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National Library News
July/August 1999
Vol. 31, nos. 7-8

Expanding the AMICUS Union Catalogue

by Jean-Eudes Bériault,
Senior Systems Coordinator,
Acquisitions and Bibliographic Services

As of July 1999, less than 16 months since the beginning of loading, close to seven out of the eight million records representing the holdings of 46 Canadian libraries have been loaded into AMICUS. Loading these files, purchased from A-G Canada, into AMICUS was a major endeavor that will be completed in record time.

This acquisition was consistent with the Library’s key role in facilitating resource sharing among Canadian libraries. The file selection was based on established criteria for inclusion in the national union catalogue; the files being chosen to complement the approximately 500 library files currently represented in the AMICUS database. The new acquisitions cover academic (e.g., University of Toronto, Université de Montréal), public (e.g., Ottawa Public Library, Saskatoon Public Library, Halifax Regional Library), government (e.g., Ministry of Finance of Ontario, Revenue Canada), and special libraries (e.g., Alberta Justice, Law Society Libraries, Justice Institute of British Columbia) from all regions of Canada.

For more information about the loading of these files, please contact

Jean-Eudes Bériault
Senior Systems Coordinator
Acquisitions and Bibliographic Services
National Library of Canada
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N4
Telephone: (819) 994-6889
Fax: (819) 953-0291

Copyright. The National Library of Canada. (Revised: 1999-7-28).