CCA Bulletin 11/08
March 26, 2008
The Canadian Conference of the Arts welcomes its 2008-2011 Board of Governors
Just the facts
The Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA) is proud to announce the composition of its 2008-2011 Board of Governors. Further to the election process which took place in the second half of February and to the March 20th meeting of the current Board, the new Board of Governors will be comprised of:
Liz Barron – Winnipeg, Manitoba
Arts consultant
Michel Beauchemin – Montreal, Quebec
Executive Secretary, Association québécoise des auteurs dramatiques (AQAD)
Rose Bellosillo – Toronto, Ontario
Director of Development, Hot Docs
Tim Borlase – Moncton, New-Brunswick
Labrador Creative Arts Festival, Performing Arts School at the Capitol Theatre
Rudy Buttignol – Vancouver, British Columbia
President and CEO of Knowledge Network Corporation
René Cormier – Caraquet, New-Brunswick
Artistic and Executive Director, Théâtre populaire d’Acadie
Susan Kennard – Banff, Alberta
Director and Executive Producer, The Banff New Media Institute
Louise Poulin – Montreal, Quebec
Arts consultant
Arden Ryshpan – Toronto, Ontario
Executive Director, Canadian Actors’ Equity Association
Kathleen Sharpe – Toronto, Ontario
Executive Director, Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund
Robert Spickler – Montreal, Quebec
Cultural administrator and past President
Philip Szporer – Montreal, Quebec
Writer, broadcaster, filmmaker and international lecturer
Jason Van Eyk – Toronto, Ontario
Director, University of Toronto ArtsZone
A 14th member will be appointed in the coming months, further to recommendations made by the Board Nominating Committee. The new Board will take over from the current one after the Annual General Meeting of members, which has been scheduled for June 12, 2008, in Toronto. A formal notice for the AGM will be issued within a few weeks.
The CCA wants to thank the outgoing Board, which had to deal with some of the most difficult issues facing the CCA in recent memory. Its commitment and integrity were integral to the reinvigoration of the CCA and the clarification of its mission. The CCA also wishes to thank all those who participated in the Board renewal process.
Tell me more
The CCA Board is made up of a minimum of 12 members and a maximum of 14, including the Past President. The CCA Board renewal process takes place every three years and follows a two-step process.
First, CCA members are asked to cast their votes for 8 out of a slate of 16 candidates put forward by the Nominating Committee. This year, the ballot took place between February 11 and 22. Exceptionally, there was a tie for the eighth position, so 9 Governors were declared elected further to the first phase of the process.
Based on the results of the election, the current Board was then asked to appoint up to four additional members to complement the new Board, taking into account considerations like geographical representation, arts discipline, cultural community, gender, etc. Given this year’s results, the current Board has decided to appoint only three additional members from a second slate of names put forward by the Nominating Committee and has asked the Committee to reconvene and propose additional names to fill the fourteenth position, so as to optimize the representativeness of the Board.
The new President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer of the CCA will be elected by the new Board at its first meeting, in June, following the Annual General Meeting of Members.
