Archived by Library and Archives Canada / Archivé par Bibliothèque et archives Canada. 20-10-2004. La numérisation du livre: perspectives Carte du site
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La numérisation du livre: perspectives

Table des matières


Documents publiés

Acoustic Renaissance for Audio. <<A Proposal for High-Quality Audio Application of High-Density CD Carriers>>, J.R. Stuart, pour le Technical Subcommittee, Stukeley Meadows, Cambridgeshire, Angleterre, 1996.

BAYER, April. Overview of SGML Concepts and ICADD Transformations. AB Communications, 1995.

BERRY, John W. <<Digital Libraries - New Initiatives with Worldwide Implications.>> IFLA Journal 22:1, 1996.

DIXON, Judith M. <<Levelling the Road Ahead: Guidelines for the Creations of WWW Pages Accessible to Blind and Visually Handicapped Users.>>, Washington D.C., National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress.

DOWNEY, Donn. >>Computers no longer a luxury>>, Globe and Mail, 27 octobre 1995.

IBM. IBM Digital Library, Special Edition, no 1, mars 1995.

........IBM Digital Library Technology Summary, mars 1995.

International Committee for Accessible Document Design. Statement of Purpose, 1992.

KORMAN, Wells B., John P. COOKSON, Thomas F. MCLAUGHLIN, Lloyd RASMUSSEN. Technology in Transition: Briefing on Audio Book Delivery Systems, Washington, D.C., National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress, 1996.

LAMOLINARA, Guy. <<Wired for the Future: President Clinton Signs Telecommunications Act at LC>>, Library of Congress Information Bulletin 55, février 1996, p. 43-45.

LAMOLINARA, Guy. <<San Antonia ALA: LC's National Digital Library Attracts Many Attendees>> Library of Congress Information Bulletin 55, février 1996, p. 46-47.

SULLIVAN, Joe. SGML: What It Is and Why It's Good for Braille, 1993.

WHYTE, Myles. How to Buy a Computer, Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, 1996.

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Documents non publiés

COOKSON, J. Summary of the November 29, 1995 Technology Assessment and Research Team Meeting, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress, rapport technique, janvier 1996.

HERIE, Euclid J. Promise or Parody: The Future of Library Services for the Blind, document présenté à l'occasion de la National Conference of Librarians Serving Blind and Physically Handicapped Individuals, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanie, avril 1996.

KING, Stephen. Christopher DAY, John GRIFFITHS, Chris FRIEDLANDER. Audio Technology: Strategy and Development, document présenté à l'occasion de la Third International Meeting on Technology as applied to Library Services for Blind Individuals, Toronto, avril 1995.

NIELSON, Kurt. User Requirements for Next Talking Books, document présenté à l'occasion du séminaire <<Next Generation Talking Books>>, Copenhague, 25-26 janvier 1996.

Nordic Cooperation Committee. The Next Generation of Talking Books, document présenté à l'occasion du séminaire <<Next Generation Talking Books>>, Copenhague, 25-26 janvier 1996.

Standing Committee, IFLA. Section for Libraries Serving the Blind, Digital Audio Steering Committee, 1996. Compte rendu du Digital Audio Steering Committee.

.................. ...Advancing the Next Generation of Talking Book Systems. Énoncé des principes et du rôle en matière de participation proactive.

VAN LELIEVELD, Jaap. Talking Books in the (near) Future, document présenté à l'occasion du séminaire <<Next Generation Talking Books>>, Copenhague, 25-26 janvier 1996.

..mise à jour: 2003.09.08 avis importants..
Archived by Library and Archives Canada / Archivé par Bibliothèque et archives Canada. 20-10-2004.