Nova Scotia's Electric Scrapbook

Specializing in on-line information about Nova Scotia

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Canning, Nova Scotia, Canada

This website has 399 different pages.

Nova Scotia stuff

 Nova Scotia Schools on the Internet

Timeline of the Seven Years War 1754-1763
 The period 2004-2013 is the 250th anniversary of the 
Seven Years War, a.k.a. the French and Indian War.
Includes important events in Nova Scotia.

 Military Memorials in Nova Scotia

Photographs of
War Memorials and Historic Monuments
Indexed by County

•  Annapolis County
•  Antigonish County
•  Cape Breton Regional Municipality
•  Colchester County
•  Cumberland County
•  Digby County
•  Guysborough County
•  Halifax Regional Municipality
•  Hants County
•  Inverness County
•  Kings County
•  Lunenburg County
•  Pictou County
•  Queens Regional Municipality
•  Richmond County
•  Shelburne County
•  Sunbury County
•  Victoria County
•  Yarmouth County

 Photographs of War Memorials, Historic Monuments and Plaques in Nova Scotia

Sir Robert Laird Borden monument Sir Robert Laird Borden monument Grand Pre

John Cabot 1497 memorial John Cabot 1497 memorial Aspy Bay

Port Dauphin Naval Base monument, 1713-1719 Port Dauphin Naval Base monument, 1713-1719 Englishtown

1849 Nova Scotia Pony Express monument 1849 Nova Scotia Pony Express monument Victoria Beach

Nova Scotia Pony Express 1849

Cunard Steamship Fleet 1849

Memorial, unidentified dead, Halifax Explosion, 6 December 1917 Memorial, Unidentified Dead, Halifax Explosion 1917 Halifax

Westport: Joshua Slocum memorial Joshua Slocum memorial Westport

Transtlantic Telegraph historic site 1856 Transtlantic Telegraph historic site 1856 Aspy Bay

New Glasgow: Westray Miners Memorial Park Westray Miners Memorial Park New Glasgow

Anna Swan monument Anna Swan monument Central New Annan

Welsford-Parker monument Welsford-Parker monument, Crimean War Halifax

S.S. Atlantic 1873 memorial at Sandy Cove, Terence Bay S.S. Atlantic 1873: memorial at Sandy Cove Terence Bay

Swissair Flight 111 Memorial, Bayswater Swissair Flight 111 memorial, Bayswater

Memorial: Commonwealth Air Training Program Memorial: Commonwealth Air Training Program, 1940-1945 Middleton

Chester bronze cannons Chester bronze cannons Chester

Captain James Cook monument Captain James Cook monument Halifax

Sir Robert Laird Borden monument Sir Robert Laird Borden monument Grand Pre

Abraham Gesner monument Abraham Gesner monument Chipman Corner

1747 Attack at Grand Pre monument 1747 Attack at Grand Pre monument Grand Pre

 Timeline of the First Thirty Years of Radio

 Cape Breton Wireless Heritage Society

 Cape Breton Marconi Centennial

 Marconi Wireless Telegraph in Nova Scotia

 Marconi's Three Transatlantic Radio Stations in Cape Breton

 The 1901 Transatlantic Radio Experiment Marconi in Newfoundland

 Nova Scotia's Electronic Attic
Another website specializing in on-line information about Nova Scotia

 Nova Scotia Quotations

Advertisement: Negro Man, for Nova Scotia
Ad in New York newspaper, July 1783
For sale: Negro Man, for Nova Scotia

Enlarged view

Advertisement: Land for Sale in Nova Scotia
Ad in New York newspaper, July 1783
Land for Sale in Nova Scotia

Enlarged view

 Fieldwood Heritage Society Canning

 A Fierce War: The Electric Telegraph Lines Between New York and Halifax
...The vexations endured by the Associated Press management in the early days (1849-1850) were aggravated by dissentions which grew up between the managers of some of the Morse telegraph lines and the press. There were also contentions between the members of the press in Boston and other places, fanned if not engendered by the jealousies of some of the Morse lines, and especially by those under the control of F.O.J. Smith. This gentleman refused to have steamers' news come over his line from Halifax, for the Associated Press, unless they dismissed Mr. Craig, then acting as their Halifax agent. This led to a rupture, by which the press of Boston became divided. The Association retained Mr. Craig, and ran a special locomotive express at an enormous expense with each steamer's news, from Portland to Boston, there being no telegraph between these two points except that owned by Smith. From Boston it came over by the Bain line to New York. The Association also, by its encouragement, caused a company to extend the Bain line from Boston to Portland, where it connected with the lines extending thence to Halifax, and which were beyond the control of Smith. The war was a very fierce one; many phamphlets appeared on both sides, including one by Mr. Craig in his defence against Smith's charges. The latter left no stone unturned. Among other efforts to thwart the Association, it is said that he endeavored to get control of one of the links on the Halifax line east of Portland. He also appealed to the Provincial Legislature of New Brunswick, and protested against the management of the Halifax line by its superintendent; but all without avail. His success in putting the newspaper press by the ears was not only less difficult, but more complete. At one time Smith refused to receive and transmit private messages handed in by merchants and others for Halifax, or to let anything come over his line from Halifax...
[ Page 140, Historical Sketch of the Electric Telegraph, by Alexander Jones, 1852, published by George E. Putnam, New York.]

(Alexander Jones was the first General Manager of the Associated Press in New York.)

 Spring Equinox dates and times of day, for a thousand years

 Westray Coal Mine Disaster

 Minas Tides — Eighth Wonder of the World one of Ed Coleman's columns

 Historical Errors in The Dominion Institute's Great Questions series

 The 1901 Transatlantic Radio Experiment Marconi in Newfoundland

Ivan Smith     902-582-3783
9847 Main Street, Canning
Nova Scotia B0P 1H0, Canada

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First uploaded to the WWW:   2006 May 17
Latest update:   2007 March 31