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Volume 22, No. 2

[Table of Contents]


Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)

Completeness and Accuracy of the Birth Registry Data on Congenital Anomalies in Alberta, Canada

Fu-Lin Wang, Stephan Gabos, Barbara Sibbald and R Brian Lowry


Vital statistics and other administrative data are becoming an increasingly important source for epidemiologic research and surveillance. This study, the first in Canada, evaluated the usefulness of birth registry data on congenital anomalies in Alberta. We compared the number of birth defects recorded in the birth registry with the number collected through the Alberta Congenital Anomalies Surveillance System (ACASS) between 1985 and 1996. In addition, records of 3,881 (99.9%) babies with a birth defect(s) from the ACASS during 1994-1996 were matched to the birth registry by deterministic linkage. Of these, 2,969 babies had single anomalies that were used for validity analysis. The anomalies were grouped by those within International Classification of Disease (ICD) ICD-9 Section XIV (ICD-9=740.0-759.9) and those outside Section XIV. For those within Section XIV, 24 summary diagnostic categories were examined. As shown, the total case count from the birth registry was on average about 3% lower than that from the ACASS between 1985 and 1996. The validity of diagnostic categories is high for the 24 categories examined, with an overall agreement of between 80% and 100%. The sensitivity, positive predictive value, and kappa are also high for all these anomalies combined during 1994 and 1996, showing 95.7%, 99.8, and 0.81 respectively.

Key words: birth registry; congenital anomalies; reliability; validity


Secondary data, such as vital statistics birth/death registries, physician claims, and hospital records, have become increasingly important sources for epidemiological research and surveillance.1-5 The birth registry, for instance, may be an important source of information for studies of congenital anomalies and other health events.2,6 The province of Alberta birth registry has been readily available in a standard format for years and records some 40,000 births each year. Each record also contains infant health and reproductive health-related information such as birth weight, mother's age at delivery, and the presence of congenital anomalies. The major variables available in the registry are listed in Appendix 1. To date, no study has evaluated the usefulness of birth registry data on the study of congenital anomalies in Canada.

Only a few studies have evaluated the adequacy and completeness of the congenital anomalies data. Knox and his colleagues evaluated a national congenital anomaly surveillance system in the United Kingdom (UK)7 and concluded that the system was inadequate when a case is ascertained from a single source, mainly the birth notice. Another study examined the completeness and accuracy of diagnosis by comparing data from several birth defect registries in the UK and found a high degree of validity in diagnosis.2 A Canadian study discussed the limitations of the Canadian Congenital Anomalies Surveillance System (CCASS), focusing on data collected from hospital stays.8

The Alberta Congenital Anomalies Surveillance System (ACASS), one of the earliest congenital anomalies registries in Canada, routinely collects data on congenital anomalies in the province of Alberta from multiple sources,9-10 making it a valuable reference for evaluation studies on congenital anomalies in the province. Using data from the ACASS as a "gold standard", this study evaluates the completeness and accuracy of congenital anomalies data available in the Alberta birth registry. The total number of cases in the birth registry and the ACASS between 1985 and 1996 were compared for completeness. Like previous studies,2,11-12 the overall percent agreement, estimated kappa, and sensitivity were used for validity assessment. Regional variations in the overall quality of congenital anomalies data in the province were also compared.

Materials and Methods

Description of Data Sources

Data on congenital anomalies were made computer accessible from the ACASS (1980-1996) and from the birth registry (1985-1996). The ACASS started in 1966 and has the best information on congenital anomalies available in the province. Like surveillance systems in other countries, the ACASS collects data on selected malformations for infants up to one year of age.9 Cases are obtained from a variety of independent sources, such as the Congenital Anomalies Reporting Form, the Medical Certificate of Stillbirth, the Notice of Birth form, the Medical Certificate of Death, acute care hospitals, and some agencies, outpatient specialty clinics and laboratories. For suspected cases, the ACASS verifies the diagnosis with the relevant physicians/laboratories. Quality measures are taken to ensure the accuracy of diagnosis. The methodology in case ascertainment and evaluation has been detailed elsewhere.9-10 The British Paediatric Association Classification of Diseases (BPA) code, an adaptation of the International Classification of Disease 9th version (ICD-9), is used in the ACASS for congenital anomalies.

After receiving data on congenital anomalies (in hard copy) from the ACASS, the birth registry staff will, whenever possible, enter the data into the birth registry database. Data on congenital anomalies from the Alberta birth registry are expected to be of a reasonably good quality. The anomalies in the birth registry are also coded according to the BPA scheme. After receiving data from the birth registry, Alberta Health and Wellness determines the geographic location of the mother's residence according to Regional Health Authority (RHA). Data are grouped into five geographic regions for analysis: Southern (RHA 1-3, 5), Central (RHA 6-9), Northern (RHA 11-17), Calgary (RHA 4), and Edmonton (RHA 10).

Case Definition and Assessment of Completeness of Registry

In this study, a case refers to an individual live or stillborn infant who is coded as having one or more anomaly(ies). The diagnosis may be made at birth (in the birth registry) or during infancy (in the ACASS). An anomaly includes structural defects, chromosomal and monogenic syndromes, inborn errors of metabolism, and other related inborn disorders. An individual can have more than one birth defect. Because only the first defect, the major anomaly of a newborn, is available in the birth registry, the number of cases rather than the number of defects is used in this study.

Similar to the ACASS and other studies,13 the birth case prevalence for this study refers to the number of individual live and stillborn infants with at least one birth defect per 1,000 total births.

It is estimated as the following:

Prevalence = Bcase/Btotal x 1000


BCASE = still births (>= 20 weeks) and live births with
a birth defect; and

BTOTAL = total still births (>= 20 weeks) and live births

The completeness of the registry of congenital anomalies in the birth registry is evaluated by monitoring:

1. the difference in the total number of cases (the birth registry minus the ACASS), and

2. the prevalence ratio (the birth registry divided by the ACASS). The implication of the difference and ratio is:

  • difference = 0 or ratio = 1:
    Equal reporting in the birth registry
  • difference > 0 or ratio > 1:
    Overreporting in the birth registry
  • difference < 0 or ratio < 1:
    Underreporting in the birth registry

Data Linkage and Validity Analysis

Validity is the extent to which the study measures what it is intended to measure. In Stone's work,2 it was said "Validity has been defined as 'an expression of whether a response or measure actually represents what it purports to; essentially a measure of truth within the terms of reference'.14 Since the truth is seldom at hand, a more pragmatic definition is 'the extent to which the results of a method agree with an independent external criterion.'"15 In this study, validity refers to the agreement in each specific diagnostic category/section of congenital anomalies between the birth registry and the ACASS. The diagnosis from the ACASS was used as a "gold standard" for comparisons.

Data from the ACASS during 1994 to 1996 (incomplete at the time of study) were linked to the birth registry file of the same period by:

  • BRN (birth registry number), and
  • DOB (date of birth of the baby).

During the three-year period, 3,886 babies with congenital anomalies were recorded in the ACASS database. Of these, 3,881 (99.9%) were matched to the birth registry. Five cases that did not match were excluded from further analysis. For those matched cases, 2,969 (76.5%) had single anomalies. These single anomalies were used for validity analysis. The anomalies were grouped by those within the adaptation of ICD-9 Section XIV (ICD-9 = 740.0-759.9) and those outside Section XIV. The latter include over 20 diagnostic categories, such as umbilical hernia (ICD-9 = 553.10), inguinal hernia (ICD-9 = 550.90), anomalies of jaw size (ICD-9 = 524.00), hereditary hemolytic anemia (ICD-9 = 282.00), cystic fibrosis (ICD-9 = 277.00), disorders of carbohydrate transport and metabolism (ICD-9 = 271.00), etc. Twenty-four summary diagnostic categories were examined for those within Section XIV.

The diagnostic categories recorded in the birth registry were compared with those in the ACASS. The overall percent agreement, kappa estimate, sensitivity and positive predicative value were estimated according to Fleiss16 and Sorensen et al.4 The definition and calculation of each measure are illustrated in Appendix 2. The criteria used to judge the level of percent agreement are greater than 80% for excellent, 61-80% for good, 41-60% for moderate, and less than 40% for poor.12 The clinical significance of the estimated kappa, which excludes the chance-induced agreement (when positive), was interpreted according to the "benchmarks" suggested by Landis and Koch17 as the following:

Kappa statistics

Strength of agreement

< 0.00-0.00


< 0.00-0.20


< 0.21-0.40


< 0.41-0.60


< 0.61-0.80


< 0.81-1.00

Almost perfect

A chi-square test was applied as appropriate for regional variations and for trend analysis.18


Completeness of the Registry

Table 1 summarizes the annual birth case prevalence of congenital anomalies (ICD-9 XIV) from the birth registry and ACASS in Alberta from 1985-1996. The difference in the total number of cases and the prevalence ratio are presented for comparison. As shown, the number of cases from the birth registry is on average about 3% less than that from the ACASS during the 12-year study period. The number of non-captured cases by the birth registry varies by year, from nine in 1986 to 100 in 1991, with a total of 544 under-reported during the 12 years. It is interesting to note that the difference is larger in recent years, especially for 1995, and that in 1993 the birth registry had one case of overreporting.

Number of cases and birth prevalence between the birth registry and the ACASS, 1985-1996

Year Birth registry ACASS Birth - ACASS difference Birth/ACASS prevalence ratio
Numbera Prevalenceb Numbera Prevalenceb
1985  1,602 36.8  1,644 37.7  -42 0.97
1986  1,743 40.0  1,752 40.2 -9 0.99
1987  1,672 39.8  1,705 40.6  -33 0.98
1988  1,812 43.2  1,857 44.2  -45 0.98
1989  1,864 43.1  1,910 44.2  -46 0.98
1990  1,882 43.8  1,945 45.3  -63 0.97
1991  1,631 38.2  1,731 40.6 -100 0.94
1992  1,665 39.7  1,689 40.3  -24 0.99
1993  1,417 35.3  1,416 35.2  1 1.00
1994  1,312 33.0  1,377 34.7  -65 0.95
1995  1,068 27.5  1,150 29.6  -82 0.93
1996  1,084 28.7  1,120 29.7  -36 0.97
Total 18,752 37.6 19,296 38.7 -544 0.97
<>a Only anomalies within the ICD-9 Section XIV are included.
b The birth prevalence is expressed as the number of cases per 1,000 total births.


Accuracy of the Information - Validity of Diagnosis

Table 2 presents the data on single anomalies from the two sources for years 1994, 1995, and 1996. Of a total of 2,969 cases recorded in the ACASS, 2,662 (89.7%) are within the adaptation of ICD-9 Section XIV (7400-7599), and 307 cases are outside ICD-9 XIV. Overall, 93.4% of diagnoses during the three-year period from the two sources are in the same anomaly section. The percentage is relatively higher for anomalies within ICD-9 Section XIV (94.3%) and lower for anomalies outside this section (89.3%). From 1994 to 1996 the agreement was decreasing for anomalies within ICD-9 Section XIV (p< 0.001). It was higher in 1994 (96.5%), dropped slightly in 1995 (95.3%), and was lower in 1996 (90.3%). For those outside ICD-9 Section XIV, the agreement was 90.6%, 88.3%, and 88.9% for the years 1994, 1995, and 1996 respectively.

Agreement in diagnosis of single anomalies between the birth registry and the ACASS, 1994-1996

Year Defects within ICD9-XIV Defects outside ICD9-XIV Total defects
No. of cases Agree (%) No. of cases Agree (%) No. of Cases Agree (%)
1994 1,046 96.5 106 90.6 1,152 95.9
1995 830 95.3 120 88.3 950 94.2
1996 786 90.3  81 88.9 867 90.2
Total 2,662 94.3 307 89.3 2,969 93.4
Chi-square test for trend p = 0.001 p = 0.689 p = 0.001

    Table 3 presents the sensitivity, positive predictive value, kappa and the overall agreement on single birth defects within ICD-9-XIV by the birth registry. As shown, the sensitivity ranges from 97.3% in 1994 to 91.9% in 1996, with an average of 95.7% for the study period. This suggests that during 1994 to 1996, on average about 96% of single anomalies (within ICD-9-XIV) recorded in the ACASS were identified by the birth registry. The positive predictive value was high, from 100.0% in 1996 to 99.6% in 1994. The high predictive value suggests that almost all congenital anomalies within ICD-9-XIV recorded in the birth registry are in the same broad categories as those recorded in the ACASS. The kappa statistic was also high, an average of 0.81 (81%) over the study period. Even the lowest kappa (0.68) in 1996 is still substantial. The overall agreement was high, ranging from 92.6% in 1996 to 97.2% in 1994, with an average of 96.0%.

Validity of diagnosis on single birth defects within ICD-9 Section XIV
recorded in the birth registry by year, Alberta, 1994-1996

Year Cases from the birth registry Cases from the ACASS Measures of validity
Yes No Sensitivity Predictive value Kappa Overall (%)
1994 Yes 1,018 4 97.3  99.6 0.9 97.2
No  28 102
Total 1,046 106
1995 Yes 807 1 97.2  99.9 0.9 97.5
No  23 119
Total 830 120
1996 Yes 722 0 91.9 100.0 0.7 92.6
No  64  81
Total 786  81
1994-1996 Yes 2,547 5 95.7  99.8 0.8 96.0
No 115 302
Total 2,662 307

    Further to this analysis, Table 4 presents the percentage of agreement for the major diagnostic categories of congenital anomalies between the birth registry and the ACASS. The agreement ranges from a high of 100% for "Other Anomalies of the Nervous System" to a low of 80.0% for "Limb Reductions". On average, the agreement is 93.8% for all congenital anomalies. As noted, the agreement is greater than 93% for the majority of diagnostic categories, but it is relatively lower for Down Syndrome (86.6%), "Other and Unspecified Anomalies" (85.7%), "Microcephaly and Hydrocephaly" (90.0%), and "Other Chromosome Anomalies" (90.2%).

Agreement in diagnostic category of single anomalies
between the birth registry and the ACASS, Alberta, 1994-1996

Diagnostic category of congenital anomalies ICD-9/BPAa code Total cases Number of agreements Agreement (percentage)
All anomalies combined 740-759b 2,969 2,784  93.8
Neural tube defects 740.0-742.0  55  49  89.1
Microcephaly/hydrocephaly 742.1-742.3  40  36  90.0
Other anomalies of the nervous system 742.4-742.9  17  17 100.0
Eye anomalies 743.0-743.9  33  31  93.9
Anomalies of ear, face, and neck 744.0-744.9 185 178  96.2
Cardiac septal defects 745.0-745.9 185 174  94.1
Valve atresia/stenosis etc. 746.0-746.9  60  57  95.0
Vessel & other CV defects 747.0-747.9 167 160  95.8
Anomalies of the respiratory system 748.0-748.9  24  23  95.8
Facial clefts 749.0-750.2 165 154  93.3
Anomalies of the digestive system 750.3-751.9 119 108  90.8
Anomalies of major genital organs 752.0-752.5 220 213  96.8
Hypospadias & epispadias 752.6 172 166  96.5
Anomalies of other genital organs 752.7-752.9  13  12  92.3
Anomalies of the urinary system 753.0-753.9 128 121  94.5
Musculoskeletal deformities 754.0-754.4 207 201  97.1
Deformities of feet 754.5-755.1 439 418  95.2
Limb reductions 755.2-755.4  20  16  80.0
Other limb anomalies 755.5-755.9  44  41  93.2
Anomalies of bone/spine/ribs 756.0-756.9 109 101  92.7
Anomalies of the integument 757.0-757.9  81  77  95.1
Down syndrome 758.0  97  84  86.6
Other chromosome anomalies 758.1-758.9  61  55  90.2
Other & unspecified anomalies 759.0-759.9  21  18  85.7
Anomalies outside section XIV Outside_XIV 307 274  89.3
a BPA = British Paediatric Association Classification of Diseases (adaptation of ICD-9)
b Include diagnostic codes of ICD-9 XIV (740-759) and outside ICD-9 XIV (90 codes).


Data Quality across Geographic Regions

Health surveillance and studies of congenital anomalies often require comparisons of regional differences. Understanding the accuracy of diagnosis and completeness of data across regions is crucial for appropriate interpretation.

Table 5 presents the overall agreement of diagnoses on congenital anomalies between the birth registry and the ACASS, 1994-1996. As shown, there is no appreciable difference in the agreement across the five geographic regions for all congenital anomalies combined, and anomalies within or outside the ICD-9 Section XIV. The agreement is slightly higher for the anomalies within ICD-9 Section XIV regardless of the region.

Agreement in diagnosis of birth defects between the birth registry and
the ACASS by region, 1994-1996

Geographic region Defects within ICD9-XIV Defects outside ICD9-XIV Total defects
No. of cases Agree (%) No. of cases Agree (%) No. of cases Agree (%)
Southern (RHAs 1-3,5) 424 95.8 76 93.4 500 94.0
Central (RHAs 6-9) 386 95.3 58 91.4 444 93.7
Northern (RHAs 11-17) 354 95.5 34 94.1 388 94.3
Calgary (RHA 4) 870 95.3 70 91.4 940 93.9
Edmonton (RHA 10) 627 94.7 67 88.1 694 93.5
Chi-square test for difference p > 0.05 p > 0.05 p > 0.05
Note: Three cases with unknown RHA were excluded.

    Table 6 presents the sensitivity, positive predictive value, kappa, and overall agreement of the diagnosis on single birth defects within ICD-9-XIV by the birth registry for each geographic region. As shown, the sensitivity is fairly close across the five regions during the study period, from 96.2% for Southern Alberta to 94.9% for Edmonton, as is the positive predictive value, from 100.0% for Northern Alberta to 99.7% for Central Alberta. As noted, the kappa value appears slightly higher in Southern Alberta (0.88) but lower in the Calgary health region (0.76). The overall agreement does not show much difference across the regions. These findings suggest that data on the diagnosis of single congenital anomalies within ICD-9 Section XIV from the birth registry are fairly good for all geographic regions.

Validity of diagnosis on single birth defect recorded in the birth registry by region, Alberta, 1994-1996

Geographic region Cases from the birth registry Cases from the ACASS Measures of validity
Yes No Sensitivity Predictive value Kappa Overall (%)
(RHAs 1-3,5)
Yes 408  1 96.2  99.8 0.9 96.6
No  16 75
Total 424 76
(RHAs 6-9)
Yes 369  1 95.6  99.7 0.8 95.9
No  17 57
Total 386 58
(RHAs 11-17)
Yes 340  0 96.1 100.0 0.8 96.3
No  14 34
Total 354 34
(RHA 4)
Yes 835  2 96.0  99.8 0.8 96.0
No  35 68
Total 870 70
(RHA 10)
Yes 595  1 94.9  99.8 0.8 95.2
No  32 66
Total 627 67
Note: Three cases with unknown RHA were excluded.


Congenital Anomalies Not Captured by the Birth Registry

Table 7 shows the number of babies with a single birth defect who were not captured by the birth registry during the 3-year period. Overall, 135 babies (4.6%) with a single anomaly were not captured by the birth registry. The proportion of these non-captured anomalies increased, from 2.9% (33/1152) in 1994 to 3.2% (30/950) in 1995, and 8.3% (72/869) in 1996 (p < 0.05). When looking at the anomalies subgroups, the proportion of the not-captured cases was higher for those outside the adaptation of ICD-9 Section XIV. The majority of the anomalies outside ICD-9-XIV are of less clinical significance, such as umbilical hernia (ICD-9 = 553.10), inguinal hernia (ICD-9 = 550.90), anomalies of jaw size (ICD-9 = 524.00), etc. However, some important genetic diseases, such as hereditary hemolytic anemia (ICD-9 = 282.00), cystic fibrosis (ICD-9 = 277.00), and disorders of carbohydrate transport and metabolism (ICD-9=27100) were missing from the birth registry.

Table 8 summarizes the number and proportion of single anomalies non-captured by the birth registry for the five geographic regions from 1994-1996. As shown, the proportion is fairly close across the five geographic regions, although it appears slightly higher in Edmonton.

Birth defects not captured by the birth registry by year, Alberta, 1994-1996

Year Defects within ICD9-XIV Defects outside ICD9-XIV Total defects
Number Percent (%) Number Percent (%) Number Percent (%)
1994  28 2.7  5  4.7  33 2.9
1995  21 2.5  9  7.5  30 3.2
1996  63 8.0  9 11.1  72 8.3
Total 112 4.2 23  7.5 135 4.6

Birth defects not captured by the birth registry by region, Alberta, 1994-1996

Geographic region Defects within ICD9-XIV Defects outside ICD9-XIV Total defects
Number Percent (%) Number Percent (%) Number Percent (%)
Southern (RHAs 1-3,5)  16 3.8  4  5.3  20 4.0
Central (RHAs 6-9)  17 4.4  4  6.9  21 4.7
Northern (RHAs 11-17)  12 3.4  2  5.9  14 3.6
Calgary (RHA 4)  35 4.0  4  5.7  39 4.2
Edmonton (RHA 10)  31 4.9  7 10.5  38 5.5
Province 112 4.2 23  7.5 135 4.6
Note: Three cases with RHA unknown are included in the provincial total.



Using administrative data sources for surveillance and research is becoming increasingly important in the health setting.4 Understanding the completeness and accuracy of this information will assist data analysis and interpretation. This study, using the birth registry as an example, examined the completeness and accuracy of such data on congenital anomalies in Alberta, Canada.

It was found that total case counts recorded in the birth registry were on average 3% lower than those recorded in the ACASS between 1985 and 1996. The difference is fairly close for most of the years under study but is larger in 1991 (6% lower), 1994 (5% lower) and 1995 (8% lower). This difference should be taken into account in interpretation when the birth registry data are used. It is important to emphasize that the data on congenital anomalies from the two sources are expected to be the same. The observed differences can probably be attributed to the "lag period" between data collection, verification, and entry into the system, and perhaps to other sources (i.e., transcription error in updating, data and data entry errors). Staff shortages and staff change over time are likely reasons for the difference. There is also a 6-10 month delay, depending on the year, in accessing the birth registry data that may also account for some of the differences. The larger differences in the most recent two years may, in part, be attributed to the improved case ascertainment from the ACASS and a decrease in the length of hospital stay for obstetric cases.

The validity of diagnostic categories (single anomalies from the birth registry during 1994-1996) is excellent and clinically almost perfect for the 24 categories examined as well as for the overall anomalies. There is no evidence suggesting regional variations in data quality with respect to both data validity and completeness. These findings suggest the data on congenital anomalies from the birth registry in Alberta are fairly useful.

It must be emphasized that the usefulness of vital statistics for surveillance of a particular health event depends on the characteristics of that health event, as well as on the procedures used to collect, code and summarize relevant information. In general, vital statistics will be more useful for conditions that can be ascertained easily at the time of birth or death. Likewise, mortality rates derived from death certificate data will more closely approximate true incidence for conditions with a short clinical course that are easy to diagnose, are easily identified as initiating a chain of events leading to death, and are usually fatal.

The majority of birth defects can be easily identified at birth. The Physician Notice of Livebirth or Stillbirth used in a birth registry may serve as an important source for case identification. If the data on congenital anomalies in the Alberta birth registry have reached such a high quality, it is because they are all obtained from the ACASS, demonstrating that a close tie between the birth registry and the ACASS is required to maintain this level. Without the use of Physician Notice of Livebirth or Stillbirth in the birth registry, some cases may be not initially identified and may miss attention from the ACASS. However, without a well-established mechanism of case identification, verification, confirmation, coding, and entry into a data system from the ACASS, which then sends the data to the birth registry, the case registration in the province may not be as complete and accurate. The rich information and the high quality of birth defect data collected by the Alberta birth registry (Appendix 1), and perhaps of other provinces with similar mechanisms of case ascertainment, would suggest its potential value for surveillance and research of congenital anomalies. This study also found that some factors such as the lag period, errors in data entry and transcription - common in administration of all birth registries - appear to have little impact on the completeness and accuracy of case registration in a birth registry. Of note, although the birth and death certificates are filed shortly after the event occurs, the process of producing final vital statistics at a provincial level from these data sources can take at least eight months or longer.

