Articles by Section Members
(Publication © copyright belongs to each of the respective Publishers/Journals listed below)
- Fang L, Oliver A, Jayaraman G, Wong T. Trends in Age Disparities Between Younger and Middle-Age Adults Among Reported Rates of Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Infectious Syphilis Infections in Canada: Findings From 1997 to 2007
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Jan 2010;37(1):18-25.
- Huang L, Gilbert M-L, Rossi MF, Haase D, Wright J, Sicard N, Beaudoin C, Taylor D, Gratrix J, Belzak L, Wong T, Jayaraman G.
Trends in Vaccine-induced Immunity to Hepatitis B among Canadian Street-involved Youth. Journal of Urban Health. March 2010;87(2):337-348.
- Zhua L, Qina M, Dua L, Xieb R-h, Wong T, Wen SW.
Maternal and congenital syphilis in Shanghai, China, 2002 to 2006. Int J Infect Dis. Online Feb 8, 2010.
- Ota KV, Jamieson F, Fisman DN, Jones KE, Tamari IE, Ng L-K, Towns L, Rawte P, Di Prima A, Wong T, Richardson SE.
Prevalence of and risk factors for quinolone-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection in Ontario CMAJ February 3 2009;180(3):287-290.
- Plitt SS, Mihalicz D, Singh AE, Jayaraman G, Houston S, Lee BE.
Time to testing and accessing care among a population of newly diagnosed HIV
patients with a high proportion of Canadian Aboriginals, 1998-2003. AIDS Patient Care and STDs 2009;23(2)
- Tinmouth J, Gilmour MW, Kovacs C, Kropp R, Mitterni L, Rachlis A, Richards S, Salit I, Sikri R, Valencia GR, Wesson T, Wong T, Wood H.
Is there a reservoir of sub-clinical Lymphogranuloma venereum and non-LGV Chlamydia trachomatis infection in men who have sex with men? International Journal of STD and AIDS. Dec 2008;19(12):805-809.
- Wong T, Singh AE, De P.
Primary Syphilis: Serological Treatment Response to Doxycycline/Tetracycline versus Benzathine Penicillin . The Amercian Journal of Medicine. October 2008;121(10):903-908.
- Mill JE, Jackson RC, Worthington CA, Archibald CP, Wong T, Myers T, Prentice T, Sommerfeldt S.
HIV Testing and Care in Canadian Aboriginal Youth: A community based mixed methods study. BMC Infectious Diseases October 2008;8:132.
- Hirshfield S, Wolitski RJ, Chiasson MA, Remien RH, Humberstone M, Wong T.
Screening for depressive symptoms in an online sample of men who have sex with men. AIDS Care. September 2008;20(8):904-910.
- Singh A, Wong T, Howlett RI.
Commentary – Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines: Why the time is right to implement immunization and surveillance programs in Canada. The Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases & Medical Microbiology. July/August 2008;(19)4:294-296
- Singh AE, Wong T, De P.
Characteristics of primary and late latent syphilis cases which were initially non-reactive with the rapid plasma reagin as the screening test . Int J STD AIDS. 2008 Jul;19(7):464-8.
- Chen Y, Wu J, Yi Q, Huang G, Wong T.
Depression associated with sexually transmitted infection (STI) in Canada. Sexually Transmitted Infections online release June 12, 2008.
- Chen L, Liu F, Fan X, Gao J, Chen N, Wong T, Wu J, Wen S.
Detection of hepatitis B surface antigen, hepatitis B core antigen, and hepatitis B virus DNA in parotid tissues. International Journal of Infectious Diseases online June 6, 2008.
- Money D, Steben M, Wong T, Gruslin A, Yudin M, Cohen H, Boucher M, Mackinnon C, Paquet C, van Schalkwyk J. Genital herpes: gynaecological aspects
. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2008 April No.207:347-353.
- Kropp RY, Latham-Carmanico C, Steben M, Wong T, Duarte-Franco E. What's new in management of sexually transmitted infections?
