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Canadian Conference of the Arts

CCA Reports and Publications

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Freedom of Expression

Arts & Education

Status of the Artist


Policy History and Vision

International Issues

Canadian Content

Submissions to government

Federal Budget Submissions and Analyses

Policy Publications

Policy History and Vision

See also

Reports and publications: Toolkits

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Government Spending on Culture in Canada , 1992-93 to 2002-03

Report on government funding for the arts

Produced for the CCA by Hill Strategies Research Inc. (July 2005) Icon: Available Online.

The Art of Development and the Development of Art: A Powerful Partnership - Business, Community and the Arts

Written by Silver Donald Cameron

Produced by the Canadian Conference of the Arts and the Community Economic Development Technical Assistance Program   (2004) Icon: Paid Publication.
Members $4.00/Non Members $5.00 

Investment in Canadian Culture
CCA (2002) Icon: Available Online.

In 2001, the federal government announced a major investment in Canadian culture: more than $500 million of new money over the next three years was promised to "ensure the growth and development of Canadian culture". This new funding was warmly welcomed by the Canadian arts and cultural community, which considered it long overdue after the many years of federal government cutbacks to the sector. This paper is a process evaluation of how the new federal government programs were being delivered midway through the 3 year funding exercise.

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Freedom of Expression

The CCA's Briefing Note to the Federal Justice Committee on Bill C-2

CCA (April 2005) Available Online.

The CCA's Briefing Note to the Federal Justice Committee on Bill C-20
CCA (2003) Available Online.

A Briefing note prepared for the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights as it commenced public hearings on Bill C-20, an Act to amend the Criminal Code (protection of children and other vulnerable persons), in the fall 2003 parliamentary session.

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Arts & Education

Sharing the Vision
National Symposium on Arts Education
(July 2001)

A National Framework for Arts Education in Canadian Schools developed by the National Symposium on Arts Education.

Paid Publication.Available in Hard Copy.

Members $10.00/ Non-members $14.00

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Status of the Artist

A Call to Action: A year 2000 Research Report and Discussion Paper on the Status of the Artist Policy and Legislation in Canada
Cultural Enterprises International / Entreprises culturelles internationales
Mireille F. Watson & Catherine M. Hurley, Principals (November 2000) Available Online.Paid Publication.Available in Hard Copy.

Members $15.00 / Non-members $21.00 

This report examines the past and present Status of the Artist initiatives across Canada as it highlights issues, vehicles for consideration and actions to be considered by the CCA.

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Copyright Issues in Trade Agreements
CCA (1997) Available Online.

This report examines the role of intellectual property, particularly copyright, in trade agreements, the interplay between copyright provisions in these agreements and the provisions set out by FTA, NAFTA, WTO and MAI. It has a unique perspective in that it examines the impact of the above-mentioned trade agreements on the economic and moral rights of individual "creators" under copyright law.

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Policy History and Vision

Crossroads 2001 - Arts & Cultural Policy in Canada - The Last Half Century and Beyond
CCA (2001) Paid Publication.Available in Hard Copy.

Members $12.00 / Non-members $17.00

A discussion and reflection on the legacies of the Massey-Lévesque Report and the artists' movement of the 1940s and 1950s, plus a chronology of key cultural initiatives from 1840 through to 2001.

Working Group on Cultural Policy for the 21 st Century
CCA Available Online.

The CCA created the Working Group on Cultural Policy to address the "implementation of federal cultural policy as an essential affirmation of the sovereign right of Canada to manage its domestic cultural affairs."

Review of Federal Policies for the Arts in Canada (1944-1988)
D. Paul Schafer and André Fortier Paid Publication.Available in Hard Copy.
Photocopy $5.00

Useful for arts administration students, arts administrators, policy-makers, artists and all those interested in the arts, this document covers the development of federal arts policies in Canada from the post-war period to 1988.

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International Issues

Ownership by Canadians - How to enrich the social, political and cultural fabric of Canada
CCA (2003) Available Online.

The CCA's report on foreign ownership of media companies was written in the wake of several parliamentary committees which touched on foreign ownership in Canadian cultural industries as well as the future of Canadian content regulations.

The MAI and Canada's Cultural Sector
CCA, Garry Neil (1997) Available Online.

