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Volume 16, No.1 Supplement -1995

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Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)

Proceedings of the OCTRF Cancer Epidemiology Seminar
April 18, 1994 Toronto, Ontario


The papers in this supplement represent presentations made at the Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation's 1994 Cancer Epidemiology Seminar. The seminar was held on April 18, 1994, on the University of Toronto campus. One session addressed prostate cancer trends, etiology and screening. For the etiology component, Dr Geoffrey Howe, Director of the National Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC) Epidemiology Unit at the University of Toronto, presented a preliminary report on diet and prostate cancer. A final version will be published elsewhere. The second session dealt with research issues related to stress and cancer. Dr Norman Boyd, the Foundation's Vice-president of Preventive Oncology, introduced the seminar by describing the new Division of Preventive Oncology.

Once again an attendance of over 200 represented a wide variety of disciplines, institutions and groups: students in epidemiology and biostatistics; researchers in epidemiology, biostatistics and health promotion from universities, government, hospitals and related institutions; public health officials; policy makers; nurses, physicians and clinical researchers; cancer patient representatives.

We hope that the publication of these proceedings will be useful both to those who attended the seminar and those interested in the topics addressed.

EJ Holowaty MD, FRCP(C), MSc Director, Ontario Cancer Registry, Division of Preventive Oncology, OCTRF
AB Miller, MB, FRCP
Chairman, Department of Preventive Medicine and Biostatistics, University of Toronto
B Theis, MSc
Epidemiologist, Division of Preventive Oncology, OCTRF

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