Egerton Tramway Company Limited
New Glasgow Electric Company Limited
Pictou County Electric Company Limited
Pictou County Power Board

Historical Notes

Service area: the Towns of New Glasgow, Trenton, Stellarton, and Westville, and some rural districts of Pictou County, Nova Scotia.

General Overview

The New Glasgow Electric Company Limited was incorporated in 1887, under chapter 102 of the 1887 Acts of the Nova Scotia Legislature. The New Glasgow Electric Company built an electric generating plant in New Glasgow, and began distributing and selling electric power in New Glasgow in December 1888. Under chapter 129 of the Acts of 1889, passed on 17 April 1889, the New Glasgow Electric Company was given legal authority to build and operate a street railway (public transit) system to serve New Glasgow, Trenton, and Stellarton, but this street railway was never completed (and perhaps was never much more than a plan).

The Egerton Tramway Company Limited was incorporated in 1902, under chapter 137 of the 1902 Acts of the Nova Scotia Legislature, passed on 27 March 1902. The formal opening ceremony of Egerton Tramway Company's electric streetcar line in Pictou County was held on Friday, 14 October 1904. Regular operations began three days earlier, on Tuesday, 11 October 1904. The streetcars continued operating until 7 May 1931.

On 1 April 1909, the Edgerton Tramway Company bought the New Glasgow Electric Company.

The Public Utilities Board Annual Report for 1918: The Egerton Tramway Company has "for some years operated an electric tramway (streetcar line) in and between the Towns of New Glasgow, Westville, Stellarton, and Trenton. During this time electric energy for light and power was being furnished by the New Glasgow Electric Company Limited, and the Edgerton Tramway Company was precluded by its Act of Incorporation from furnishing electric energy (as a public utility) until after it had first purchased the undertaking of the New Glasgow Electric Company." This purchase was carried out on 1 April 1909, with an Act to confirm the purchase being passed by the Legislature on 23 April 1909 as chapter 142 of the Acts of 1909.

On 23 April 1909, the name of the Egerton Tramway Company was changed to The Pictou County Electric Company Limited.

The Public Utilities Board Annual Report for 1918: By chapter 143 of the Acts of 1909 the name of the Egerton Tramway Company was changed to The Pictou County Electric Company Limited. Thereafter The Pictou County Electric Company carried on the business of supplying electric power, as a public utility, in addition to operating the electric streetcar system.

On 7 May 1924 The Pictou County Electric Company was acquired by the Pictou County Power Board.

On 7 May 1931, the electric streetcar system in Pictou County was shut down forever.

In 1963, the Pictou County Power Board was sold to the Nova Scotia Power Commission, an agency of the Nova Scotia government.

In 1973, the Nova Scotia Power Commission was legally and financially reorganized as the Nova Scotia Power Corporation, a provincial crown corporation.

On 12 August 1992, all the electric utility assets of the Nova Scotia Power Corporation were sold to Nova Scotia Power Inc., a private (non-government) corporation.

On 1 January 1999, ownership of Nova Scotia Power Inc. (NSPI) was transferred to NS Power Holdings Inc. (NSPH). On that date, all NSPI common shares were transferred from the previous owners (individuals, pension funds, etc.) to NSPH — which issued to the former NSPI shareholders, one NSPH share for each NSPI share. Thus Nova Scotia Power Inc. became a wholly-owned subsidiary of NS Power Holdings Inc.

On 17 July 2000, the company name was changed to Emera Inc. from NS Power Holdings Inc. After this name change, Nova Scotia Power Inc. continued as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Emera Inc.

New Glasgow Electric
Company Limited

Acts of the Nova Scotia Legislature
Re: New Glasgow Electric Company Limited

1887 chapter 102 — An Act to incorporate the New Glasgow Electric Company Limited
1889 chapter 129 — Amendment, as to construction of Street Railways
1890 chapter 163 — Amendment, as to Powers of Directors
1891 chapter 178 — Amendment, as to borrowing money
1892 chapter 180 — Enacting several amendments
1893 chapter 182 — Enacting several amendments
1894 chapter   95 — Enacting several amendments
1895 chapter 145 — Enacting several amendments
1895 chapter 146 — Amendment, powers of Directors to borrow money
1896 chapter 110 — Amendment, limiting time for construction
1898 chapter 172 — Amendment, time for construction and completion

The Enterprise Saturday, 24 November 1888 —

The Electric Light Company are busily engaged putting in the incandescant light. It will be in working order in a few weeks. Good. [It is believed that this item, reproduced whole here, refers to the New Glasgow Electric Company Limited.]

The Enterprise Saturday, 24 November 1888 —

Letter to the Editor:— Through the columns of your newspaper I would like to ask the manager of the electric light company of New Glasgow, if the system of incandescant light now being put in is dangerous to life, or if the wires can be handled with impunity. I think those thinking about patronizing the light should be apprised of the strength of the current and chances of accidents occurring. Subscriber

New Glasgow Electric Co., chapter 129, Acts of 1889
Chapter 129, Acts of 1889
Passed the 17th day of April, 1889

§23   (The New Glasgow Electric Company) shall have the
exclusive right and privilege of constructing, maintaining,
and operating a line or lines of street railway, with all the
necessary side tracks, switches, and turnouts, and all other
appliances for the passage of cars, carriages, or other
vehicles upon and along the streets of New Glasgow town,
and of the towns of Stellarton and Trenton, and between
any point in the one to any point in the other of the
said towns for the period of eight years from the coming
into force of this Act...
§26   The cars shall be drawn or propelled by horses, or
electricity, or any other motive power approved by the
directors of the company...

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 7 October 1904, page 1 —

At the New Glasgow Town Council meeting, a letter from the Electric Light Company was read stating that the street light asked for on West Side would be put in at once. Two new lamps were ordered to be put on Trenton Road.

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 14 October 1904, page 8 —

(Editorial) Partizanship The Electric Light station is developing into a very offensive Conservative machine. Men who are working in it are loud in their detestation of the Liberals and their policy. True, the reasons given are not very flattering to the intellect of those giving them, but they do. One of the hands we are informed states that his reason for his offensive partizanship is that the local Legislature gave the legal power to Stellarton and to the Intercolonial Coal Company, of Westville, to manufacture their own electric light. "Took the bread out of his mouth." This is thought to be a sufficient reason and perhaps it is.

It is not worth while, maybe, to waste time on the parasites while the person on which they feed remains under cover. We can tell this individual that next session of the Legislature another charter to manufacture and sell electric lighting will be asked for from the Legislature on the ground that the one now selling light to Liberal and Conservative alike in New Glasgow is managed and manned by men who use their positions as political partizans.

The wily manager will find, also, that in a short time, or as soon as the Liberals of New Glasgow will awaken to the fact that a Tory town council are using the funds of the town in the same manner as Tammany uses the funds of New York; viz., —to award or pay for the services of men whose only recommendation is that they are useful to the party, that other people can manufacture and sell light as well as he.

As an instance, we give offhand the case of that bitter-busy little Conservative, Tracy, who has been employed as inspector of laying the water pipe at good wages although he never saw a pipe laid before in his life. Why was the job not given to a man who was about the water pipe of New Glasgow for several years. Instead they took this inexperienced man, Tracy, from the electric light station and gave him a job for which he had neither acquired nor inherited qualifications.

The Electric Light Company will find that although it can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, it cannot fool all the people all the time. The Tammany braves that run the town Council may perhaps in time learn the same lesson.

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 3 May 1907, page 4 —

(Paid insert) Notice To the Shareholders of the New Glasgow Electric Company Limited: The Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of the New Glasgow Electric Company Limited will be held at three o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday the 14th day of May 1907 at the head office of the Company in the town of New Glasgow for the election of directors, for the transaction of the general business of the Company, and for such other business as may properly come before the meeting.
H.V. Jennison, Secretary
New Glasgow, May 1st, A.D. 1907

Egerton Tramway Company Limited

Acts of the Nova Scotia Legislature
Re: Egerton Tramway Company Limited

NSL 1902 chapter 137 — Act to incorporate the Egerton Tramway Co. Ltd.
NSL 1903 chapter 234 — Amendment
NSL 1904 chapter 133 — Act respecting assessment of the Egerton Tramway in New Glasgow, Stellarton, and Westville
NSL 1906 chapter 160 — Amendment
NSL 1909 chapter 142 — Act to confirm contract between New Glasgow Electric Co. Ltd. and Egerton Tramway Co. Ltd.
NSL 1909 chapter 143 — Amendment and name changed
NSL 1910 chapter 163 — Amendment
NSL 1916 chapter 105 — Amendment
NSL 1952 chapter 135 —

Brief overview of
Egerton Tramway Company Limited

On 27 March 1902, the Legislature passed an Act (chapter 137, 1902, 2 Edward VII) to incorporate the Egerton Tramway Company Limited, head office in New Glasgow, with capital of $500,000 divided among 5,000 shares of $100 each, to construct, acquire, own, operate, and maintain "an electric tramway, or railway, in New Glasgow, Stellarton, Westville, Trenton, Ferrona, and Thorburn, in the county of Pictou" and between any two or more of these places; and to operate a public electric utility for "manufacturing, distributing or supplying electricity for lighting, heating, power and other purposes".

The founding shareholders were William P. McNeil and G.A. Grant of New Glasgow, and Charles Fergie of Westville.

While running along streets and highways the Company's streetcars had the right of way over all other traffic — "The cars shall have a right to the tracks as against any persons, carriage, or vehicle ... put, driven, or being thereon." At that time in Nova Scotia, the rule of the road was to drive on the left hand side — "All switches and turnouts shall be arranged so that cars shall pass on the left" and passengers were to be allowed to enter and leave the streetcars only "on the left side".

On 15 April 1923, the Rule of the Road changed in Nova Scotia. Before that day, traffic travelled on the left side of the road; after that day, traffic kept to the right. This changeover applied to all traffic, including electric streetcar systems.

Photograph of Egerton electric streetcar

Photograph of Charles Fergie's house in Westville

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 19 August 1904, page 1 —

The Tram construction company began work on Bridge Street yesterday and next week will be on Provost Street.

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 19 August 1904, page 5 —

Tram Line Forces Increase
in Telephone Rates

Mr. Winfield, of the telephone company, called at The Eastern Chronicle office on Wednesday and made a detailed explanation of the present condition of the telephone service in New Glasgow, and what it will be when the tram cars get running. He said that some time ago, in view of the installation of the streetcar service, he applied for an increase of rates to meet the expense of the changes that would be necessary, but the Board of Trade, on behalf of those using telephones, objected on the ground that the citizens already paid as much as the service was worth. But it was agreed that if the tramway became a sure thing then the telephone company could ask the consent of the Government to increase the rates. Last week the Board of Trade, having awoke from its lethargy, became convinced that the electric car service would be installed and the telephone company were notified that they could apply to the Government for leave to increase the rates.

This increase will be $5 on each instrument, making house telephones $23.00 and shops and places of business $30.00 [per year? (the time interval is not mentioned)]. It may be stated that it was, also, agreed that if the telephone rates were not to be increased that the bad service that was certain to result from the operation of the electric car service would be at the risk of the citizens, and regarding that Mr. Winfield states that it would be of very little use.

The telephone system to be installed in place of the present one is that now in use in the City of Halifax. Until recently, this system was deemed to be too costly except for cities of at least 40,000 inhabitants. It has now been so modified that the company can install it in smaller places and Mr. Winfield is of the opinion that the company are exceedingly liberal when on installing it in New Glasgow, Westville, Stellarton, and Trenton, they only ask for an increase for individual telephones of $5.00 each. This system is in use in Winnipeg, Toronto, and Halifax, and is now being put in in Montreal and next in the group of towns here. It is known as the "Central Energy" or "Relay" system. The one now in use is the "Magneto" system. The difference between the old and the new is this: In the present system when a party rings for the "hello girl" he makes the electricity in his own telephone box, by turning the handle on the side of the box. In the new system all the energy is in the central office. There will be no ringing voltage generated at the individual telephone. You take the receiver off the hook, and you reach central without any more ado. The only ring you hear will be when a call comes to you. The dynamo and storage batteries will be in the central office. The picking up of the receiver connects with central. When through with the conversation you hang up the receiver on the hook; that disconnects, you do not have to ring off.

With the old system Mr. Winfield declares that the electric currents of the tram cars would interfere with the telephone circuits, and would so blur the sound of the human voice as to render it almost impossible to give or take messages. By the new system all this is avoided and the telephone user will not know that the electric cars are running. The change will no doubt cost the telephone company a great deal of money. Mr. Winfield says that it is much superior to the present system, being clearer and better.

The telephone company have started work to install the new system and to get their wires rearranged so that there will be no danger of them coming into contact with the electric car wires and so endangering the life of anyone. As soon as the new system is installed the rate increase goes into effect, $5.00, as we have said, on each instrument, except that it will not be so much where two or more get on to one wire or rather on to the two wires that will have to be put in place of the single wire presently used.

The final sentence reveals the fundamental technical reason why the existing telephone system could not continue to operate after the electric streetcar system started running. The old telephone system was a one wire system. That is, the telephone circuit was completed by a ground return.

Single-wire circuits (often called grounded circuits) were commonly used in the early days of telephone technology, because a one-wire circuit was notably less expensive to build.

While a single-wire circuit was cheaper to build, the ground return exposed the telephone circuit to interference from stray electric currents, either natural (aurora, for example — a magnetic storm can generate impressive ground currents) or man-made (electric power systems, and especially electric streetcar lines which always use the rails as part of the traction motor circuit).

