The Emily Carr At Home and At Work web site has developed over a three-year period. Here are the people responsible for creating this wonderful tribute to Emily Carr:
Jennifer has been in the historic site business a long time - since 1974! She has a BA in History and Museum Studies from U. B. C. and a Masters of Science in Historic Preservation from Columbia University, N.Y.C. She was curator at Barkerville before becoming curator of the South-West Okanagan Region historic sites, including Carr House, Point Ellice House, Haig-Brown House, Craigflower Schoolhouse, Helmcken House, Kilby, Yale, and Keremeos. Besides playing with old buildings and old stuff, Jen likes to play with her kids.
Her e-mail address is:
One graphic designer extraordinaire -- Suzanne was part of the first team in 1996 that built this web site from the ground up, since then she has worked on numerous web projects and has established a multi-media company called: Industrial Art Internet Group. Industrial Art Internet Group was responsible for the phase III additions for the web site, a hard copy Emily Carr Teacher's Guide for grades K to 7, and the Emily Carr CD-ROM. Suzanne has found a great deal of inspiration working on the Emily Carr project and would like to thank Graham Nott for being a superb project manager.
Please visit additional CDC web sites that Suzanne has helped create:
- To the Totem Forests; Emily Carr and Contemporaries Interpret Coastal Villages
- The BC Archives Time Machine
- The Cariboo Gold Rush
- The Gold Rush Town of Yale
- Point Ellice Collection of Household Victoriana
- Artifacts BC
Contractor 1998, Team 1998, Graphic Design, Management, Scanning, Career Section, Teacher's Guide, Research, HTML coding and debugging, RBCM Docent
Carollyne is a partner of Industrial Art Internet Group. She has a B.A. with a double major in Psychology and
History in Art from the University of Victoria. Her areas of study
focused on Consumer and Marketing Psychology and Northwest Coast Indigenous Arts. Carollyne photographed the artifacts for the collections database and created, designed and produced the Teacher's Corner section on the Craigflower Schoolhouse and Farm site. Carollyne worked on the B.C. Archives Time Machine project,and Haig-Brown House.
Carollyne was the writer, designer and producer for the Manufacturers
Biographies on Point Ellice Collection of Household Victoriana. She also
created the Fun
and Games section for kids in the
Victoriana for Children and added information to the database. Carollyne produced a Teacher's Guide and CD ROM for the Emily Carr At Home and At Work website. Carollyne was the Project Manager for "The Cariboo Gold Rush" web site. Carollyne loves the museum and antiques.
She hopes to be able to vacuum the Woolly Mammoth in the RBCM one
day! Graham is also a partner of Industrial Art Internet Group Ltd.He has a BSc in Biology from the University of Victoria, focusing on genetics and physiology.
He was part of the original Emily Carr At Home and At Work team in 1996, and in 1998 had the privilege of being project manger of Phase III. This year he personally added hundreds of digitized images to the gallery section, created the French house tour pages and created a new look for the table of contents page. His past projects include Artifacts B.C., Point Ellice House Collection of Household Victoriana, Dr. Helmcken - Pioneer Doctor and Legislator, and Teaching, Learning and Farming at Craigflower Farm.
Travelling is his absolute favourite pastime, and this photograph is him standing on the top floor of the Eiffel Tower.
Graham's e-mail address is, or visit him at his own website.
Phase II: Articles, Architectural drawings, Title bars (except for tour section), Scanning, HTML colding, General site unification.
Joni has been involved in several Schoolnet Projects, having gotten her start on the original Emily Carr website. She has worked for the National Library on the Carr Phase II, as well as the 1951 Royal Commission on National Development in the Arts, Letters and Sciences (a.k.a. The Massey Report). She is currently managing the Phase II of the Pacific Coast Salmon Fisheries website, which includes a daily website tracking the progress of the Coho producing Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek restoration in Campbell River, B.C.. Joni is a visual artist with a Diploma in Visual Art from Camosun College, Victoria, and a BA in Pacific and Asian Studies from the University of Victoria. She works primarily in the 3D media, as well as performance art and video.
Joni's e-mail address is: or you can check out her website.
Photography, storyboards, Layout & Design, Graphics, HTML and Button Bar Illustrations.
Sabina is a Graphic Designer and illustrator. She graduated with Honours in Graphic Design and Visual Arts from Camosun College. A multifaceted artist, Sabina photographed and produced the Garden Tour and the illustrations on the navigation bar for this website. She was part of the original design team in 1996 to contribute in the initial creation of Emily Carr At Home and At Work.
Recently Sabina has extensively been involved in designing and creating graphics, photography and the HTML formats for the following websites:
Helmcken House -
Virtual Tour.
Sabina photographed, created and designed the section bar graphics and icons for Teaching, Learning and Farming at Craigflower Farm, and the HTML format for the following sections: Manor Life, Farm Life and Schooldays..
Sabina also produced graphic design, HTML scripting and original caricature Illustrations for the Virtual Tour and Gallery Sections for the 100th year Anniversary of the British Columbia Parliament Buildings website. Currently Sabina is producing the SchoolNet website titled "Measured Drawings" An Architectural Heritage of British Columbia. Apart from computer graphics, other outlets for her creativity are photography, animation, painting, drawing, and printmaking.
Woo the Monkey was an inspiration to us all, we could not have done it with out him!
Troy has a BA in Art History and a Diploma in Cultural Resource Management from the University of Victoria. He also has experience in Graphic Design and computer instruction (specializing, of course, in html). His main interest is in museums and the internet, and spends most of his life in either one of them.
Graham Nott
Phase III Project Manager - 1998
Scanning, Graphics, Layout, Tour map, Research, HTML and support.
Joni McManus -Team 1996 -Project Manager Phase II 1997
Phase I: Scanning, Graphic design, Layout, Research, HTML and debugging; Gallery and Writing sections.
Sabina Proulx -Team 1996
Sabina's homepage is:
Or you can contact her at: or
Woo the Monkey
Project Mascot - 1998
Troy Whitbread
Team Leader - Summer 1996
Troy's e-mail address is:
Endangered Species in Endangered Spaces
Point Ellice Collection of Household Victoriana
Emily Carr: at Home and at Work
Barbara Thompson -1996
Assistant to Curator
Barbara's administrative background was just one of the many components necessary for the support of the Digital Collections Team. As Curator's assistant, Barbara's days were filled with research, proofreading, general administration and moral support to the "Team". She enjoyed using her creativity to occasionally assist the team with html -a new skill.
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Gallery | Tour | Family | Writing | Issues | Team |