division of Immunization
Bureau of Infectious Diseases
FAX: (613) 952-7948
Editorial and Production Services
Dissemination Division Bureau of Strategic Planning and Risk
Laboratory Centre for Disease Control, Health Canada
Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0L2
ISSN 1485-0230 (On-line) ISSN 1481-1014
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