Volume 2, Number 3, May-June 2006 In FocusOnline Learning Resources
Do you know children who need help with their homework? Or, perhaps, a time-pressed teacher looking for educational material on Canadian topics? The Library and Archives Canada Learning Centre can be of assistance. Launched in 2002, the Centre boasts a variety of educational resources for students of all ages and academic levels. Online games, classroom activities and learning toolkits are just some of the resources available to help you learn about or teach topics in Canadian social studies, language arts, music and civics. Children will benefit from the wealth of research and homework help offered in the Toolkit section. Teachers can browse the Educational Resources database for grade-specific and curriculum-related material. Educators are also invited to share their ideas with the Learning Centre. In doing so, they contribute to the development of more learning activities. The Learning Centre is a portal for all educational material featured on the Library and Archives Canada website. It continues to grow by leaps and bounds with new resources added monthly. A favourite among teachers, the Centre's site receives an average of 8,000 visits a day. In the last year alone, over two million clients visited and downloaded educational material from the Centre. Add your name to the Learning Centre Distribution List and receive regular email newsletters to keep abreast of professional development activities across the country. Come visit the Learning Centre! You will be impressed by what you learn! www.collectionscanada.ca/education/index-e.html |