Volume 2, Number 3, May-June 2006 The 2006 Census of CanadaThe next Census Day is Tuesday, May 16, 2006. Conducted every five years by Statistics Canada, the national census is an unparalleled source of information about Canada and its population. Information that might otherwise be lost is captured and stored through census data. More >> I am pleased to announce that "Search All," a new electronic research tool, is now available on the website of Library and Archives Canada (LAC). It provides single-window access to the content and databases found on the LAC website. More >> Promoting Canadian Authors Library and Archives Canada presents the exhibition Promoting Canadian Authors: 100 Years of McClelland & Stewart, in Ottawa, from June 13, 2006, to March 4, 2007. More >> Early Impressions of QuebecA new exhibition entitled The Peter Winkworth Collection of Canadiana: Early Impressions of Quebec will be on display at Library and Archives Canada, in Ottawa, from May 16 to September 5, 2006. This must-see exhibition includes 66 exceptional works that illustrate the history of Quebec. More >> Launched in 2002, the Learning Centre boasts a variety of educational resources for students of all ages and academic levels. More >> Would you be willing to read books or lengthy documents directly onscreen?
Legend: = Film = Exhibition = Concert = Conference = Special Activity