Chapter 372
Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1989

An Act Respecting Public Inquiries

Short Title

1. This Act may be cited as the Public Inquiries Act.


2. The Governor in Council may whenever he deems it expedient cause inquiry to be made into and concerning any public matter in relation to which the Legislature may make laws.
Revised Statutes chapter 250 section 1


3. In case such inquiry is not regulated by any special law, the Governor in Council may appoint a person or persons as a commissioner or commissioners to inquire into and concerning such matter.
Revised Statutes chapter 250 section 2

Witnesses and Evidence

4. The commissioner or commissioners shall have the power of summoning before him or them any persons as witnesses and of requiring them to give evidence on oath orally or in writing, or on solemn affirmation if they are entitled to affirm in civil matters, and to produce such documents and things as the commissioner or commissioners deem requisite to the full investigation of the matters into which he or they are appointed to inquire.
Revised Statutes chapter 250 section 3

Powers, Privileges, Immunities

5. The commissioner or commissioners shall have the same power to enforce the attendance of persons as witnesses and to compel them to give evidence and produce documents and things as is vested in the Supreme Court or a judge thereof in civil cases, and the same privileges and immunities as a judge of the Supreme Court.
Revised Statutes chapter 250 section 4

Council of Maritime Premiers

6 (1) The Governor in Council may vest in any board, commission, tribunal, or other body or person established or appointed by, under, or in relation to the Council of Maritime Premiers, for the purpose of studying, investigating, or hearing and determining any matter of common concern among the Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island, all of the powers and privileges that a commissioner under this Act has.


6 (2) The powers and privileges vested pursuant to subsection (1) may be exercised by the board, commission, tribunal, or other body or person in relation to persons, organizations, and documents resident or situated within the Province of Nova Scotia wherever the study, investigation, or hearing is conducted or held within the region comprised of the Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island.
1973 chapter 53 section 1


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