Two-wire telephone circuits (often called metallic circuits) eliminate the ground return, and thus eliminate the exposure of the sensitive telephone circuit to the influence of tens or hundreds of amperes of ground currents that inevitably leak away from the rails of all electric streetcar systems. A grounded (one-wire) telephone system simply could not operate in the vicinity of any electric railway.

"...where two or more get on to one wire..." refers to a party line arrangement, in which two or four or more telephones in two or four or more houses or businesses were connected in series in one circuit. Party-line customers paid significantly lower rates than single-party telephone customers.

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 23 September 1904, page 8 —

No Sunday Tram Car
Barney's River
September 17th, 1904

Editor, Eastern Chronicle, Dear Sir: I noticed that in your issue of the 16th, you say: "As we are informed, Mr. Flaherty frankly stated that as the tram cars run in every other city in Canada on Sunday, it was the intention of the Company to run here too on that day." Let me inform Mr. Flaherty that no tram cars run in the City of Winnipeg on the Lord's day, and it is one of the most up to date and progressive cities in Canada, also one of the best church going cities in Canada. The Tram Car Company of Winnipeg, asked the City Council (I think about two years ago) for liberty to run on the Lord's day. The Council asked the people to vote on the matter, and by a large majority the people said, No Sunday Cars — and if a city with a population of over 60,000 perhaps 70,000, and a city which increased its population some 13,000 last year has no need of Sunday cars, do we need them in Pictou County? I do think it would be better for our County if we never had an electric railway, if by having it people are going to be taught that God did not mean what He said in Isa. 58:13,14. I do not think a large majority of the people in the towns and places the cars run through want Sunday cars, and I do think if the Company was informed of this they would have some respect for the people with whom they do business. Let us speak out for a quiet Sabbath.
Yours, a believer in it,
J.S. McKay

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 30 September 1904, page 1 —

The road repairers have got at long last over to the West Side. We would draw the attention of the engineer to Bridge Street in New Glasgow. The tram rails have sent the trucks and wagons to the sides where there is no stone and sure as fate those parts will soon become impassable.

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 30 September 1904, page 1 —

The manager of the Tram Car Company desires us again to warn people from crossing on the tram car bridge. From now on he intends to run the cars steadily and he disclaims all responsibility for any accident that may happen on the bridge to any person illegally thereon. Parents, particularly, should take special care to keep their children off the bridge. Grown up people should, also, take notice to keep off.

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 30 September 1904, page 1 —

The first notice was served on Wednesday evening about six thirty o'clock that the mortgage held by the truckmen on Provost Street, New Glasgow, would be shortly foreclosed. This delights the heart of the light driving public. Long has the truckman fearlessly pushed his way along the street or backed square across it and stayed across, utterly regardless of the man with the fancy rig with probably his best girl on the seat. Just watch and see these old time terrors up against the tram car for a jolt.
[Except for the tram car, all of this refers to horse-drawn vehicles.]

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 30 September 1904, page 1 —

The suggestion comes from many quarters that our business and townspeople should recognize the opening of the tramway for public service in some suitable and appropriate way. "It is an event," one prominent merchant said, "that the town should duly honour, by putting on its best possible front and having at least a half holiday, and show the Company how much we appreciate their efforts."

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 7 October 1904, page 1 —

A tramcar came down Wednesday from Stellarton to New Glasgow, but on returning, unfortunately got off the rails at Sinclair's corner causing an hour's delay. It will take them several days to get the cars running smoothly, but soon they will forget that they had any annoying troubles at the start. We understand that one of the engine beds was a trifle unsteady at first, but that has been remedied and soon everything will get its bearings and run steadily.
["Engine bed" refers to the foundation supporting one of the reciprocating steam engines driving the generators producing 600-volt direct current for the streetcar overhead wire.]

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 7 October 1904, page 1 —

When the new tramcars get limbered up we are going to have a choice service, with the prospects of having the road opened on Friday next. During the trial trips one thing noticeable is that the horses hardly paid any attention to the cars. The cars are provided with an up-to-date fender in front, which almost suggests itself as the easiest way to get on board, but a thing to be avoided as we would the evil one.

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 7 October 1904, page 1 —

Yesterday afternoon a small, but select, company enjoyed the first round trip on the tram car line between New Glasgow and Stellarton. The party, besides Mr. Flaherty and his electrician, Mr. Lanham, were His Worship Mayor Crockett; J. H. I. Munro, a member of the Canadian Manufacturers' Association; W. H. Stiles, a member of the Dominion Commercial Travellers' Association; and a Chronicle representative. The cars run as easy as can be desired and the road bed seemed as smooth as a pneumatic tired buggy. The round trip was made in twenty minutes, the time of the run down was seven and one-half minutes.

The Eastern Chronicle Tuesday, 11 October 1904, page 5 —

Stellarton Quite a crowded house listened with great attention on Sunday evening to Rev. Mr. Burgess discussing the running of the Egerton Tramway Company's cars through our towns on Sunday. He handled the question well, taking for his text Exodus, 20th chapter, 8th verse: "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."

The Eastern Chronicle Tuesday, 11 October 1904, page 8 —

The Egerton Tramway Line

The Egerton Tramway car line opened for traffic yesterday, and will take its place as the most prominent business stride this locality has taken on even in these stirring times of improvement. The cars now steadily climb the grades, have become accustomed to the curves and are now doing business like old employees.

One has to take a trip over this line to see the excellence of its many features and to note how closely it is allied with our industrial and other interests. Starting at a point in Trenton with the Great Steel Works on the right you pass first Humphrey's Glass factory on the one hand and just ahead Bailey & Underwood's Harrow Works on the other side. Then through a short stretch of pretty country, with a glimpse of the river at its prettiest turn, past Riverside Cemetery, into New Glasgow proper. A bunch of hustling enterprises such as Matheson's Iron Foundry, Fraser Bros. Foundry, R. Dand's Wood Factory and Munroe's Wire Works, by the Curler's Rink in winter or Theatre in the good old summer time, through Provost Street, down under the railway arch, between McNeil's Bridge Works on the right and Brown's Factory on the left, a scoot across the river, through another arch, up a grade into the suburban West Side, past the Hospital and within hail of the athletic grounds.

Then comes a long smooth ride to pretty Lourdes and you tap the coal life, first noticed in the immense Allan shafts, next the long row of miners' cottages, with the older collieries on the hill to the right and you are into hustling Stellarton. Just before entering Stellarton proper you see a pretty stretch of interval lying along the East River and on the hill beyond loom up the works of the Standard Brick and Tile Company.

In Stellarton, the people, through its Town Council have awakened to the fact that the Tram line is to be of importance to them and have accordingly graded and fixed their streets. They now have a good wide street, which when macadamized will be the best street in the county. The sidewalks, too, are of a sufficient width. The hill near Manager Coll's house has entirely disappeared, as far as the road is concerned. The Stellarton athletic grounds show marked signs of a judicious money expenditure and it is said to be the intention of the town, next year, to cut out and beautify the block of woods adjoining, which has been given to the town for a Park.

