Friday, March 03, 2006

The Beginning

What a great start to an extremely interesting and perhaps transformative weekend.
Sitting in groups of 8, we got a chance to chat with many people. Robin and I were lucky enough to be sitting at a table with a member of the Board of Governors for the CCA, Peter Gardner.
I must say, this room is full of smiles and respect, interesting discussion about change, and definitely an open and supportive atmoshpere. I feel very comfortable and very well accomodated to.

I'm excited for the workshops where I will really have a chance to get to know people's experiences and opinions. Paul Hoffert was an excellent introduction to ideas of reform and questioning the way we currently think and act upon culture, so talking about issues such as globalization (the "global village") and all the wonders it entails in more detail should be interesting.

Signing off for now,
Laura Hall


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