Emily Carr Interactive Javascript Game

The following interactive game was designed for kids, and to work on Netscape Navigator 4.0 or better. It is designed to manipulate layers using javascript.


Objective: Match each one of Emily's pets to the right question.
How it works: Hold down the mouse button on an animal at the top of the screen and drag it to the red box to answer the right question.

Go to the game!

Emily Carr at Home and at Work
Gallery Tour Family Writing Current Issues Team

Emily Carr: At Home and At Work - a compendium of the life & work of Emily Carr, Canadian artist and author.Questions or comments: Jennifer Iredale, Curator - Jennifer.Iredale@gems4.gov.bc.ca

Produced under contract to Industry Canada
Last updated: 31 July 1998
Produced by: Schoolnet Digital Collections Team
Content provided by: BC Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia