Silliker Car Company Limited
Nova Scotia Car Works Limited

Halifax, Nova Scotia

General Overview

The Silliker Car Company Limited was incorporated on 4 April 1907 under the provisions of the Nova Scotia Companies Act.

Chapter 70 of the 1907 Acts of the Nova Scotia Legislature [7 Edward VII c. 70] was entitled "An Act to authorize the City of Halifax to assist the Silliker Car Company, Limited". Section 4 of this Act read as follows: "The exemption from taxation of the property of the said company set out in the said Memorandum of Agreement is hereby confirmed."

The Memorandum of Agreement, between the Silliker Car Company and the City of Halifax, was printed as a schedule (appendix) to the Act, as follows:

The City will grant to the Company a total exemption from taxation for ten years on its buildings, plant and stock, and on the land on which its buildings used for manufacturing purposes are situated, or immediately connected with the same, and used exclusively for the purposes of its business, such lands to be practically in one block, but may be divided by a street, and not to exceed twenty acres [8.1 hectares] in all. In addition to these lands the company may hold, for the purposes of its business, and upon the same terms, a lot of land on the water front north of the Intercolonial Round House, Richmond, and not exceeding five acres [2.0 hectares], provided no tolls or wharfage are charged in connection therewith. At the expiry of the ten years the city agrees that the total value of yearly assessment on such lands, buildings, plant and stock shall, for a further period of ten years, not exceed fifty thousand ($50,000) dollars, the foregoing exemption not to apply to the ordinary water rate for fire protection, nor the rate for water used by the company, which shall be charged at the minimum rate charged other manufacturing concerns.

The Nova Scotia Car Works Limited was incorporated in February 1911 under the provisions of the Nova Scotia Companies Act, with the object, among others, of acquiring and undertaking the whole or any part of the business, good will, property, franchises, rights, privileges, assets and liabilities of the Silliker Car Company.

Nova Scotia Car Works purchased the land and assets, etc., of the Silliker Car Company, taking title on 25 April 1911.

The Nova Scotia Legislature passed an Act, chapter 41 of 1911, dealing with tax exemptions granted to the Silliker Car Company and Nova Scotia Car Works.

The land formerly owned by the Silliker Car Company and later by the Nova Scotia Car Works and used exclusively for manufacturing purposes was, in 1913, in one block of less than twenty acres in extent, and was situated in the north-east suburbs of the City of Halifax, bounded generally on the south by North Street, on the west by Windsor Street, on the north by Almon Street, and on the east in part by Clifton Street and in part by the rear line of lots fronting on Clifton Street. This land was acquired by and conveyed to the Silliker Car Company on 9 May 1907.
Source:— Excerpted from the decision dated 18 February 1913, of the Supreme Court of Canada, on appeal from the Nova Scotia Supreme Court, in the case of Nova Scotia Car Works versus City of Halifax, as reported on pages 282-299 of the Eastern Law Reporter, volume XII number 4, 5 May 1913, published by the Carswell Company, Toronto.

The directors of the company in 1910 were: Clarence J. Silliker and Elmore E. Silliker (real estate and lumber dealers in Amherst, Nova Scotia) with W.J. Clayton, A.M. Bell, R.C. McMann, and G.A. Fowler.

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Silliker Car Company Limited
Nova Scotia Car Works Limited

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