This analysis comments on the impact of the proposed Multilateral Agreement on Investment on Canada's cultural sector. (Available soon)

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Canadian Content

Clear, Significant and Unequivocal
CCA (March 2001) Available Online.Paid Publication.Available in Hard Copy.
Members $15.00/ Non members $21.00

An independent commissioned report about consolidation in Canada's private television sector and its impact on issues of interest to the arts and culture sector in Canada.

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Submissions to Government

For our most recent submissions to government, please consult our Current Projects page.

The CCA's Briefing Note to the Federal Justice Committee on Bill C-2

CCA (April 2005) Available Online.

Telling Canadian Stories.

CCA (March 2005) Available Online.

Submission to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage revieweing Canada's Feature Film Policy.

Safeguard, Strengthen and Enrich: Review of the Canadian Broadcasting System Cross media Ownership and Foreign Ownership.
CCA (2002) Available Online.

A CCA presentation to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, made in 2002.

Canadian Content in the 21st Century
CCA (May 2002) Available Online.

Submission to the Canadian Content Review advocating policy tools to promote Canadian content.

Proposed Policy Framework for Community Based Media
CCA (Feb. 2002) Available Online.

Submission to the CRTC encouraging the regulatory body in its efforts to provide more space for Canadian cultural expression in the broadcast media and to foster an environment where diverse forms of cultural  expression can flourish.

Safeguard, Enrich and Strengthen - Canada's Broadcasting System and the 1991 Broadcasting Act
CCA (Dec. 2001) Available Online.

Submission to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage made in December 2001.

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Federal Budget Submissions and Analyses

Annual Analysis of the Federal Budget (Budget 2008)

CCA (July 2008) Available Online.

Annual Analysis of the Federal Budget (Budget 2007)

CCA (July 2007) Available Online.

Pre-Budget Submission: A Creative New Way of Thinking
CCA (September 5, 2006) Available Online.

Annual Analysis of the Federal Budget (Budget 2006)

CCA (July 2006) Available Online.

2006 submission to Finance Minister, Hon. Jim Flaherty
CCA (April 19, 2006) Available Online.

Pre Budget Submission 2005: Setting the Stage
CCA (2005) Available Online.

The year 2005 marks the CCA's 60th anniversary - six decades of working to ensure that artists are valued for the essential role they play and the fundamental contribution they make to a creative, dynamic, and civil society. The Canadian Conference of the Arts' pre-budget submission for 2005 contains six recommendations. These recommendations have come forward following extensive consultation with the arts and cultural sector in general, and with our members in particular.

"Tomorrow Sees Another Day"

CCA (May 2005) Available Online.

An analysis of the 2005 Federal Budget.


CCA (September 2004) Available Online.

The CCA's 2004 Pre-Budget Submission. The title refers to a statement made by the new Minister of Canadian Heritage Liza Frulla.

Dear Prudence
CCA (May 2004) Available Online.

An analysis of the 2004 Federal Budget, providing an indication of how the funding affects programs at the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Cents and Sensiblity
CCA (June 2003) Available Online.

An analysis of the 2003 Budget, Cents and Sensibility, highlights the ongoing need for sensibility (on the part of the federal government) to the implication of funding decisions - and indecisions - on the stability and health of the cultural sector.

Feeding the Canadian Spirit: CCA's Pre-Budget Submission Delivered to Finance Committee
CCA (Sept. 2003) Available Online.

The 2003 submission to the Standing Committee on Finance focuses on eight recommendations for increased, stable and guaranteed funding.

Pre Budget Submission 2002: Creativity is the Driving Force of Economic Growth
CCA (2002) Available Online.

The 2002 CCA pre-budget submission to the Standing Committee on Finance marks ten years since the Status of the Artist legislation received Royal Assent in Canada, legislation which was originally intended to make a difference to the working lives of artists. In this brief, the CCA addresses the crucial role of federal government support to the overall sustainability of the cultural sector.

Pre-budget Submission 2001 - On the Edge of a Revolution
CCA (2001) Available Online.

In this 2001 submission, the CCA encourages the federal government to examine the profile of the cultural labour force and determine what regulatory measures would serve it best in order to get ahead, rather than continually play catch up.

Pre-budget Submission 2000 - Seeking Out the Creators (amended)
CCA (2000) Available Online.

For this year's submission the CCA focused on one goal: equitable taxation treatment for individual arts and creators. In the past, the CCA has argued this point through an appeal for return to income averaging for self-employed individuals. This year, an additional solution was proposed: a tax exemption based on copyright income.