From Stellarton to Westville the line keeps to the main road through Asphalt and passes the immense Drummond Colliery, through Main Street, Westville, by the Acadia Colliery and the Town's business houses and terminates at the large skating rink. The entire route is one of interest and cannot fail to impress a stranger with the commercial importance of this locality.

The long cars make the ride particularly enjoyable, as they are entirely free from the bobbing motion met with in the short cars used in many cities. The road bed is smooth and solid, not a sign of a jolt being noticeable over any part of the line. A unique telephone service has been installed at each of the turnouts and terminals so that the conductors can be speedily informed of any delay to crossing cars and needless delay to their cars avoided. At the railway crossings approved derailing switches with semaphores placed on the railway lines, have been installed, making it impossible to have an accident, for when the line is open for the steam cars the electrics cannot approach beyond a certain distance of the crossing without running off the track, and the operation of setting the crossing for the electrics, simultaneously sets the semaphores out along the line against the railway train.

A note of warning should possibly be sent to people who are in the habit of letting their cows run at large along the tram route, else some day they may find themselves minus a milker. Perhaps if the pound keeper would take an occasional trip over the line he might be able to do some business.

The Eastern Chronicle Tuesday, 11 October 1904, page 8 —

The Sunday Cars

From all accounts Rev. Mr. Burgess hit it up in great shape against Sunday cars on last Sunday evening. He took for his text the commandment given to Moses for the guidance of the Jews. ...[Offensive comments deleted. ICS]... It is not the question whether we will have a general cessation of work on one day in the seven, for Mr. Burgess would get a unanimous support here with the proposal that certain [illegible] work must be done on that seventh day. From a religious standpoint, the question is just Jesus Christ, and the early fathers such as Peter, Paul, John and James, preserving the Jewish Sabbath as a religious ordinance on the Gentiles when the latter embraced Christianity. If not, did they change it to another day to be called the Lord's Day? If so, is it the duty of the state to enforce a religious observance of that day, or is it merely a question for each church to enforce among its own members? There is one question about the right of the Catholic, Episcopal, Presbyterian, or any other church to order an observance of any day as a day of rest on its own followers, but there is grave doubt about their right of interference with others outside of their churches. There is no question about the civil law providing that no work be performed on Sunday, but that is a law that, while generally observed, is specially violated and, of necessity, must be violated. Its main and proper provision is that one man cannot force another to work for him on Sunday.

Now, we are not taking sides at all, merely trying to point out to Mr. Burgess the people's side of the question. And we may add that whether in contradistinction to the Gospel of Jesus Christ or not, the people are revising the creed on this question of a Holy Sabbath Day for themselves.

The people look upon the running of the tramcars in the same light as they do the running of trains, the hiring of teams of horses at the livery stables, etc. They admit that the hiring of teams and the running of trains may be abused, and also that the running of tramcars may be abused, but they also admit that hiring of teams and running of trains in many cases is a necessity, and, also, that if the tramcars were to run before and after church meetings, and during the hours of Divine service they would not be run, their running would be a great convenience to many people. As to carrying crowds of loafing rowdies from one town to another the civil authorities must look after that and see that visitors from New Glasgow, for instance, to Stellarton conduct themselves decently.

As we have stated this is the people's side of the question. The religious side must be settled by each church for itself and its decision is only binding on its own members and adherents.

Mr. Burgess will please pardon us for seeming to "butt in". We do not call in question for one moment his sincerity and we think we can appreciate the depth of the religious feeling with which he approaches the question, but we believe we simplify the discussion by placing the other side in cold print as we have endeavoured to do.

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 14 October 1904, page 1 —

All the citizens of New Glasgow are invited to be present at the Y.M.C.A. Hall, Friday (today) afternoon at 3 o'clock to take part in the very pleasant function of presenting to Mr. C. A. Flaherty the good wishes of our citizens on the completion of the Egerton Tramway.

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 14 October 1904, page 1 —

The tramway are out for "fare" and they are doing a hustling business. The cars are crowded and as a consequence the I.C.R. receipts from local passenger traffic has greatly fallen off. The public are showing their appreciation of the innovation in a substantial manner.

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 14 October 1904, page 1 —

There was a special meeting of the New Glasgow town council on Monday evening (10 October) to accept the work of the Egerton Tram car company in the laying of the tramcar rails on the streets. The streets have not been left in as good condition as they were, but in order that no advantage would be taken of the permission to run the cars a proviso drawn up by the town solicitor was inserted covering the condition. Besides, the charter of the company makes it obligatory on the company when the town alters the grade of a street over which the trams are run that they must, also, accommodate their rails to the changed grade. Although the Council has nothing to do with the company running their cars on Sunday the members asked Mr. Flaherty, who was present at the meeting, not to run the cars during the usual hours of divine service in the churches, that is to say, from 10:30am to 12:30 and from [illegible] to 8:30. The councillors present were unanimous in the request, and the reporter understood that Mr. Flaherty was in a quiescent mood, although making no promise.

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 14 October 1904, page 1 —

Free Ride on the Tram Cars Fraser, Fraser & Co. will give a tram car ticket free with every purchase amounting to one dollar, two tickets with every two dollar purchase, three tickets with every three dollar purchase, and so on. Whatever number of dollars your purchase amounts to you get the same number of car tickets free.

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 14 October 1904, page 8 —

The electric cars carried twelve hundred passengers on Tuesday (11 October 1904) between Stellarton and Trenton. These cars are no doubt a great improvement in our town, but we, like a great many more are of the impression that if the track were extended about a mile about 1.6 km further south, say to the County Asylum, it would still be a greater improvement. The people could then visit that institution from other towns who now can't or won't go owing to the distance. And again, building lots being scarce, it would give people a chance to build up that way and have also a chance to get into town.

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 14 October 1904, page 8 —

Presbytery of Pictou ...The attention of Presbytery having been called to the fact that the Egerton Tram Company propose to run their cars on the Lord's Day the following resolution moved by Mr. R. Mackay seconded by Mr. E. Gilles, was carried unanimously.

The Pictou Presbytery believing that the fourth commandment of the Decalogue is of perpetual and universal obligation regret exceedingly to be informed that the Egerton Tram Company intend to run their cars on the Lord's Day. The Presbytery while wishing the company much success in their work would respectfully but earnestly recommend them to abandon this proposal and would call upon our citizens to discoutenance in every legitimate way this and every other action that would tend to interfere with the sanctity of the Lord's Day. The following were appointed a committee to act for the Presbytery in this matter: Dr. Cumming, Dr. Falconer, Dr. Tuffts, Messrs. Rogers, H. R. Grant, R. Cumming and J. A. Mackenzie, ministers, and Messrs. R. Macdougall, Westville, R. Macdougall, Blue Mountain, James Mackay, Riverton, and E. L. Armstrong, with power to add to their numbers.

