Volume 2, Number 3, May-June 2006 Message from Ian E. Wilson
Ian E. Wilson Librarian and Archivist of Canada Source |
I am pleased to announce that "Search All," a new electronic research tool, is now available on the website of Library and Archives Canada (LAC). It provides single-window access to the content and databases found on the LAC website, connecting users to LAC resources quickly and directly.
"Search All" enables you to search various LAC resources at once, including the website, the library catalogue (which comprises records from over 1,300 contributing Canadian libraries) and the many archival descriptions. More importantly, it allows integrated searching of published and unpublished materials across the LAC collection.
Other functions, such as the ability to search by keyword, offer many benefits. More specific functions allow you to limit your search to library, archives or website content. For example, "Archives Search" offers an integrated view of LAC archival descriptions, with links between the hierarchical levels of description. "Smart search" technology lists and ranks your search results, showing the most relevant information first; it also lets you refine searches and sort results.
In the future, you can expect to see more sophisticated search capabilities, an expansion of one-stop searching to include additional LAC resources, and the online ordering of materials for consultation or copying.
"Search All" has been launched as a field trial to encourage your participation in its development. We appreciate any suggestions you may have. Try "Search All" or use the search box located in the top right corner of the LAC home page and tell us what you think about this new tool.