Q.What is it that we do?

A.We make web sites of the heritage sites in the province of British Columbia.

There are many different career choices that are available in our world today. The computer technology industry allows our community to combine several different interests and career goals to complete a product.

There are several different career and employment opportunities the Internet and the world of multimedia has to offer.

Whether you have an interest in art, graphic design, artifacts, education, history, computers, photography, or research, the computer technology industry provides an avenue for employment.

Here, we will discuss some of the skills that were used to make this website, and some of the steps that were used to create the web pages that appear on your computer screen.

Many different people have participated in making and expanding the Emily Carr website. The tasks provided to make the Emily Carr website included scanning, graphics design, HTML programming, educational programs, photography, research, writing, and an interest in history.

A web site needs two major items for content: images and text.

Once all the images and text are created, it is time to format the pages, called web pages.