The Eastern Chronicle Tuesday, 18 October 1904, page 1 —

Four Thousand Passengers

The tram car business on Saturday (15 October) was beyond all expectations; it is said over four thousand persons were carried and this with only three cars. Some little rowdyism was attempted on one of the cars and a glass broken. It is the intention of the Company to promptly punish all such offences. Nipping such actions in the bud will undoubtedly save further trouble.

The Eastern Chronicle Tuesday, 18 October 1904, page 1 —

The Tram Line
Formal Opening

The formal opening of the tram line took place on Friday afternoon last. On the arrival of the express train from Sydney the following guests of the Egerton Tram Company met the cars on Provost Street:— Hon. W. S. Fielding, Minister of Finance, Ottawa; Mr. E. M. Macdonald, Senator McGregor, Mr. A. C. Bell, Mr. Tanner, M.P.P., Mr. Patterson, M.P.P., Mr. Colin McIsaac and Master W. T. McIsaac, Antigonish, Mayor Crockett and Councillors, New Glasgow, Mayor Gray and Councillors, Stellarton, Messrs. James Eastwood, W. A. McIntosh, Harvey Graham, R. Dewar, Barney's River, C. J. Coll, Acadia Company, R. A. Ollogin, Halifax, Y. C. Campbell, I.C.R., Stanley McCurdy, Mayor Crosby, H. B. Clarke, R. T. MacIlreith, President Tram Company, Maynard M. Reynolds, Director, J. W. Pilcher, of Halifax, Engineer Mitchell, Len. Flaherty, C. A. Flaherty, Allan Douglas, J. H. Wilson, Warden J. D. Fraser and a representative of The Eastern Chronicle.

They were then taken on board a special car and whirled down to Trenton preceded by another car in which the Westville band played inspiring music. From Trenton they were taken back to New Glasgow, thence to Stellarton and without a stop on up the grade to Westville. Arriving at Monument Hill the leading car went up without trouble, but the hind car, being heavily laden with several tons of live heavy weights, staggered on the grade and finally stopped. This was the first heavily laden car that attempted the grade, the rails were slippery from the rain and the connection of the current from the motor to the rails was not yet decided. The first attempt was a failure. However the officials were out with the sand and the car having backed down went at the ascent with a rush and went triumphantly over with colours flying and the band playing the inspiring air to which the Gordon Highlanders scaled the height of Dargai. On the cars went to Westville where a short stop was made to take on board the Mayor and town Council with several other gentlemen.

The cars with their load of heavy weights made the run back to New Glasgow in quick time and without any mishap. On reaching the latter town Mr. C. A. Flaherty led the guests to Mason's Hall where he had luncheon provided.

At the luncheon Mr. MacIlreith, President of the Company, presided with Hon. Mr. Fielding, Minister of Finance, Mr. E. M. MacDonald, Mr. Tanner, M.P.P., and Mayor Crockett on his right and Senator McGregor, Mr. A. C. Bell and George Patterson on his left. At the lower end of the table sat Mr. Flaherty, Manager, Mayor Gray of Stellarton, Warden Fraser, Mr. Robt. Dewar and the town Councillors of Stellarton, and the Mayor of Westville with his councillors. Among the other gentlemen present were C. J. Coll, General Manager of the Acadia Coal Mining Company, Mr. James Eastwood, New Glasgow, the town Councillors of New Glasgow, Mr. William A. MacIntosh, Mr. Harvey Graham, Engineer Mitchell, Mr. Sutherland of the Free Lance and A. Douglas of the Enterprise.

After a splendid luncheon, President MacIlreith called on Hon. Mr. Fielding for a short speech. Mr. Fielding congratulated the Company and the people and the towns interested on the successful completion of the new enterprise. Mr. Fielding was followed by Mr. A. C. Bell, Mr. E. M. Macdonald, Mr. Tanner, M.P.P., and Mr. Patterson, M.P.P., in short speeches all of an optimistic and congratulatory character.

As the Conservatives had a meeting scheduled for Westville and the Liberals one in New Glasgow, it was necessary to have the speaking begin early so as to let the gentlemen who were to speak at these meetings get away seasonably, but it was intended that several other gentlemen would speak. However, when the politicians got up to go away the others got up to see them off and then concluded that they would not risk any more speeches so did not sit down again. The band came to the rescue by playing the national anthem over them and thus a very pleasant function came to an end.

The luncheon was got up in great style. The table was decorated by British and American flags and maple leaves were provided so that the company could decorate themselves with the Canadian National emblem.

During the feast the band played selections among them that great air "My Old Kentucky Home" and with exquisite taste. Your reporter has not heard anything prettier for many a day.

The Eastern Chronicle congratulates the Egerton Tramway Company and all concerned with them on the completion of the enterprise, with special congratulations to Mr. C. A. Flaherty, Manager, and the capable and indefatigable Engineer of the construction, Mr. Mitchell. Those who put up the money thus showing their faith by their works must not be forgotten and we congratulate them on their splendid property as well as on their officials who knew how to expend the money to the best advantage. The "city of four towns" by the valley of the East River are now doubly connected by rail and it is only reasonable to hope that they will all work henceforth together for the good of the whole. Let there be no petty jealousies to keep them apart in sentiment, but let them be linked together in the bonds of good citizenship as long as they exist.

The Eastern Chronicle Tuesday, 18 October 1904, page 1 —

Father Randell MacDonald, of Glace Bay, paid a visit to New Glasgow last week. The reverened gentleman looks in prime health and moves as alert as ever. In conversation he expressed himself pleased about the new tram line and the benefit it would be to the people. What about the Sunday cars? queried our reporter. "Well," said he, "when they were started in Sydney I denounced them, as I thought they would be crowded with rough characters on that day and that they would travel about and disturb others. I find they do not, and those who do are compelled to act like gentlemen, and I see no bad effects from them. In fact they are kept out of mischief, and I have changed my mind about Sunday tram cars and patronize them when I require their assistance."

The Eastern Chronicle Tuesday, 18 October 1904, page 8 —

Presentation: Mr. C. A. Flaherty, Manager of the Egerton Tramway Company, spent a very uncomfortable half hour on Friday afternoon (14 October, 1904) in the Y.M.C.A. parlours when several of the prominent citizens told him how extremely popular he was with the people of the town of New Glasgow. Mr. Flaherty, we have every reason to believe is an extremely modest man, but this carried no weight with the speakers of the afternoon, they piled the flattery on thick and fast, and every word was meant and vigorously applauded by a hundred of the representative citizens who were present. But while the moment was an embarrassing one for Mr. F, the citizens saw to it that he would carry away pleasant and lasting recollections of the occasion.

The meeting was called to tender the good wishes of the citizens to Mr. Flaherty on the completion of the Egerton Tramway or as one enthusiastic declared, to exchange greetings on New Glasgow's commercial birthday. Mayor C. M. Crockett presided and after calling the meeting to order, in a neat speech, tendered to Mr. Flaherty the thankfulness of the town's people on the completion of the car line; time alone would tell how much the town was indebted to the Company for installing the plant, and he spoke of the great industrial benefits bound to accrue; he referred to Mr. Flaherty's personal courtesy and frankness and praised his honest business ability; on behalf of the citizens he had much pleasure in presenting to the gentleman who had so quickly and creditably installed the service a gift from the people.