Canadian Guidelines on Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2006 Edition. FP Watch Suveillance médicale. Canadian Family Physician Oct 2007;53(10):1739-1741.
- Singh AE, Sutherland K, Lee B, Robinson JL, Wong T. Letters. Early congential syphilis
. CMAJ Sept 25, 2007;177(7):752.
- Choi BCK, Morrison H, Wong T, Wu J, Yan Y-P. Speaker's corner. Bringing chronic disease epidemiology and infectious disease epidemiology back together
. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health Sept 2007;61(9):802.
- Singh AE, Sutherland K, Lee B, Robinson JL, Wong T. Public Health - Resurgence of early congenital syphilis in Alberta, Canada
. CMAJ. July 3, 2007;177(1):4-7.
- Jayaraman GC, Lee B, Singh AE, Preiksaitis JK. Trends in testing behaviours for hepatitis C virus infection and associated determinants: results from population-based laboratory surveillance in Alberta, Canada (1998-2001)
. J Viral Hepatitis 2007 Apr;14(4):249-254.
- Chiasson MA, Hirshfield S, Remien RH, Humberstone M, Wong T, Wolitski RJ. A Comparison of On-Line and Off-Line Sexual Risk in Men Who Have Sex With Men: An Event-Based On-Line Survey
. JAID 2007 Feb 1;44(2):235-243.
- De P, Singh AE, Wong T, Kaida A. Predictors of Gonorrhea Reinfection in a Cohort of Sexually Transmitted Disease Patients in Alberta, Canada, 1991-2003.
Sex Trans Dis 2007 January; 34(1):30-36.
- MacDonald N, Wong T. Canadian guidelines on sexually transmitted infections
, 2006. CMAJ Jan 16, 2007; 176(2):175-76.
- Kropp RY, Wong T, Cormier L, Ringrose A, Burton S, Embree JE, Steben M. Neonatal Herpes Simplex Virus Infections in Canada: Results of a 3-Year National Prospective Study. Pediatrics 2006 June; 117(6):1955-1962.
- Jayaraman GC, Singh AE, Yiannakoulias N, Gratrix J, Anderson B, Johnson M, Svenson L, Kress B, Tyrrel GJ, Wong T. Sub-regional variations in the epidemiology of Neisseria gonorrhea in a large urban region in Alberta, Canada: results from spatial analyses using routinely collected surveillance data.CCDR Feb 15, 2006;32(04).
- Kropp RY, Steben M. Canadian Guidelines on Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2006 Edition. What's New?
. This article was translated with permission from the journal Médecin du Québec released janvier 2006;41(1):35-42, ‘Lignes directrices canadiennes sur les ITS – Édition 2006. Quoi de neuf?
- Rekart Michael L, Wong T, Wong Elsie, Hutchinson K, Ogilvie G. The impact of syphilis mass treatment one year later: self-reported behaviour change among participants.
Int J STD AIDS 2005 Aug;16(8): 571-578
- Kropp RY, Wong T. on behalf of the Canadian LGV Working Group. Emergence of lymphogranuloma venereum in Canada
. CMAJ 2005 June; 172(13):1674-1676.
- STD and HIV Counselling Practices of BC Primary Care Physicians
The British Columbia Centre for Disease Control and the Public Health Agency of Canada collaborated in 2002-2003 on a study to evaluate BC primary care physicians' use of STD and HIV counselling guidelines
- Halpern-Felsher BL, Cornell JL, Kropp RY, Tschann JM. Oral Versus Vaginal Sex Among Adolescents: Perceptions, Attitudes, and Behavior. Pediatrics 2005 April;115(4):845-851.
- Hansen L, Barnett J, Wong T, Spencer D, Rekart M. STD and HIV Counseling Practices of British Columbia Primary Care Physicians. AIDS Patient Care and STDs. 2005 Jan;19(1):40-48.
