North Mountain Railway
Company Limited

Kings County, Nova Scotia

General Overview
(In preparation)

Nova Scotia: Map of the Cornwallis Valley Railway and the North Mountain Railway, 1915-1950
Map showing the North Mountain Railway,
the Cornwallis Valley Railway, and the Dominion Atlantic Railway
Kings County, Nova Scotia

North Mountain Railway Company Limited
NSL 1902 chapter 130 — Act to incorporate the North Mountain Railway Co. Ltd.
NSL 1904 chapter 137 — Amendment
NSL 1906 chapter 163 — Amendment
NSL 1908 chapter 132 — Act respecting Kings Municipality and the North Mountain Railway Co. Ltd.
NSL 1908 chapter 133 — Amendment

North Mountain Railway Company Limited
February 1910

Municipality of Kings County
Special Session

The Council will meet in the Court House, at
Kentville, on Wednesday, 16th February, instant [1910], at
2 o'clock, p.m., to deal with the North Mountain
Railway Co., Limited, —location and right of way, dis-
tance, damages to be assessed, and all other matters
whatever in connection with said Railway or Railway
Company who may construct the same...
By Order
L. DeV. Chipman
County Clerk
Kentville, 1st Feb. 1910

Nova Scotia: North Mountain Railway, February 1910
Source: Official Minute Book of the Municipality of Kings County, 1890-1913
clipping glued to page 588, February 1910
"Damages" refers to the money paid to land owners, whose property was crossed by the railway right-of-way, to compensate them for the resulting reduction in value of their property. The general practice in Nova Scotia (and elsewhere) was for a new railway to negotiate an arrangement with the local governments (rural municipalities and towns) along the line, that required the local authorities to pay the local property owners for the railway's right-of-way. This was considered to be an appropriate way for the local governments to contribute to the cost of the railway, which would be of considerable benefit to them.

Nova Scotia: North Mountain Railway, Crossings at Public Roads, April 1912
Blueprint: North Mountain Railway
Sections of Crossings at Public Roads
Horizontal: 40' = 1" (forty feet equal to one inch)
Vertical: 20' = 1" (twenty feet equal to one inch)

Nova Scotia: North Mountain Railway, Crossings at Public Roads, April 1912
Blueprint showing the North Mountain Railway
Crossings at Public Roads, 23 April 1912
Source: Official Minute Book of the Municipality of Kings County, 1890-1913
pages 661-662, April 1912

Nova Scotia: North Mountain Railway, Crossings at Public Roads, April 1912, General Manager's stamp
North Mountain Railway, Crossings at Public Roads, 23 April 1912
Detail: General Manager's stamp, upper left
Signature: P. Gifkins (General Manager May 1900 to November 1915)
Gifkins worked for the D.A.R. and its predecessor railways from 1871 to 1915

Nova Scotia: North Mountain Railway, Crossings at Public Roads, April 1912, Resident Engineer's stamp
North Mountain Railway, Crossings at Public Roads, 23 April 1912
Detail: Resident Engineer's stamp, upper right

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