Photographs of
Port Greville
War Memorial

WW1     1914 – 1918
WW2     1939 – 1945

Officially dedicated on 22 July 2001


Port Greville
Cumberland County
Nova Scotia

Located on the south side of Highway 209

GPS location:   45°24'28"N   64°32'54"W

Port Greville war memorial, looking southward across the Bay of Fundy
Port Greville war memorial, looking southward across the Bay of Fundy
toward the distant Kings County shoreline.

Photographed on 24 June 2005

Port Greville war memorial, John Chipman Kerr, Victoria Cross
John Chipman Kerr, Victoria Cross

Photographed on 4 June 2003

Port Greville war memorial

Photographed on 4 June 2003

Port Greville war memorial

Photographed on 4 June 2003

Port Greville war memorial: World War One, first panel
World War One, first panel

Photographed on 4 June 2003

Port Greville war memorial: World War One, second panel
World War One, second panel

Photographed on 4 June 2003

Port Greville war memorial: World War Two, first panel
World War Two, first panel

Photographed on 4 June 2003

Port Greville war memorial: World War Two, second panel
World War Two, second panel

Photographed on 4 June 2003

Port Greville war memorial: World War Two, third panel
World War Two, third panel

Photographed on 4 June 2003

Port Greville war memorial: World War Two, fourth panel
World War Two, fourth panel

Photographed on 4 June 2003

Port Greville war memorial: World War Two, fifth panel
World War Two, fifth panel

Photographed on 4 June 2003

Port Greville war memorial: World War Two, sixth panel
World War Two, sixth panel

Photographed on 4 June 2003

Port Greville war memorial: Millennium 2000
Millennium 2000

Photographed on 4 June 2003

Port Greville war memorial: after Rememberance Day 2005

Photographed on 21 November 2005

Port Greville war memorial: after Rememberance Day 2005

Photographed on 21 November 2005

Port Greville war memorial park

Photographed on 21 November 2005

Photographs of War Memorials, Historic Monuments and Plaques in Nova Scotia

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Advocate Harbour: Sea in Our History display Sea in Our History display Advocate Harbour

Diligent River historic monument Diligent River historic monument Diligent River

Diligent River: Confederation plaque Confederation Plaque Diligent River

First Air Mail plaque First Air Mail plaque Parrsboro

Economy war memorial Economy war memorial Economy

Yorkshire Settlers plaque Yorkshire Settlers plaque River Philip

Richmond war memorial Richmond war memorial Richmond

Wentworth Valley war memorial Wentworth Valley war memorial Wentworth

E.B. Chandler plaque E.B. Chandler plaque Amherst

R.B. Dickey plaque R.B. Dickey plaque Amherst

J. McCully plaque J. McCully plaque Amherst

Sir C. Tupper plaque Sir C. Tupper plaque Amherst

A.P. Seaman plaque and tombstone A.P. Seaman plaque and tombstone Minudie

Amos Seaman's two churches Amos Seaman's two churches Minudie

Joggins war memorial Joggins war memorial Joggins

Springhill: war memorial Springhill war memorial Springhill

Westchester Station war memorial Westchester Station war memorial Westchester Station

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  Hits per calendar month
       2005 Nov    158
       2005 Oct     86
       2005 Sep     53
       2005 Aug     28
       2005 Jul     24
       2005 Jun     34
       2005 May    119
       2005 Apr     84
       2005 Mar     73
       2005 Feb     85
       2005 Jan     36

       2004 Dec     12
       2004 Nov     23
       2004 Oct     15
       2004 Sep     16
       2004 Aug     10
       2004 Jul      5
       2004 Jun     12
       2004 May     14
       2004 Apr     21
       2004 Mar     35
       2004 Feb      0

First uploaded to the WWW:   2004 March 23
GPS position added:   2005 July 14
New photograph installed:   2005 August 24
New photographs installed:   2006 July 27