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Canadian Conference of the Arts.

CCA Bulletin 6/09

February 26 , 2009


From the Desk of Alain Pineau:

The CCA publishes its Report on the Regional Forums 2008



Throughout November and December 2008, I had the great pleasure of conducting Regional Forums in 14 cities across Canada and to which more than 430 persons participated. These forums enabled a national conversation on the state of the arts and culture sector, the advocacy priorities we should be pursuing, and the necessary strategies which should be harnessed to identify and achieve common goals.


These conversations were enlightening and they have informed the CCA’s upcoming National Cultural Strategy Workshop, which will take place on March 12, 2009 in Ottawa.


As promised and in preparation for this workshop, we are publishing today the Regional Forum Report entitled If there’s a Will, there’s a Way, which discusses the findings from this national tour. I hope this Report will inform you on the ways in which the sector can better work collectively to create consensus and enhance its effectiveness as a whole in positioning its issues on the agenda of decision-makers. This is obviously only a stepping-stone in a process which will have to be continued… if we have the collective will to do so!


I invite you to send me any comments you may have on this report and on the next steps we may collectively take to address the challenges which we have identified together. It goes without saying that we will keep all of you informed of the outcome of the March 12th event.