- Singh AE, Romanowski B, Wong T, Gourishankar S, Myziuk L, Fenton J, Preiksaitis JK. Herpes Simplex Virus Seroprevalence and Risk Factors in 2 Canadian Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinics. Sex Transm Dis. 2005 Feb;32(2):95-100.

- Mann J, Kropp R, Wong T, Venne S, Romanowski B. Gonorrhea treatment guidelines in Canada: 2004 update.
CMAJ 2004 Nov;171(11):1345-1346.
- Hansen L, Mann J, Wong, T, McMahon S. Sexual Health.
BMC Women's Health 2004 August;4(Suppl 1):S24.
- McMahon S, Hansen L, Mann J, Sevigny C, Wong T, Roache, M. Contraception.
BMC Women's Health 2004 August;4(Suppl 1):S25.
- Wong T, Singh A, Mann J, Hansen L, McMahon S. Gender Differences in Bacterial STIs in Canada.
BMC Women's Health 2004 August;4(Suppl 1):S26.
- De Marco R, Phelan J. Maltreatment Outcomes.
Health Policy Research Bulletin. "Child Maltreatment: A Public Health Issue"
. September 2004, Issue 9.
- Barnett J, Spencer D, Beer T, Rekart M, Hansen L, Wong T, Mann J. Evaluating primary care physician STI/HIV counseling practices.
BC Medical Journal 2004 October;46(8):402-406.
- De P, Singh AE, Wong T, Yacoub W, Jolly AM. Sexual network analysis of a gonorrhoea outbreak.
Sex Transm Infect 2004;80:280-285.
- Shields SA, Wong T, Mann J, Jolly AM, Haase D, Mahaffey S, Moses S, Morin M, Patrick DM, Predy G, Rossi M, Sutherland D. Prevalence and correlates of Chlamydia infection in Canadian street youth.
J Adolesc Health. 2004 May;34(5):384-90.
- Wong T, Burton S, Embree J, Kropp R, Steben M. Neonatal herpes simplex virus infection (October 2000 to September 2003) Final report. Canadian Paediatric Surveillance Program - 2003 Results.Canadian Paediatric Society and Health Canada.
- International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease Research. 2003 ISSTDR Congress, Ottawa, Canada:
Perrin M, et al. Routine Surveillance of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Canada: Accomplishments and Future Directions. Abstract 0441.
Phelan J, et al. Street Youth & Chlamydia: Are the rates rising? Abstract 0565.
Phelan J, et al. Street Youth & Hepatitis B. Abstract 0570.
Phelan J, et al. Street Youth - Sexual Partnering & Risk. Abstract 0572.
Roache M, et al. The Canadian Guidelines For Sexual Health Education, A Mechanism for Creating Effective Sexual Health Education Programs and Preventing STI/HIV Among Canadians. Abstract 0185.
Sevigny C, et al. A First Glance at STI rates in Aboriginal people in two Canadian provinces and one territory. Abstract 0521.
Wong T, et al. Neonatal Herpes Simplex Virus Infections in Canada. Abstract 0280.
Wang Z, et al. Epidemiology of Syphilis in Canada, 1980-2002. Abstract 0467.
- Hansen L, Wong T, Perrin M. Gonorrhoea resurgence in Canada.
Int J STD & AIDS 2003;14(11):727-731.
Errata: |
Page 729: Figure 2 missing legend:
Page 729: Figure 4 missing legend:
Page 729: Figure 4 is erroneously titled "Reported male gonorrhoea rate in Canada, 1994-2001"; the correct title is "Reported female gonorrhoea rate in Canada, 1994-2001" |
- Hansen L, Mann J, Wong, T, McMahon S. Sexual Health, Chapter 23. Women's Health Surveillance Report: A Multidimensional Look at the Health of Canadian Women. Canadian Institute for Health Information. 2003.
- McMahon S, Hansen L, Mann J, Sevigny C, Wong T, Roache, M. Contraception, Chapter 24. Women's Health Surveillance Report: A Multidimensional Look at the Health of Canadian Women. Canadian Institute for Health Information. 2003.
