Carr House Architectural Drawings title

This section contains selected drawings, from blackprints, measured and as-found drawings. The section has been divided into traditional categories for as-found drawings. Because of the age of the drawings, as well as some damage, several of the drawings are difficult to read. Some drawings have been adjusted in an attempt to make them more readable.
The drawing below is of the western (front) elevation of Carr House, drawn by Peter Cotton, the original restoration architect, made in 1967.
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Carr House Drawing--Peter Cotton 1967
Peter Cotton's study of the western (front) elevation of Carr House, 1967.

Site Plans. Floor Plans.
Elevations. Details.

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Emily Carr at Home and at Work

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Last updated: 31 July 1997
Produced under contract to:Industry Canada
Produced by: Schoolnet Digital Collections Team
Content provided by: BC Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia