Photographs of
Loyalist Park

Cast iron

Digby County
Nova Scotia

Located in Loyalist Park on the waterfront

GPS location:   44°37'20"N   65°45'20"W

Digby: Loyalist Park

Digby: Loyalist Park

Loyalist Park, Digby
Six cast-iron cannons

Location Foundry
Date Weight
south 42-1-11 1841 4743 2151
  43-2-14 1844 4886 2216
  42-3-6 1844 4794 2174
  42-3-0 1841 4788 2171
  42-0-26 1840 4730 2145
north 41-3-1 4677 2121

These cannons cannot be identified by serial numbers.
They have no serial numbers. Each of these guns has a
weight, as marked by the foundry, and no two are the same.
These photographs are identified by the foundry weights.

The cannons are listed here in sequence,
from the south end of the park to the north end.

Digby: Loyalist Park cannon 42-1-11 1841

Loyalist Park cannon 42-1-11

Digby: Loyalist Park cannon 42-1-11 Manufactured: 1841
Weight: 42-1-11 (2151 kg)
Digby: Loyalist Park cannon 42-1-11 Cannon manufactured for Victoria Regina
(Queen Victoria reigned 1837-1901)

Loyalist Park cannon 43-2-14

Digby: Loyalist Park cannon 43-2-14 Manufactured: 1844
Weight: 43-2-14 (2216 kg)
Digby: Loyalist Park cannon 43-2-14 Cannon manufactured for Victoria Regina

Digby: Loyalist Park cannon 42-3-6 1844

Loyalist Park cannon 42-3-6

Digby: Loyalist Park cannon 42-3-6 Manufactured: 1844
Weight: 42-3-6 (2174 kg)
Digby: Loyalist Park cannon 42-3-6 Cannon manufactured for Victoria Regina

Digby: Loyalist Park

Loyalist Park cannon 42-3-0

Digby: Loyalist Park cannon 42-3-0 Manufactured: 1841
Weight: 42-3-0 (2171 kg)
Digby: Loyalist Park cannon 42-3-0 Cannon manufactured for Victoria Regina

Digby: Loyalist Park cannon 42-0-26 1840

Loyalist Park cannon 42-0-26

Digby: Loyalist Park cannon 42-0-26 Manufactured: 1840
Weight: 42-0-26 (2145 kg)
Digby: Loyalist Park cannon 42-0-26 Cannon manufactured for Victoria Regina

Digby: Loyalist Park cannon 41-3-1

Loyalist Park cannon 41-3-1

Digby: Loyalist Park cannon 41-3-1 Weight: 41-3-1 (2121 kg)

The foundry marked this cannon's weight as 41 - 3 - 1,
meaning 41 hundredweight plus 3 quarters plus 1 pound.
One hundredweight equalled 112 pounds,
and one quarterweight equalled 28 pounds.
Thus this cannon weighs 4677 pounds.
One kilogram equals 2.205 pounds.

This cannon's weight works out to 2121 kilograms
(at the time of manufacture, not much changed now).

Digby: Loyalist Park cannon 41-3-1 Cannon manufactured for George III Rex
(King George III reigned 1760-1820)

Tha above photographs were taken on 13 June 2003.

Other Old Cannons in Nova Scotia

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  Hits per calendar month
       2005 Oct     43
       2005 Sep     39
       2005 Aug     33
       2005 Jul     18
       2005 Jun     27
       2005 May     33
       2005 Apr     35
       2005 Mar     42
       2005 Feb     39
       2005 Jan     45

       2004 Dec     34
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       2004 Jul     23
       2004 Jun     26
       2004 May     42
       2004 Apr     29
       2004 Mar     43
       2004 Feb     29
       2004 Jan     53

       2003 Dec     38
       2003 Nov      0

First uploaded to the WWW:   2003 December 01
Minor content revision:   2004 January 03
GPS position added:   2005 November 23