The gift consisted of a handsome silver service, tray and candelabra. The tray was artistically engraved and bore this inscription, "C. A. Flaherty from the citizens of New Glasgow. A token of appreciation of his work in establishing the Egerton Tramway, Oct. 14th, 1904." Mr. Flaherty in accepting the gift spoke of the many kindnesses he had received from the citizens and also from the Councils of the three towns and thanked them still further for the kind words on this occasion; he alluded to the most efficient staff he had in the employ and said much of the success in rushing the work was due to their efforts. Dr. Kennedy, D. McDearmid and A. C. Bell made short speeches complimentary to Mr. Flaherty and trusted that the road would be a success from a financial standpoint. The meeting broke up with cheers for Mr. Flaherty and the crowd sang "For he's a jolly good fellow."

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 18 November 1904, page 2 —

(Editorial) The Presbyterian ministers are boycotting the tramcars; that is, they are advising their congregations not to use the cars on Sundays. Boycotting, generally speaking, is illegal; but in this case those who run the tramcars do so illegally and it is not likely that the courts would convict any person for trying to turn away another's patronage on Sundays when the catering to that patronage is in itself illegal. But, if the running of the tramcars on Sunday is illegal, why cannot the law be put in force to stop them? Because it is a case in which public opinion over-rides the law. If a majority of the people of the four towns interested could be lined up against the operation of the tramcars on Sundays it would be an easy matter to enforce the law, but in this case when a diligent canvass in a population of nearly, if not quite, 15,000 people could get less than 500 to sign a petition against Sunday cars the law cannot be effectually enforced. It is, apparently, a case in which a statute must take second place to public expediency.

In the action of the ministers it does not appear as if they have done themselves and their congregations justice. As we understand the practice, perhaps we may say the constitution, of the Presbyterian Church final authority is vested in the congregations. It seems quite foreign to the institutions of the church for the courts of the church to arrive at a conclusion and afterwards try to fit the congregations to the conclusion. We are aware that many determinations are arrived at and resolutions passed in the church courts that have not had the sanction of the congregations, but such does not accord with the historical practice of the church. In the case of the opposition to the running if the tramcars the proper way would probably have been to summon the congregations to meet and deliberate on the propriety of allowing the cars to run and then for the Presbytery to act according to the advices received so long as no tenet of the church would be violated by the action of the congregations, and, if so, such action would be null and void. At any rate, the action of the Presbytery would have had far greater force could its members declare that they had their congregation with them. As it is, the advice of the ministers, while listened to in respectful silence, will be quietly ignored. It would have been an easy matter for the ministers to have armed themselves before issuing their edict; although ecclesiastical edicts are not much reverenced by Presbyterians. The answer may be made that the members of Presbytery are quite sure of the support of their congregations. We are not so sure about that. While no congregation will openly antagonize their minister on the subject, still if convenient nine-tenths of the members of the congregations would take advantage of the cars to ride to and from church on stormy days. We say this owing to the fact that we can find no hostile feeling in the rank and file of Presbyterians against the cars being run on Sunday.

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 29 March 1907, page 1 —

(Paid advertisement)Notice to the Public: Owing to the fact that another case has been brought by the Lord's Day Alliance against one of the men employed by this Company, under the Act forbidding the performance of servile labour on the Lord's Day, and decided against him, after the original test case had been decided in favour of our employees, both before Stipendary Magistrate and also the County Judge, before whom it was taken on appeal, we have decided to discontinue the operation of any cars on the Sabbath day until we are convinced that the people of the Municipality through which we operate desire to have them run. The Company has been running its Sunday cars at a loss ever since it began operating, and this coupled with the cost of defending actions against our men, involved too great a loss for the Company to stand. We have therefore decided on the above to avoid further prosecution. We regret, for the sake of our Sunday patrons, that we are obliged to take this step.

Egerton Tramway Company Limited
Charles A. Flaherty, Manager

[This notice ran in each issue beginning Friday 29 March until Tuesday 9 April, 1907.]

The Eastern Chronicle Tuesday, 19 March 1907, page 1 —

The Lord's Day Alliance is entering an action against the tramway company for operating on Sunday. What folly! The strength of a law is in the public sentiment behind it. Neither in Trenton, New Glasgow, Stellarton or Westville is there any general sentiment against the operation of the cars on Sunday. In fact the feeling is all the other way; and as far as we can judge the cars are now considered a Sunday necessity, as they take many people to church, to visit friends, and for other purposes that only is possible for hard working people to perform on Sundays.

The Eastern Chronicle Tuesday, 26 March 1907, page 1 —

One of the Tram Car employees named Frame, motorman, was up before Magistrate McDougall in Pictou last Friday for working the cars on Sunday. The decision has not been given so far as reported. All we need remark about the prosecution now is that "Satan finds some mischief still, for idle hands to do," and that the prosecution was taken under the old Nova Scotia Servile Labour statute. Mr. R.H. Graham, for the prosecution, H.V. Jennison for the defendant.

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 29 March 1907, page 1 —

[Editorial comment:]   It won't be counted a sin if you go over to a livery stable and pay $1.50 for a team to go to Westville on Sunday, but it is a sin if you pay ten cents to the tramcars to take you there [from New Glasgow]. You must pay the difference, and the Lord's Day Alliance will classify the sins.

We call attention to the notice [on page 1] of this issue, of the Tramcar Company that there will be no car service on Sunday. We have no doubt that the managers have decided wisely. We admit that it is "servile labour" within the meaning of the act to run cars on Sunday. The Sunday cars were to a number of people a public necessity, and if they want them they must stand between the company and the Lord's Day Alliance.

If it is a sin to run cars on Sunday in New Glasgow it is also a sin to run them in Halifax, yet in Halifax they will not be molested. If it is a sin to run Sunday cars it is also a sin to run Sunday ferries, but the ferry between Dartmouth and Halifax will not be interfered with. If it is a sin for motormen to run the cars on Sunday it is also a sin for men to work at the steel works on Sunday and it is servile labour and a sin to hire teams to work at the Electric Light station [generating plant]. What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

However, if the people to whom the cars on Sunday are a useful necessity do not bring pressure to bear on their representatives in the Legislature Mr. Flaherty has no choice but to hang them up. This prosecution is taken under the Nova Scotia Act, so that Messrs. Tanner, McGregor, and Baillie are the parties to go to for relief. In winter it means hanging them up altogether for the modern Pharisees won't let the company clean the tracks on Sunday, consequently they cannot be kept clean [of snow]. Go to the representatives in the Legislature.

In 1907, the three MLAs for Pictou County were:
Charles Elliott Tanner (C) of Pictou,
Robert Malcolm McGregor (L) of New Glasgow, and
John McKay Baillie (C) of New Glasgow.

