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Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)

Volume 16 No1, 1995

In this issue

Monograph Series on Aging-related Diseases:
VI. Osteoporosis
Mary Gordon and Julie Huang

Short Report

Body Mass Index, Gestational Diabetes and Diabetes Mellitus in Three Northern Saskatchewan Aboriginal Communities
Roland F Dyck, Leonard Tan and Vern H Hoeppner

Workshop Report
Trends in the Prevalence of Smoking, 1991-1994
Thomas Stephens

Workshop Report
Public Education Messages for Reducing Health Risks from Ultraviolet Radiation
Christina J Mills and Stephanie Jackson

Status Report
Description and Limitations of the Canadian Congenital Anomalies Surveillance System (CCASS)
Jocelyn Rouleau, Tye E Arbuckle, Kenneth C Johnson and Gregory J Sherman

Book Reviews
Facts and Figures of Cancer in the European Community
Reviewed by Isra Levy
The Canadian Guide to Clinical Preventive Health Care
Reviewed by Martin J Bass

Letter to the Editor
Re: "Public Education Messages for Reducing Health Risks from Ultraviolet Radiation" [Workshop Report] 1 Ultraviolet-B (UVB) Radiation and Immune System Suppression

Books and Publications
Assessment of Fracture Risk and its Application to Screening for Postmenopausal Osteoporosis
(Report of a WHO Study Group)
Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus
(Report of a WHO Study Group)
Ultraviolet Radiation
(An Authoritative Scientific Review of Environmental and Health Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation, with Reference to Global Ozone Layer Depletion)
Health, Solar UV Radiation and Environmental Change
(IARC Technical Report, No 13)
Information Support for New Public Health Action at District Level
(Report of a WHO Expert Committee)
The Epidemiology of Childhood Disorders

Abstract Reprints

  1. Predictors of mortality and institutionalization after hip fracture: the New Haven EPESE cohort
  2. The health burden of diabetes for the elderly in four communities
  3. Acute care hospital morbidity in the Blood Indian Band
  4. Mortality in relation to smoking: 40 years' observations on male British doctors
  5. Prevalence of smoking among pregnant women in Nova Scotia from 1988 to 1992
  6. Trends in cigarette smoking among US adolescents, 1974 through 1991
  7. Cigarette smoking by socioeconomic group, sex, and age: effects of price, income, and health publicity
  8. Melanoma and sunburn
  9. Neurodevelopment of adopted children exposed in utero to cocaine
  10. First-trimester anesthesia exposure and the risk of central nervous system defects: a population-based case-control study
  11. Physical activity and the risk of prostate and testicular cancer: a cohort study of 53,000 Norwegian men
  12. Bicyclist and environmental factors associated with fatal bicycle-related trauma in Ontario
  13. Comparison of dietary habits, physical activity and body size among Chinese in North America and China
  14. Recent cancer trends in the United States
  15. Bayesian estimation of disease prevalence and the parameters of diagnostic tests in the absence of a gold standard
  16. Dietary fat intake and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer
  17. Periodic health examination, 1995 update:1. Screening for human papillomavirus infection in asymptomatic women
  18. Cohort study of silicon carbide production workers
  19. Occupational risk factors for bladder cancer: results from a case-control study in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  20. Radiographic abnormalities and the risk of lung cancer among workers exposed to silica dust in Ontario
  21. Net economic costs of dementia in Canada

Published by authority of the Minister of Health
© Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada 1999
ISSN 1481-8523 (On-Line)      ISSN 0228-8699 (Print)
Aussi disponible en français sous le titre Maladies chroniques au Canada

Last Updated: 2002-10-02 Top