- Wong T, Singh A, Mann J, Hansen L, McMahon S. Gender Differences in Bacterial STIs in Canada, Chapter 25. Women's Health Surveillance Report: A Multidimensional Look at the Health of Canadian Women. Canadian Institute for Health Information. 2003.
- Wong T, Embree J, Rusen ID, Steben M , Burton S.
Neonatal herpes simplex virus infection (October 2000 to September 2003)
Canadian Paediatric Surveillance Program, Results 2002; 33-35. Canadian Paediatric Society and Health Canada.
- De P, Singh AE, Wong T, Yacoub, W. Outbreak of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Northern Alberta, Canada.
Sex Trans Dis 2003 June;30(6):497-501.
- Sarwal S, Wong T, Ng L-K, Sevigny C. Increasing incidence of ciprofloxacin-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection in Canada.
CMAJ 2003 Apr;168(7):872-873.
- Jolly AM, Wylie JL. Gonorrhoea and chlamydia core groups and sexual networks in Manitoba. Sex Transm Infect 2002 Apr;78(Suppl 1):i145-151.
- Navarro C, Jolly A, Nair R, Chen Y Risk factors for genital chlamydial infection.
Can J Infect Dis 2002 May-June;13(3):195-207.
- Patrick DM, Rekart ML, Jolly A, Mak S, Tyndall M, Maginley J, Wong E, Wong T, Jones H, Montgomery C, Brunham RC. Heterosexual outbreak of infectious syphilis: epidemiological and ethnographic analysis and implications for control.
Sex Transm Infect 2002;78(Suppl 1):i164-i169.
- Wong T, Sutherland D. Canadian STI national goals and phase specific strategies.
Sex Transm Infect 2002;78(Suppl 1):i189-i190.
- Wong T, Burton S, Steben M. Neonatal herpes simplex virus infection. Canadian Paediatric Surveillance Program. Results 2001 August.
- Boucher M, Cohen HR, Gruslin A, Money DM, Steben M, Wong T. Mode of delivery for pregnant women infected by the human immunodeficiency virus. J Soc Obstet Gynaecol Can 2001 Apr;23(4):348-50.
- Jolly AM, Muth SQ, Wylie JL, Potterat JJ. Sexual networks and sexually transmitted infections: A tale of two cities.
J Urban Health 2001 Sep;78(3):433-45. (PDF version)
- Jolly AM, Wylie JL. Sampling individuals with large sexual networks, An evaluation of four approaches.
Sex Trans Dis 2001 Apr;28(4):200-7.
- Wylie J, Jolly A. Patterns of chlamydia and gonorrhea infection in sexual networks in Manitoba, Canada.
Sex Trans Dis 2001 Jan;28(1):14-24.
- Boucher M, Gruslin A, Delage G, McClemont T, Money DM, Steben M, Willems B, Wong T, Zinman L. The reproductive care of women living with hepatitis C infection. J Soc Obstet Gynaecol Can 2000 Oct;22(10):820-44.
- Patrick DM, Wong T, Jordan RA. Sexually transmitted infections in Canada: Recent resurgence threatens national goals.
Canadian J Human Sexuality 2000 Fall;9(3):149-65.
- Rekart M, Patrick D, Jolly A, Wong T, Morshed M, Jones H, Montgomery C, Knowles L, Chakraborty N, Maginley J. Mass treatment/prophylaxis during an outbreak of infectious syphilis in Vancouver, British Columbia. Can Commun Dis Rep 2000 June 15;26-12:101-5.
- Wong T, Chiasson MA, Reggy A, Simonds RJ, Heffess J, Loo V. Antiretroviral therapy and declining AIDS mortality in New York City.
J Urban Health 2000 Sep;77(3):492-500.
- Wong T, Jordan RA. Commentary: Syphilis elimination in Canada: If not now, when?
Canadian J Human Sexuality 2000 Fall;9(3):205-9.