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Canadian Conference of the Arts


Nearly all speakers and panellists are confirmed, and ancillary events organized, for CCA's National Policy Conference in Regina, Saskatchewan, on 19 and 20 November 2004.


Although the conference proper begins on Friday 19 November, the action begins the previous afternoon for those who are in town.


Thursday 18 November

CCA is holding an INFORMATION/POLICY SOUNDING SESSION with Jean Malavoy, the new National Director, for CCA members and those interested in membership.This will take place from 4pm-5.30pm at the T.C. Douglas Building (3475 Albert Street).


Following this session (5.30pm-7.30pm), there will be a PRE-CONFERENCE RECEPTION for participants, hosted by the Saskatchewan Arts Board and SaskCulture at the T.C. Douglas Building.  This is an opportunity to meet and mingle with local artists and cultural workers, and network with other conference participants.   CCA will have a registration table set up, so conference participants can pre-register and get their materials ahead of time, if they wish.


Artistic component

A stimulating artistic component will run throughout the conference, providing new insights into the topics under discussion. This has proved to be a highly successful part of past conferences and much enjoyed by participants. This year, the artistic component is presented through the "Art in the City" project as part of the Regina 2004 Cultural Capital of Canada activities.

This "Art in the City" project is presented by the Saskatchewan Arts Alliance, in collaboration with the City of Regina, with the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Cultural Capitals of Canada, a program of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Conference Programme

Thursday November 18th - Friday November 19th - Saturday November 20th

Date / Time



Text Box: 18 Nov.


Lobby of the T C Douglas Building , 3475 Albert Street , Regina

CCA information session for members and potential members; an opportunity to meet the new National Director of the CCA, Jean Malavoy, to discuss key issues for the cultural sector, and related CCA actions.


Saskatchewan Arts Board and SaskCulture invite participants to a reception to meet and mingle with local artists and cultural workers, and network with other conference participants.  Live entertainment.

CCA will have a registration table set up, so conference participants can pre-register and get materials ahead of time, if desired.


On Friday and Saturday, CCA will provide a free shuttle bus service between the Hotel Saskatchewan Radisson Plaza and the MacKenzie Art Gallery .   There will be 2-3 shuttle runs each morning, prior to the start of the conference, and 3 each afternoon following the end of the day's proceedings.   The journey takes about 15 minutes.


There will be artistic components throughout each day.   Details will be available shortly.


Text Box: 19 November


MacKenzie Art Gallery , 3475 Albert Street , Regina

(Shumiatcher Theatre)

Registration : pick up conference kits; translation devices will be available if needed.   There will be simultaneous translation for all plenary sessions in the theatre.


Welcoming remarks : Denise Roy , President of the CCA; Skip Kutts, President of the Saskatchewan Arts Alliance; Jean Malavoy , National Director of the CCA.

Videotaped welcoming remarks from Paul Siren , the "godfather" of status of the artist in Canada .


A representative from the Department of Canadian Heritage will address the government's response in 2003 to the review of the SofA legislation, and provide initial key findings from a new DCH study fiscal measures for artists.  


Guest Speaker: Albert Millaire CC, QC: renowned Quebec actor, and a former Chair of the Canadian Council on Status of the Artist, will speak on the original mandate for, and purpose of, the Council on SofA - how it worked; why it died.

Patrick Close , CCA Board member and Executive Director of CARFAC Saskatchewan, will outline the vision and rationale for reinstatement of the Council.


Why have an Act for collective bargaining?   What does it do for artists and producers?   A session provided by the Canadian Artists and Producers Professional   Relations (CAPPRT).   Josée Dubois, Executive Director and General Counsel, and John Van Burek, theatre director, teacher, and translator, and CAPPRT member.





Conversation I : What have been the effects on artists' lives, and the operations of arts organizations, of the federal and/or provincial SofA legislation?   What realistic amendments could be made to the federal/provincial legislations to improve artists' working lives?   Is there a relationship between federal and provincial legislations?   If not, should there be?   Which affects the other more?   How can the relationship be strengthened?   Where and how does collective bargaining fit into the equation?  

Moderator : Susan Wallace, Executive Director, Canadian Actors Equity Association

Panellists : Bastien Gilbert, Regroupement des centres d'artistes autogérés du Québec (RCAAQ); Saskatchewan writer, poet, journalist and teacher Dave Margoshes ; Bill Skolnik , musician and head of the Toronto Local of the American Federation of Musicians (AFofM); and Lucy White, Executive Director of the Professional Association of Canadian Theatres ( PACT ).

There will be a Q&A session following the panellists' presentations.


LUNCH and networking

(Agra Torchinsky Salon on the 2 nd floor of the Gallery)


Conversation II : What have been the panellists' experiences regarding establishment of provincial commissions or councils, or involvement with the previous federal Council?   Can what has been learned from these discussions be applied to the role/mandate of a renewed federal council?   How could it best be constituted?   What could be its relationship to the provinces, provincial legislation, and any provincial commission or council?

Moderator : Patrick Close , CCA Board member and Executive Director of CARFAC Saskatchewan

Panellists : Michel Beauchemin (Secretary to the Association québécoise des auteurs dramatiques, and co-Chair, Creators Rights Alliance); Arlette Cousture, well-known Quebec author, journalist and broadcaster, and an original member of the Canadian Council on Status of the Artist; writer/poet Robert Dickson (professor at Laurentian University, and a member of the Ontario Advisory Panel on Status of the Artist), and Brenda Niskala (writer, Executive Director of the Saskatchewan Publishers Group, and a member of the Saskatchewan Minister's Advisory Committee on the Status of the Artist, 1993).

There will be a Q&A session following the panellists' presentations.




Artistic presentation

Round-up of the day's events  



Date / Time



Text Box: 20 November


MacKenzie Art Gallery , 3475 Albert Street , Regina


Breakfast in the Agra Torchinsky Salon on the 2 nd floor; plenary sessions in the Shumiatcher Theatre.   Venues for workshop sessions will be announced.

Buffet breakfast.



Guest speaker: The Honourable Joan Beattie , Minister of Culture, Youth and Recreation for the Province of Saskatchewan .


Status of the Artist at work

In the Province of Quebec : Anne-Marie Des Roches , Union des artistes

In the international arena: Suzanne Capiau , lawyer, lecturer at the Universities of Brussels, Metz and Paris in the fields of authors' and neighbouring rights; expert on status of artists for international and European organizations.

There will be a Q&A session following the panellists' presentations.




Conversation III : Four other provinces have embarked on provincial SofA: British Columbia , Newfoundland and Labrador , Ontario , and Saskatchewan .   What have these experiences been like?   How successful have they been, or will they be?   What is left to do?   How is it being tackled?   If something didn't succeed, what were the main reasons?   What would be each person's vision for the ideal provincial SofA?

Moderator : Trudy Schroeder, General Manager of the Winnipeg Folk Festival and CCA Board Member.

Panellists : Burt Harris (musician, lawyer, co-author of the 1994 Report of the BC Advisory Committee on the Status of the Artist ); Frank Fagan , Executive Director, Association of Cultural Industries of Newfoundland and Labrador; Garry Neil (arts consultant and principal in Neil Craig Associates, and currently working on development of Ontario SofA); Sheila Roberts (consultant with the Saskatchewan Arts Alliance Status of the Artist initiative).

There will be a Q&A session following the panellists' presentations.


LUNCH and networking

(Agra Torchinsky Salon on the 2 nd floor of the Gallery)


Workshop I   -   discussions around the reinstatement of a Canadian Council on Status of the Artist

Workshop II   -   discussions around possible amendments to the federal Status of the Artist Act

Workshop III   -   developing a "road map" for provincial Status of the Artist legislation

Workshop IV   -   Aboriginal issues under Status of the Artist legislation

Venues and facilitators/resource people to be confirmed.




Plenary session : reports from the workshops.   Final discussions.  


Wrap-up, thanks, final announcements .



Programme subject to change without notice.

All proceedings will be simultaneously translated.