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Canadian Conference of the Arts

Bringing Canada’s Broadcasting and Communications Systems into the 21st Century:

As innovations in broadcasting and content distribution elbow their way into our lives, the CCA wants to know how the next government will deal with the modernization of our broadcasting and communications systems in a manner that will bolster Canadian content and investment in new programming.

Will the next government address the chronic under-funding of the CBC and when? Will you commit to maintain the current level of 53 % Canadian ownership rules to our broadcasting telecommunications system, and ensure that Canadians will always own our own airwaves? Is the current Broadcasting Act sufficient to address new communications technologies such as satellite radio, iPod broadcasting and television-enabled cellular phones to ensure that they respect and contribute to the objectives of legislation?

The CCA is asking for detailed responses on this issue from all political parties.

a) Does your party support CBC’s request for new monies for regional and local services and for Canadian television drama? Would your party provide long-term, stable funding for the CBC?

b) Will your party ensure that the cultural objectives of the Broadcasting Act are respected in the face of challenges posed by new communications technologies, such as: Internet, satellite radio, pod-casting, and television-enabled cellular phones?

c) What are your party’s plans to ensure a more transparent and guaranteed revenue flow from all media, but particularly from digital media, to the owners and licensees of copyright materials?

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