Emily Carr at Home and at Work

Emily Carr

lesson plans

Objective is to introduce Emily Carr's artwork.

Lesson #2 Introduction to Emily Carr The Artist

Time: 25 minutes each activity.

Logistics: Classroom discussion and art project.

Supplies: Recommended Learning Resources (p.39-42), The Picture Gallery (p.43-57), books or posters of Emily Carr’s artwork, paint, crayons, paper, paint brushes, and other art supplies.


Number 1

Display a selection of art from Emily Carr. Use The Picture Gallery to find images of Emily Carr and her artwork. Invite them to draw conclusions of what they see, focusing on comparisons between brush strokes, movement, mood, and colour.

Ask the students to answer the following questions:

  • Ask the class if they know what makes a person an artist?
  • What colours do you see in Emily’s paintings?
  • What shapes do you see in her paintings?
  • Do you see triangles, squares, or circles in Emily’s artwork?
  • What time of the day does this painting portray?
  • What kind of images does Emily like to paint?
  • Does Emily like to paint forests, trees, totems? What else?
Number 2

In this colour mix activity, teacher should mix and use paints in front of class first, asking students, Is this a colour that Emily Carr would use?

  • Ask the students to identify colours they see in Emily Carr’s paintings. Would Emily have used dark green, blue, purple, etc.
  • Ask the students to use those colours in their own painting. Emily Carr painted things that were important to her.
  • Ask the students to paint or draw something that is meaningful and important to them using the colours from Carr’s paintings.

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Emily Carr: At Home and At Work - a compendium of the life & work of Emily Carr, Canadian artist and author.Questions or comments: Jennifer Iredale, Curator - Jennifer.Iredale@gems4.gov.bc.ca

Produced under contract to Industry Canada
Last updated: 31 July 1998
Produced by: Schoolnet Digital Collections Team
Content provided by: BC Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia