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National Library News

October/November 1996, vol. 28, nos. 10-11

Jerusalem: Historic, Sacred, Celestial: List of Exhibition Items

Bible. II Samuel 5-6. Nevi’im Rishonim. Prophetae Priores. Paris: R. Estienne, 1539-1544.

Bible. N.T. Greek. John 19-20. E Kaine Diatheke. Novum Testamentum. Amsterdam: Henricus Wetstenius, 1698.

Koran. Arabic. Manuscript. Persia?, 1677. (Rare Book Collection)

Siddur. Seder Tefilat Yisra’el ke-Minhag k.k. Sefaradim. Yerushalayim: Yisra’el ben Avraham [Bak], 1842.

Birkat ha-Mazon. Grace after Meals. Manuscript. Moravia, ca. 1730.

Bible. Koren. Isaiah 28:16. Jerusalem: Koren, 1963.

Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. A Pisgah-Sight of Palestine and the Confines thereof, with the History of the Old and New Testament. London: John Williams, 1650.

Josephus, Flavius, ca. 38 C.E. - ca. 100 C.E. Alle de Werken van Flavius Josephus. t’Amsterdam: By Marten Schagen, 1732.

Danckerts, Danckert, b. 1600. Plans des Principales Cités de l’Univers. Amsterdam, ca. 1675. (National Archives of Canada)

Schedel, Hartmann, 1440-1514. Liber Chronicarum. Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 1493. (Rare Book Collection)

Bible. Polyglot. Lamentations. Biblia Sacra Polyglotta. London: Thomas Roycroft, 1654-1657.

Bible. Psalm 137. Sefer Tehilim ‘im Perush Rabi David Kimhi. Isny [Bavaria: Paulus Fagius], 1541.

Zeh ha-Sefer shel Pizmonim; Ketsat Yosef ha-Tsadik; Ke‘arat Kesef. Manuscript. Shanghai, 1865.

Deinard, Ephraim, 1846-1930. Shibolim Bodedot. Jerusalem: A. M. Lunz, 1915.

Mishnah. Mishnayot ‘im Perush ha-Rambam. Naples: Joshua Solomon Soncino and Joseph ibn Piso, 1492.

Mordecai b. Abraham Jaffe, ca. 1535-1612. Sefer Levush ‘Ir Shushan. Prague: Mosheh ben Betsalel Kats, 1610.

Bible. Pentateuch. Hamishah Humshe Torah. Hebraicus Pentateuchus. Venice: Giustiniani, 1551.

Vital, Hayim, ca. 1542-1620. Sha‘ar Ruah ha-Kodesh. Jerusalem, 1912.

Benjamin, of Tudela, 12th century. Masa‘ot shel Rabi Binyamin. Ferrara: Abraham Usque, 1556.

Estori, ha-Parhi, ca. 1282 - ca. 1357. Sefer Kaftor va-Ferah. Venice: M. Parenzo, 1547.

Mishnah. Mishnayot mi-Seder Teharot ...ve-‘im Perush ‘Ovadyah mi- Bertinorah. Mantua: Ya‘akov Kohen me-Gazolo, 1562.

Breydenbach, Bernhard von, d. 1497. Die Reise ins Heilige Land. Wiesbaden: Guido Pressler, 1977. Reprint of the German edition, Mainz, 1486.

Les Croniques de Jherusalem Abregies. Facsimile of Manuscript Codex 2533, Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek. München: Idion, 1980.

Munk, Salomon, 1805-1867. Palestine: Description géographique, historique et archéologique. Paris: Firmin Didot Frères, 1845.

Pinhasof, Shelomoh. Sefer Milim Shishah. Jerusalem, 1912.

Haggadah. 1695. Seder Hagadah shel Pesah ke-Minhag Ashkenaz ve-Sefarad. Amsterdam: Asher Anshel ben Eliezer and Issachar Ber ben Eliezer, 1695.

Haggadah. Hebrew and Ladino. Seder Hagadah shel Pesah ‘im pitron be- lashon Sefaradi. Leghorn: Eliyahu ben Amozeg, 1867.

Bible. N.T. English. Mark 11. The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Cambridge: John Field, 1666.

Bible. Kennicott I. Manuscript. Bodleian Library, Oxford. London: Facsimile Editions, 1985.

Haggadah. Moss. Hagadat Shir ha-Ma‘alot le-David. Manuscript facsimile. Rochester, N.Y.: Bet Alpha Editions, 1987.

Azulai, Hayim David, 1724-1806. Sefer ‘Avodat ha-Kodesh. Yerushalayim: Yisra’el Bak, 1841.

Raban, Ze’ev, 1890-1970. Hagenu: Sefer Temunot. New York: Miller-Lynn, 1928.

Bible. Esther. Raban. Megilat Ester. Manuscript. Jerusalem, 1920s? (Private Collection)

Goldberg, Eric, 1890-1969. Hamesh Epizodot mi-Sefer Daniyel. ‘Eser Hatakhe-Linole’um Mekoriyim. Har ha-Karmel [Haifa], Erets Yisra’el, 1926?

Copyright. The National Library of Canada. (Revised: 1996-11-06).