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Canadian Conference of the Arts

Conferences and Events

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Cultural Forum Series

What are the current issues and trends affecting the arts, culture and heritage sector in Canada and abroad?  Find out during Thinking Culture, a new cultural forum series presented by the Canadian Conference of the Arts in partnership with the University of Ottawa’s Centre for Continuing Education, Centre on Governance and School of Political Studies.

Thinking Culture website


Previous Conferences and Events

November 1 -3, 2010

National Policy Conference - Artists:Powering the Creative Economy?

March 12, 2009

National Cultural Strategy Workshop - A Chalmers Event and CCA Awards Ceremony

October 17 - December 5, 2008

The Regional Forums with the National Director of the CCA

June 12, 2008

Public Debate: Between Public Diplomacy and Nation Branding: a New Way of Thinking the Internationalization of Canadian Culture

February 11, 2008

FROM THE DESK: Chalmers Mini-Conference by John Holden, Head of Culture for the Influential British think tank DEMOS

November 22, 2007

SYMPOSIUM 2007 : The Role of the Arts and Culture in Canadian Public Diplomacy