National Library News |
by Emilie Lowenberg,
Chief, Union Catalogue Division
During the month of March 1999, the National Library processed over 1.1 million 350,000 machine-readable accession reports to the national union catalogue, the highest number of reports processed in a single month since the start of MARA reporting in 1983. Between April 1998 and March 1999, almost 10 million MARA records were processed, including about 5 million records purchased from A-G Canada (see "Expanding the AMICUS Union Catalogue" by Jean-Eudes Bériault). The loading of "regular" MARA files resulted in the addition of 1.2 million new records and more than 4 million new holdings to the database. In total, the union catalogue database on AMICUS now contains well over 11 million records with more than 28 million holdings attached.
For more information, please contact
Emilie Lowenberg
Chief, Union Catalogue Division
Acquisitions and Bibliographic Services
National Library of Canada
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0N4
Telephone: (819) 997-7990
Fax: (819) 953-0291
TTY: (613) 992-6969