Emily Carr at Home and at Work


This guide will:

  • Provide a local and national history program
  • Teach about the life and work of Canadian historical figure Emily Carr
  • Focus students’ understanding of art/artifacts and of a museum/gallery or historic site
  • Provide projects and strategies to help bring the Internet into the classroom
  • Promote the use of the Internet and CD ROM to facilitate growth learning patterns
  • Provide familiarity with the Internet’s many resources
  • Promote skills in which everyone is encouraged to share knowledge, and new discoveries
  • Prompt students and teachers to compare information from an actual field trip to a museum/gallery and a virtual tour of the Emily Carr At Home and At Work web site.
  • Encourage artistic interpretation of art and artifacts.
  • Encourage field trips to museum/gallery or historic site
  • Allow for the development of individual potential, social responsibility, and cultural awareness
  • Help explain the ways people preserve and transmit culture
  • Teach an understanding of Canadian culture

Students will use their imagination to perceive the world and respond to images of Emily Carr. Students will look at the ways in which images reflect the personal, social, cultural, and historical contexts in which the images were created. Information technology tools surround children at home and at school. They need to know how to use these technologies so they can communicate more efficiently with others.

Students will:

  • Follow lesson plans that are found in the appropriate grade level sections
  • Use various forms of technology to research Emily Carr’s art and writing
  • Have the opportunity to visit the Emily Carr House, museum/gallery or web site and CD ROM for a field trip and guided tour
  • Develop an understanding of how technology can be used as an information resource
  • Work together and individually to identify and compare information from primary and secondary sources (e.g., historic sites, videos, museums, galleries, libraries, Internet, CD ROM) dealing with art and artifacts from two or more different recommended learning resources.
Respond to the following questions:
  • Who is Emily Carr?
  • When was Emily Carr born and where?
  • What did Emily Carr create and produce?
  • Why is Emily Carr important to British Columbia?
  • Where and how to find information about Emily Carr.
  • Why is Emily Carr important to Canada?

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Gallery Tour Family Writing Current Issues Team

Emily Carr: At Home and At Work - a compendium of the life & work of Emily Carr, Canadian artist and author.Questions or comments: Jennifer Iredale, Curator - Jennifer.Iredale@gems4.gov.bc.ca

Produced under contract to Industry Canada
Last updated: 31 July 1998
Produced by: Schoolnet Digital Collections Team
Content provided by: BC Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia