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The following information is taken from two reports which form part of a series generated by Arts Council England's programme of research to support its commitment to the individual artist, creator or maker. A key concern for those working to support individual artists is their engagement with the tax and benefits systems. The first report provides a comparative examination of tax and social security policies in a number of countries; the second limits its ambit to an examination within the United Kingdom.

Arts Council England is the national development agency for the arts; the extracts are reproduced with permission of Arts Council England.

1. Clare McAndrew: Artists, taxes and benefits: an international review (December 2002).
A comparative review of the main features of tax and social security policies affecting artists in Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Ireland and the Netherlands. The complete report is available at

2. Sheila Galloway, Robert Lindley, Rhys Davies and Fiona Sheibl: A balancing act: artists' labour markets and the tax and benefit systems (December 2002); a study carried out by the Warwick Institute for Employment Research and the Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research, University of Warwick.
This report presents findings from a series of focus groups with practicing artists, exploring in a qualitative way their experiences of employment in artistic practice and other fields. It is one of two related research projects carried out in 2002 for the Arts Council of England by the Warwick Institute (the Arts Council of England became Arts Council England in 2003). The complete report is available at