Third World Level of Justice

Letter to the Editor, Halifax Chronicle-Herald
1 July 1995

Dear Editor:

About two years ago, I attended a press conference in Plymouth, Pictou County, where I overheard a portion of a conversation between a group of reporters. A comment made by one of the reporters has never left me. He said he had covered news events all over the world throughout his career and it never fails to amaze him, when he returns to Nova Scotia, the Third World level of justice he sees here.

That was two years ago. On Friday, June 9, on Prime Time News, Lyndon MacIntyre, an investigative reporter for The 5th Estate, described the Nova Scotia justice system as primitive, at best.

Mr. Savage, is it not time you showed some leadership and took appropriate steps to rectify this already damaging situation?

The court's decision to stay proceedings of the Westray trial has proven these comments to be embarrassingly accurate.

A promise to act on this grave matter will not do. Action is required here – not political manoeuvring. Justice should not have to be begged for!

Allen J. Martin
Westray family member

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Third World Level of Justice

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