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Canadian Conference of the Arts.

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Door Step Kit

Federal Government funding to arts and cultural programs

Member Organizations Election pages



CCA Bulletin 35/08 - Canada’s 39th Parliament and Art and Culture: What Has Been Done, What Died on the Order Paper...


Door Step Kit

CCA Bulletin 36/08 - Federal Election 2008 – What to ask candidates when they solicit your vote? (Part One)

CCA Bulletin 37/08 – Federal Election 2008: What to ask candidates when they solicit your vote? (Part Two)

CCA Bulletin 38/08 - Federal Election 2008 – What to ask candidates when they solicit your vote? (Part Three)

CCA Highlights of the Valuing Culture study conducted by the Conference Board of Canada

Federal Government funding to arts and cultural programs


CCA Bulletin 39/08 - Funding Arts and Culture under Canada’s 39th Parliament

Selection of the documents related to the recently announced cuts to federal budgets. 


Member Organizations Election pages



Canadian Actors Equity Association

Canadian Actors' Equity Association election page

Canadian Artists’ Representation/Le Front des artistes canadiens - CARFAC

Canadian Arts Coalition

Canadian Association of Fine Arts Deans

Canadian Dance Assembly

Culture Montreal

Director’s Guild

Droit d’auteur / Multimédia-Internet / Copyright - DAMIC

Imagine Canada

I Vote for Culture

Magazines Canada

Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council

Opera Canada

Saskatchewan Arts Aliance

Writers Guild of Canada

Writer's Union