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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hello out there!

This is officially the first blog post live from the CCA's National Cultural Strategy Workshop at the Lord Elgin in Ottawa. My name is Helen Yung and I will be your blogger for the afternoon. ;)

A bit about me: I am a writer, artist and freelance arts manager. A graduate of the UC Drama Program at the University of Toronto, I have been working in arts and culture since 2003. I was previously Programs and Services Coordinator at the Canadian Dance Assembly, the national advocacy organization for dance, and General Manager of the Little Pear Garden Collective, a Chinese-Canadian opera and dance company. Currently I am involved with Culture Days, Canadian Arts Coalition, and Pixel Gallery. I am also a Steering Committee member of Cultural Pluralism in the Performing Arts Movement Ontario. My website is here.

Now it's your turn! Please post a comment introducing yourself.

Don't be shy. It can be something as simple as "Hello, this is Jane Doe from [place]." Let us know how you're involved with arts and culture - as a volunteer, professional, artist, writer, critic, educator etc. We want to know who's out there reading!
Read more!


Anonymous MWD said...

I'm Marla Waltman Daschko, a research consultant in Toronto. Currently I am working on a project that will result in the revision of the Canadian Framework for Culture Statistics. Until Dec 2006, I lived in Ottawa and worked for the federal government in various positions related to culture - statistics, policy, research and program development. Looking forward to participating in this blog.

1:25 PM  
Anonymous Melissa Gruber said...

Hi, it's Melissa Gruber from CARFAC. I'm sorry to miss this conference - it had to be in Ottawa just as I'm out of town in Vancouver - but I'm glad I can keep updated through this blog - great idea!

We have a unique opportunity at the moment in that the arts contributed to the government's failure to win a majority. If we can put together some smart proposals in language the conservatives understand, I think we stand a chance to see some action. But it's important that we speak with one voice.


1:30 PM  
Anonymous Patrick Close said...

Hi - Its Patrick Close in Regina. I am a visual artist, working with CARFAC Saskatchewan. I am a past-president of the CCA.

Is the Blog able to access the proceedings ? Is there a live feed?


1:41 PM  
Blogger National Cultural Strategy Workshop - A Chalmers Event said...

Thanks for introducing yourself! Please continue to comment, particularly if there any areas you'd like me to try to elaborate on... I'm doing my best to keep up with listening as well as blogging...

Any questions I can't answer, I'm sure the CCA would be happy to fill in some blanks after today.

1:57 PM  
Blogger National Cultural Strategy Workshop - A Chalmers Event said...


Sorry, there isn't a live video/audio feed for the workshop.


1:58 PM  
Blogger MK said...

Hi, I'm Michelle Kasprzak, a Canadian curator, writer, and artist currently based in Edinburgh, Scotland.

2:05 PM  
Anonymous Patrick Close said...

I understand the UK is now experiencing strong impacts from the economic recession... unemployment, currency devaluation etc. Are the arts suffering as well ?
A few years ago their was an incredible amount of activity and support from the British and Scottish Arts Councils. Is that still the case?

3:15 PM  
Anonymous Patrick Close said...

Helen, are you able to give us a few points from Anne L'Ecuyer's talk ?

3:18 PM  

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