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November 1995, vol. 27, no. 11
by Iris Winston, Staff Writer
National Librarian Marianne Scott and National Archivist Jean-Pierre Wallot with some of the materials being transferred.
The transfer came about as a result of the budget cuts and the program review required of all federal government departments and agencies earlier in the year. Like other federal institutions, the National Archives was forced to reduce operations in some areas to maintain core programs. Collections of publications of historical value deemed not essential to its operations were declared surplus, and, in accordance with the National Library Act, these items were transferred into the care and custody of the National Library. The National Archives library will continue in its role as a departmental library, and retain materials relating to archival science, conservation and information management.
For the present, the collections will remain in their current locations in the buildings shared by the National Library and the National Archives. Physical access to the collections is managed by National Library staff; bibliographic access will be broadened as soon as records for the items in the collection are added to the Library's AMICUS and Dynix systems. "Access to the entire collection will be made available nationally and internationally through the National Library's online database," says Scott. This measure will ensure continuing availability and accessibility, not only to staff and researchers at the National Archives and the National Library, but also across the country. The acquisition of these collections, the National Librarian points out, helps the Library to fulfill its mandate to build a strong national resource for the study, understanding, appreciation, and continued vitality of Canada's cultural heritage.
Further details of the items affected by the transfer will be included in further issues of National Library News.
David Murrell-Wright
Acquisitions and Bibliographic Services
National Library of Canada
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Internet: david.murrell-wright@nlc-bnc.ca