Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Provincial and Territorial Health Line Telephone Numbers

or contact your doctor, health care professional or visit your local health care clinic.

Alberta 1-866-408-5465
British Columbia 1-800-661-4337
Manitoba 1-800-782-2437 or 204-940-2200
Newfoundland and Laborador 1-888-709-2929
New Brunswick 1-877-784-1010
Northwest Territories 1-888-255-1010
Nunavut 867-975-5700
Nova Scotia 1-800-566-2437
Ontario 1-866-797-0000
Prince Edward Island 902-368-4947
Quebec 811
Saskatchewan 1-877-800-0002
Yukon 811
USA 1-800-232-4636