The Eastern Chronicle Tuesday, 2 April 1907, page 1 —

In comments in Friday's issue [March 29th] on the Notice that the tramcars will not run on Sunday is part of a sentence reading "it is servile labour and a sin to hire teams to work at the Electric Light Station," (of course, on Sunday). The word "teams" should have been "men." Even then the sentence is misleading, inasmuch as it is not counted a sin for the company to hire men, but a sin for men to hire. We stated the Lord's Day Alliance would "classify the sins." The explanation shows how they do it...

No tramcars on Sunday, for the Lord's Day Alliance stabled the poor man's horse. If the L.D.A. lived in Palestine in the time of the Saviour, depend upon they would have the Disciples fined for plucking the ears of corn on the Sabbath day ... It is lawful and no sin to work at an Electric Light Station to make light, as light is used in the churches and in rich men's homes, but it is illegal and a sin to work at the power station to generate electricity to drive the tramcar used by the poor man to carry his overworked wife to visit friends, to a place of worship or a little outing, after her close confinement to her home during the previous six days.

However, the old Irish saying which runs — The rich man can ride in their carriages, but the poor must walk, comes straight home to the latter here in this little group of towns. In Halifax the running of cars on Sunday, or the running of ferry boats, will not be interfered with; but in Pictou County the running of the cars is counted a profanation of the Lord's Day. Why the differentiation between the two places?

In this connection it is well to remind our people, who want the tramcars on Sunday, that the prosecution was not taken under the Lord's Day Act of the Dominion Parliament, but under an act of the provincial legislature. For that, relief must be sought from Messrs. Tanner, MacGregor, and Baillie. They will, in the efflux of time be after votes; then the man who cannot afford to maintain a carriage can get his "oar" in ...

Taken all in all, this new wave of ecclestial restriction that has over-run the Dominion makes a man dizzy keeping track of its ramifications. It is not conversion; it is the use of force to make people religious. Regarding the religious men at the back of it, their zeal reminds one of what Macaulay wrote of the religious zealots of the sixteenth century who prohibited bear fights not because they were painful to the bears but because they gave pleasure to the spectators.

The Eastern Chronicle Tuesday, 2 April 1907, page 1 —

We should have stated in the request for a vote (by mail-in ballot) on the Sunday car question that the names of the voters will not be published, only the result, or total number of those voting for and those voting against. As this question has suddenly become acute we should get the opinions of a great many people.

The Eastern Chronicle Tuesday, 2 April 1907, page 8 —

R. Frame and W. Thompson of the Tram Company's employ were fined one dollar each for running electric cars on Sabbath. This was the decision of the Court at Pictou last week.
Sunday was unusually quiet with the Tram cars not running.

The Eastern Chronicle Tuesday, 9 April 1907, page 1 —

Petitions for the tramcars to run on Sunday are being very largely signed.

The Eastern Chronicle Tuesday, 9 April 1907, page 2 —

From Quincy, Massachusetts To the Editor of The Eastern Chronicle, Dear Sir: There appeared in the issue of your paper of March 19th, 1907, the following with reference to the running of Sunday cars between the towns of Westville, Stellarton, New Glasgow and Trenton:

The Lord's Day Alliance is entering into an action against the tramway Company for operating on Sunday. What folly! The strength of a law is in the public sentiment behind it. Neither in Trenton, New Glasgow, Stellarton, or Westville is there any general sentiment against the operation of the cars on Sunday. In fact the feeling is all the other way; and as far as we can judge the cars are now a Sunday necessity, as they take many people to church, to visit friends, and for other purposes that only is possible for hard working people to perform on Sunday.

But I pick up today another issue of your paper dated March 29th, and I find a statement from Mr. Chas. A. Flaherty, Manager of the Egerton Tramway Company Limited, and it reads as follows:

We have decided to discontinue the opertaion of any cars on the Sabbath Day until we are convinced that the people of the municipality through which we operate desire to have them run. He further states: The Company has been running its Sunday cars at a loss ever since it began operating.

Now Mr. Editor, as these statements do not agree may I be permitted to ask: Which one are we to believe? Yours or the Manager's? One or the other is misleading. Both cannot be true. If one os true then the other is not true. There are quite a number of 'Bluenoses' in these parts and some of us are from the old historic County of Pictou, N.S. We are interested as to what our friends in the towns referred to and elsehwere are doing respecting matters affecting their social, moral and spiritual welfare, and especially their attitude with respect to the Sunday cars.

(signed) Bluenose

Editor's Comment: Both comments are true. There is no public sentiment against running the cars on Sunday; the fact of the prosecution shows that there is individual sentiment. No matter how strong public sentiment may be in favor of running the cars it is an instrument that is moved slowly. The law against servile labour is ... [here, some text is missing in my copy, I'll fill it in ASAP] ... into a compelling force, but such in this case is being done and we have little doubt but that in the end it will be placed beyond the power of narrow minded individuals to interfere with the operation of a useful public service. Mr. Flaherty has done quite right in determining not to resist a law notwithstanding its injustice and its medevial foolishness. The people want the cars and the law will be changed. The law was not operative while it was let alone. If all laws of a similar character were operated the world would be an awful place to live in. But, as it has been operated it should and will be changed.
Ed. E. C.

The Eastern Chronicle Tuesday, 9 April 1907, page 8 —

The Egerton Tram Company have begun excavations for the foundation of their new office, which will be a longer building than the one which was burnt a short while ago.

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 12 April 1907, page 3 —

(Letter to Editor) Dear Mr. Fraser, I have just received Tuesday's Chronicle and have pleasure in enclosing the Tram voting slip...

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 12 April 1907, page 8 —

One of our churches had to hire horses last Sunday to drive to Westville and New Glasgow. Where does the difference come in between that and the tram cars? What rot!

The Eastern Chronicle Tuesday, 16 April 1907, page 8 —

Pictou Presbytery Matters At the last meeting of this Church court held at Westville, April 12, ... "The Egerton Tramway Company having ceased operating their cars on Sunday, it was agreed to record the following resolution: That the Presbytery express its pleasure that the Egerton Tramway Company have ceased operating their cars on the Lord's day, as we believe this work is not only a violation of the Statute, but is in addition such a desecration of the Sabbath as to be inimical to the best interests of religion in this district."

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 19 April 1907, page 5 —

Do You Want to Walk or Ride?
Ballot Open to Any Person in
Stellarton, Westville, Trenton and New Glasgow
Who Can Read
Closes 30th April

If you care to express your opinion on the desirability of operating the Electric Street Car service on Sunday, kindly cut out the ballot below, write your name and address thereon. Mark your X in the space opposite FOR, or AGAINST, and forward to the office of The Eastern Chronicle, New Glasgow.
            Name _____________
            FOR Sunday Car Service [ ]
            AGAINST Sunday Car Service [ ]

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 3 May 1907, page 5 —

Chapter 56 Be it enacted, etc. etc. 1. Subsection 44 of Section 263 of the Towns Incorporation Act is amended by adding thereto the following words:— "and regulating the running of Street Cars on Sunday." This means as far as the Legislature has power that the town through which a street car service is maintained, can regulate the Sunday service. It will be necessary to pass a by-law enumerating the regulations thought necessary. It would probably be a good thing if the Mayors of Westville, Stellarton, and New Glasgow got together and agreed on a schedule satisfactory to all, providing, of course, if the Councils give the necessary permission to run the cars on Sunday.

