RGD - Designthinkers
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Designthinkers 2000
Designthinkers 2001
Designthiners 2002
Interactive Thinkers
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Organized by the Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario (RGD Ontario), the first-ever Designthinkers conference was held at the University of Toronto on Friday, October 13, 2000. It consisted of one day of five presenters from a range of disciplines who addressed over 350 delegates. Since then, Designthinkers has developed into a two day event with over 450 in attendance. Our speakers have included Dana Arnett of VSA Partners, Prof. Dan Boyarski of Carnegie-Mellon University, Bill Cahan of Cahan & Associates, and web designer Hillman Curtis. We have held three successful conferences so far:

Designthinkers 2000
(October 13, 2000, University of Toronto)

Designthinkers 2001
(October 19, 2001, Ontario Science Centre)

Designthinkers 2002
(October 23-24, 2002, St. Lawrence Centre for
the Arts and the Design Exchange)


Our fourth annual conference promises to be our largest, most far-ranging and thought-provoking to date. At Designthinkers 2003, designers, advertisers and marketers are invited to attend to reflect on the nature of innovation and the qualities required to produce it.



© Copyright 2003 The Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario

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This collection was produced with financial assistance from Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada.


RGD Ontario


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Designthinkers 2003