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The Voice of Canadian Arts and Culture
Canadian Conference of the Arts

Honouring Canada’s Past, Looking to Our Future

Before Parliament was dissolved, the Minister of Canadian Heritage was working on a new Canadian museums policy. The proposed policy would be a substantive commitment to honouring and preserving Canadian heritage. The CCA is asking all political parties about their intentions regarding a new museums policy, which would provide a solid financial base for our museum and heritage communities and increased access by Canadians to our national treasures.

The aging of the Canadian labour market is a concern for the cultural sector. Many artistic directors, senior administrators and performers will soon retire.

The CCA is asking all parties what plans they would implement to address succession issues in a coherent manner across the Canadian labour force in general and the cultural sector in particular.

a) Does your party support the development of a new Canadian museums policy, which would include the investment of new monies in sustained, multi-year, predictable programs?

b) What are your party’s specific plans to provide incentives and opportunities for young Canadians to become more active in the arts and culture?

c) Would your party commit to a national mentorship strategy to facilitate skills development for Canadians who want to pursue careers in the arts and cultural labour force?

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