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 3 May 1907, page 8 —

Some of our Stellarton Town Council have decided against the Sunday cars. I don't know whether it was because of their religious scruples or to please a few fanatics which every town contains. Supposing next winter a big snow storm comes on say Saturday night and Mr. Flaherty cannot run his cars on Sunday to keep the road open. It simply means that we will have no cars on week days. However, I understand there is to be another meeting Saturday night.

The Eastern Chronicle Tuesday, 30 July 1907, page 8 —

Robert Purvis, motorman for the Egerton Tram Company, appeared before S.G. Robertson to answer to the charge of doing servile labor on the Lord's Day. Justice Robertson gave his decision in a fine of $4.00 and costs.

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 16 August 1907, page 1 —

On two occasions this week truckmen got foul of the tram cars on the streets and slight damage was done to both trucks and cars. There does not seem to be much need of this as the motormen are most careful about town and street crossings, keeping their gongs ringing and moving very slowly.

The "trucks" were horse-drawn freight wagons.

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 16 August 1907, page 1 —

Tram Company's Beautiful Resort
Bear Brook Park
Stellarton Orchestra, and Moving Pictures

The Masonic "At Home" at Bear Brook Park on Monday evening (12 August 1907) was a splendid success. Despite threatening weather a large crowd responded to the invitations and went the round of amusements provided. A short concert was given in the Rustic Theatre, composed of solos excellently sung by Messrs. A. Delgarno and D. Webb. Fraser, a comic song by Mr. Harry Murray, who as a humorist is a happy hit, a pleasing banjo solo by Mr. Clarence Grant, with two selections from the Stellarton Orchestra made an interesting half hour. The concert was followed by an exhibition of moving pictures which was splendid. Mr. Smith of the Itzit taking his cinematograph to the Park for the occasion. The orchestra also supplied music for the dancing pavilion where the young folks enjoyed themselves, while the merry-go-round attracted those who did not dance even some of the elders joining in the fun, as instanced by a dead heat ridden on the wooden nags by a prominent gents furnishings merchant and a well known horseman, both well out of their teens, and they only finished a length in front of a respected undertaker. It was the first introduction of many to the tram company's beautiful resort and it gave them added pleasure to see it under such hospitable auspices. The chaperons of the "at home" were Mrs. James A. Fraser, Mrs. George A. Douglas, Mrs. J. Fisher Grant, and Mrs. James S. Fraser. The hope of all present was that the brethren of Albion Lodge would book this form of outing as an annual affair.

The Eastern Chronicle Friday, 3 September 1907, page 1 —

Make no engagement for Friday, September 6th, between the hours of three and ten, and plan to go to Bear Brook Park, where the Ladies' Auxiliary of Aberdeen Hospital will treat you royally. Admission only 10¢.

Pictou County Electric
Company Limited

By chapter 143 of the 1909 Acts of the Nova Scotia Legislature, the name of the Egerton Tramway Company was changed to The Pictou County Electric Company Limited. Thereafter The Pictou County Electric Company carried on the business of supplying electric power, as a public utility, in addition to operating the electric streetcar system. On 7 May 1924, The Pictou County Electric Company was acquired by the Pictou County Power Board.

Pictou County Power Board

The Pictou County Power Board was incorporated under chapter 165 of the 1920 Acts of the Legislature. On 7 May 1924, the Pictou County Power Board "acquired" the Pictou County Electric Company Limited. The PUB reported, in 1934, that the PCPB distributed and sold electric power in the Towns of New Glasgow, Trenton, Stellarton, and Westville, and "certain rural districts" of the County of Pictou, also sold wholesale to the Town of Pictou and the Truro Electric Commission. In 1934, the PCPB got its electrical power from the Nova Scotia Power Commission's hydroelectric plant at Sheet Harbour, and from the Acadia Coal Company's steam plant at Stellarton.

Pictou County Power Board's service area

In 1962, the Pictou County Power Board supplied electric power to areas within Pictou County, under several different Rate Schedules.

Rate Schedule A applied to customers in the Towns of New Glasgow, Stellarton, Westville, and Trenton, and the Villages of Thorburn, Eureka, and Hopewell, and this portion of the Board's distribution system was known as the Towns System.

Rate Schedule C applied to customers taking service on Short Line Extensions up to Three Miles five kilometres in length which were connected to the Towns Distribution System, and to customers taking service in Sparsely Settled Rural Districts.

The distribution systems supplying customers under Schedules D and E were known as the Rural Systems.

Rate Schedule D applied to customers taking service in the Districts of Beeches Road, Bay View, Three Brooks, Abercrombie, Lyons Brook, Scotsburn, Pictou Landing, Alma, Green Hill, Salem, and McPherson's Mills.

Rate Schedule E applied to customers taking service in the Districts of Springville, Bridgeville, Sunny Brae, Durham, Saltsprings, Little Harbour, Loch Broom, Toney River, Waterside, Caribou Island, West Branch, East Earltown, Cape John, Blue Mountain, Union Centre, Rocklin, Gairloch, Lansdowne, Elgin, Lorne, Marshdale, Glengary, Churchville, Pleasant Valley, Sylvester, Roger's Hill, Scotch Hill, and Granton.

This complex system of rates was simplified on January 1st, 1963, by cancelling all of the old rates and introducing two new rate schedules, one applicable to the so-called Urban area, and the other applicable to all Rural areas. The territory served by the Board remained unchanged.

In December 1962, the Pictou County Power Board's management included Mr. A.T. Logan, Chairman of the PCPB; Mr. G.R. Saunders, Manager of the PCPB; Mr. H.D. MacLean, Warden of the Municipality of the County of Pictou and a member of the board of directors of the PCPB; Mr. T.G. Buck, Municipal Councillor and a member of the board of directors of the PCPB; Messrs. R.C. Fraser, E.L. MacNeil and Ralph Sweet, respectively the Assistant Secretary, Engineer and Chief Clerk of the PCPB; all of whom were present at the public hearing held by the Public Utilities Board in New Glasgow on December 4th, 1962, on the matter of the proposed changes in the PCPB's rates.

Source: 1962 Annual Report of the Public Utilities Board, page 484


The Enterprise was a newspaper published in New Glasgow. In 1888-1890 it came out once a week, on Saturday.

The Eastern Chronicle was a newspaper published in New Glasgow. In 1904-1907 it came out twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays. "2 cents a copy, $1.00 a year when paid before January 31st of each year."

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