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Canadian Conference of the Arts

Diplôme d'honneur

The Diplôme d'honneur is presented annually to a Canadian who has made a sustained contribution to the cultural life of the country, whether through volunteer activity, mentoring, patronage, individual arts practice or other recognized support. It was first awarded in 1954 to the Right Honourable Vincent Massey, then Governor General, in recognition of the Royal Commission Report on the Arts, Letter and Social Sciences. Since then, the CCA has recognized more than 70 visionaries and creators of Canada's rich cultural identity. The award is in the form of a silver talisman designed by the late West Coast craftsmith, Bill Reid.

2010 Diplôme d'honneur Nomination Form (Nomination forms must be submitted no later than February 14, 2011)

Past recipients

2009 -

Françoise Sullivan, O.C.

Joyce Zemans, C.M.

2008 - Allan King, O.C.
2007 - Joe Fafard
2006 - Bluma Appel, O.C., O. Ont.
2005 - Roch Carrier
2004 - John and Barbara Poole
2003 - Pierre Raphaël Pelletier
2002 - Pierre Juneau
2001 - Vincent Tovell
2000 - Peter Herrndorf, O.C.
1999 - John Hobday, C.M.
1998 - Dr. Louis Applebaum, C.C.
1997 - J. Alan Wood
1996 - John Beckwith, C.M.
1995 - Phyllis Lambert, O.C., C.Q., FRAIC, RCA, LL.D

Complete list of Diplôme d'honneur recipients


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