bjective is to develop cultural awareness and understand timelines.
Begin with a review of Emily Carr and her artwork. Read students excerpts from Growing Pains, an autobiography by Emily Carr. Lawren Harris from the Group of Seven said, Emily must stop doing art of art, referring to her paintings of First Nations totems. Ask students the following questions:
Read the students excerpts from Hundreds and Thousands. Hundreds and Thousands is a journal that spans her life from November 1927 to March 7, 1941. So much is happening so quickly that it is not easy to sort out all the events. A timelineis an excellent way to record the most important events in chronological order; that is the order in which they occurred. A timeline can give you a clear overview picture of what happened at a glance. Have the students follow the instructions of Developing a Timeline. Ask the students the following questions:
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