This exercise has demonstrated an approach to evaluating an administrative database, and may help future evaluation studies of secondary data. In fact, a similar approach is being used in another study comparing congenital anomalies data between physician claims, hospital morbidity and the ACASS.

It is important to keep in mind, however, that this study also has important limitations. Although comparing data from several sources has been used and recommended by others,1-4 the data from the reference source are assumed to be valid. Data errors in the reference group may lead to some variations in the level of the validity measures, though this error is likely very small for the ACASS data. There are hundreds of specific anomalies and the present study evaluated only 24 diagnostic categories, so the potential differences among specific anomalies within each diagnostic category are not revealed by the present study. Many fetal anomalies, especially those of less than 20 weeks' gestation, were not captured by the birth registry/ACASS in the past, and about 20% of cases with multiple anomalies were not included in this evaluation.

Nonetheless, findings from this study lead to the following conclusions:

  • The data on congenital anomalies from the birth registry represent about 97% of total infants with a single birth defect during 1985-1996. For infants with multiple anomalies, the "minor" defects were not available in the birth registry during this period. Thus, the total number of defects from the birth registry was likely underreported by about 20%.
  • Most of the diagnostic categories of single congenital anomalies (within ICD-9 Section XIV) from the birth registry agree with those from the ACASS during 1994-1996, suggesting accuracy of diagnostic information for the 24 categories examined. Overall, 99.8% of single anomalies in the birth registry during 1994 to 1996 were likely "true" cases. During the same period, the probability of correctly classifying the single anomalies within ICD-9 Section XIV was 95.7%. Clinically, the validity of the diagnosis for single anomalies within ICD-9 Section XIV was almost perfect during the three-year period.
  • No significant regional variations were found with respect to the completeness of information, sensitivity, predictability, kappa, and overall agreement of diagnosis on single anomalies within ICD-9 XIV as a whole during 1994-1996.
  • The ACASS has played an essential role in surveillance of congenital anomalies in the province. Further collaboration between Alberta Health and Wellness, the ACASS, the birth registry and other agencies is required for the surveillance, prevention and control of congenital anomalies in the province.

It is recommended that data on congenital anomalies from the birth registry, in combination with data from the ACASS and other sources, such as Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP), physician claims, and hospital morbidity, be used for monitoring/surveillance purposes such as:

  • monitoring long-term trends of birth prevalence of selected congenital anomalies;
  • identifying differences in infant health status within ethnic (Aboriginal vs. Non-Aboriginal) or other subgroups of the population;
  • assessing differences in congenital anomalies, stillbirths, low birth weight by geographic area (spatial pattern) or by maternal age or other factors;
  • monitoring congenital anomalies that are generally considered preventable (such as neural tube defect);
  • generating hypotheses regarding possible causes or correlations of congenital anomalies or other infant health indicators;
  • conducting health-planning activities related to infant health; and
  • monitoring progress toward achieving improved health status of the infant or child population.


The authors wish to thank Mr. Larry Svenson of Health Surveillance and Mr. Barry Chatwin of Information Technology for providing data necessary for linkage as well invaluable advice for the linkage process. Special thanks to Mrs. Susan Shaw and Dr. Don Schopflocher for their support and editorial changes.


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List of selected variables available in the birth registry

Information Variable description Comments
Personal identification Mother's name (full) Complete, assist data linkage
Mother's date of birth Complete, assist maternal age and birth cohort calculation, and data linkage
Mother's AHCIP/PHN Incomplete in the past, assist data linkage
Father's name (full) Incomplete, assist data linkage, etc.
Father's date of birth Incomplete, paternal age estimation
Name of newborn (full) Complete and inaccurate, assist linkage
Newborn's date of birth Complete and accurate for age calculation, the birth cohort development, data linkage, etc.
Birth registration number Complete and accurate for linkage
Newborn's sex Complete and accurate, data linkage and report
Demographic and socioeconomic information Mother's residence PCa Incomplete, assist linkage and spatial comparison
Mother's residence SGCb Complete, assist linkage and spatial comparison
Mother's marital status Incomplete, SES indicator
Mother's residence RHAc Complete, assist regional comparison
Reproductive history History of stillbirth Complete and accurate, risk indicator
History of abortion Complete and accurate, risk indicator
Number of live birth Complete and accurate, risk indicator
Single or multiple births Complete and accurate, risk indicator
Birth order Complete and accurate, risk indicator
Behavioral risk factors Maternal smoking Useful for prevalence and risk estimation
Alcohol use Useful for prevalence and risk estimation
Street drug use Useful for prevalence and risk estimation
Medical interventions Prenatal visit Useful for percent and frequency estimation
Hospital of delivery Complete, assist linkage and analysis
Assisted labour Incomplete, proportion of assistance by type
Selected pregnancy outcomes Stillbirth Complete, perinatal health indicator
Cause of stillbirth/death Complete, perinatal health indicator
Congenital anomalies Incomplete, perinatal health indicator
Birth weight Complete, perinatal health indicator
Gestational age (weeks) Incomplete, perinatal health indicator
Length of newborn Complete, risk indicator
Apgar score Complete, risk indicator
a PC = postal code
b SGC = standard geographic code
c RHA = regional health authority

Terms and Definitions

<>Sensitivity is a measure of the probability of correctly diagnosing/classifying a case or event (Syn: true positive rate).

<>Specificity is a measure of the probability of correctly identifying/classifying a non-case or non-event (Syn: true negative rate).

<>Positive Predictive Value: In screening and diagnostic tests, the probability that a person/event with a positive test is a true positive.

<>Overall agreement is a measure of the probability of correctly diagnosing/classifying a case or event plus a non-case or non-event.

<>Kappa is a measure of the degree of non-random agreement between observers or measurements of the same categorical variable.
These measures have been widely used in screening tests and interclass or intraclass correlations. The calculations are illustrated by the following two by two table:

Table layout for sensitivity, specificity, predictive value, and agreement analysis

  Cases or events from the standard Total
Yes No
Cases or events being classified from the study Yes a  (90) b  (15) a  +  b
No c  (10) d  (25) c  +  d
Total a + c b  +  d a + b + c + d = N
<>Sensitivity = a / (a + c) * 100  =  90 / (90 + 10) * 100 = 90.0%

<>Positive Predicative Value (PV) =  a / (a + b) * 100 = 90 / (90 + 15) * 100 = 85.7%

<>Specificity  = d / (b + d) * 100 = 25 / (15 + 25 ) * 100 = 40.0%
<>Overall Agreement = (a + d) / N * 100 = (90 + 25) / 140 * 100 = 82.1%

<>Kappa = P0 - Pe / 1 - Pe =  [2(ad - bc)] / {[(a + b)(b + d)] + [(a + c)(c + d)]}

<>Kappa = 2(90*25 - 15*10) / (105*40 + 100*35) = 4200 / 7700 = 0.54

<>where P0 is the observed agreement and Pe is the expected agreement.


Author References

Fu-Lin Wang, Epidemiologist, Health Surveillance, Alberta Health and Wellness, Edmonton, Alberta

Stephan Gabos, Director, Health Surveillance, Alberta Health and Wellness, Edmonton, Alberta

Barbara Sibbald, Manager, Alberta Congenital Anomalies Surveillance System, Department of Medical Genetics, Alberta Children's Hospital, Calgary, Alberta

R Brian Lowry, Director, Alberta Congenital Anomalies Surveillance System, Department of Medical Genetics, Alberta Children's Hospital, Calgary, Alberta

Correspondence: Dr Fu-Lin Wang, Health Surveillance, Alberta Health and Wellness, 24th floor, TELUS Plaza North Tower 10025 Jasper Ave., PO Box, 1360 STN Main, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2N3; Fax: (780) 427-1470; E-mail:

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